-Caveat Lector-

So true.

Greens are like watermelons -- green on the outside
and red on the inside.

--- "M. A. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> ~~for educational purposes only~~
> [Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
> Global Warming: Socialism’s Trojan Horse
> by Eric Englund
> On February 14, 2002, President Bush provided
> details for
> his plan to combat global warming. The cornerstone
> of his
> plan is to promote voluntary reductions in
> greenhouse gas
> emissions. Naturally, environmentalists were
> outraged that
> President Bush refused to adhere to the Kyoto
> Treaty. It
> is President Bush’s contention that the Kyoto
> protocol would
> cost nearly 5,000,000 jobs in the U.S. alone. Of
> course,
> environmentalists claimed that there is a bigger
> picture
> here. All people, especially those living in
> industrialized
> countries such as the U.S., must sacrifice in order
> to win
> the universal struggle against global warming. As we
> have
> seen over the past three decades, environmentalists
> have
> succeeded in eroding property rights in the United
> States in
> order to protect Mother Earth as they see fit (i.e.
> through
> the Clean Water Act, through the Endangered Species
> Act,
> through ridiculous wetlands legislation, through air
> quality
> laws, etc). Whether or not President Bush
> understands this,
> the real struggle is between liberty and
> totalitarianism.
> For if environmentalists succeed in gradually taking
> away
> our private property rights, then a free market and
> liberty
> cannot exist. Thus, it is my contention that the
> struggle
> against environmentalism is actually a struggle for
> liberty
> (using the classical liberal definition).
> Undoubtedly, environmentalists will take exception
> to being
> called illiberal socialists (but I repeat myself).
> Perhaps
> there are those of you who are alarmed about global
> warming
> and sympathize with the environmental/green
> movement. My
> response is for you to be careful with whom you
> associate;
> which leads me to provide the following quote from
> Dr. George
> Reisman’s magnum opus Capitalism:
>   ... it should not be surprising to see hordes of
> former
>   Reds, or of those who otherwise would have become
> Reds,
>   turning from Marxism and becoming the Greens of
> the
>   ecology movement. It is the same fundamental
> philosophy
>   in a different guise, ready as ever to wage war on
> the
>   freedom and well-being of the individual.
> So who are these former Reds who have converted to
> Green
> Socialism? One excellent example is Mikhail
> Gorbachev. Mr.
> Gorbachev is now the president of Green Cross
> International
> (a non-governmental environmental organization).
> Among the
> many issues with which Green Cross International has
> become
> involved, global warming is right at the top of its
> list.
> Gosh, when Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan, and
> Margaret
> Thatcher became so chummy in the mid-1980s, I never
> once
> heard the Soviet dictator express concern about the
> environment.
> Clearly, Mr. Gorbachev has identified
> environmentalism as a
> Trojan horse capable of resurrecting socialism on a
> global
> scale.
> How can I say that about Mikhail Gorbachev? Didn’t
> he bring
> glasnost (freedom of speech) and perestroika
> (economic and
> political reforms) to the Soviet Union? Indeed he
> did. Yet,
> these were means to his end of trying to save Soviet
> Communism
> and, therefore, to save his absolute and unspeakable
> power
> (that brought human misery to millions).
> Perhaps I am being too harsh on Mr. Gorbachev? To
> this I
> simply respond, read Requiem for Marx (edited by
> Yuri N.
> Maltsev). Dr. Maltsev was a reformist member of the
> Institute
> of Economics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences until
> he defected
> in 1989 (he now is an Associate Professor of
> economics at
> Carthage College and is a senior fellow of the
> Ludwig von Mises
> Institute). In writing the introduction to this
> excellent book,
> Dr. Maltsev states: "Gorbachev never learned
> economics in school.
> In all my dealings with him I had never seen even a
> slight flash
> of economic insight, or even the desire to learn
> more about
> economics. He preferred to think like a communist:
> everything
> can be done by issuing orders and demanding
> obedience, no matter
> how perverse, contrary to human nature, and brutal
> they may be."
> This certainly isn’t the image painted by the United
> States’
> adoring press corps. Gorbachev seems to be so nice.
> To this I respond with another excerpt (regarding
> the "nice" Mr.
> Gorbachev) from Yuri Maltsev’s introduction in
> Requiem for Marx:
>   What he did in the Baltic States – authorizing the
> Soviet
>   military to crack the skulls of innocent people in
> the
>   Baltics – qualified him to be included among
> history’s
>   litany of murderous rulers, but he was never
> included.
>   Even while he was heralded in the West as a great
> reformer,
>   he was also running labor camps, committing human
> rights
>   violations, and sending people to prison for
> speech
>   crimes. As the Soviet Union came to an end, the
> public
>   had been reduced to a collective of hunter
> gatherers,
>   barely living at a subsistence level.
> Maybe the former Soviet dictator has changed.
> Perhaps Mikhail
> Gorbachev really does care about the environment and
> has no
> interest in resurrecting socialism. To this, I
> simply refer
> one last time to Requiem for Marx. Yuri Maltsev
> states: "Before
> the coup that removed him from power, Gorbachev told
> a reporter,
> ‘I’ve been told more than once that it is time to
> stop swearing
> allegiance to socialism.’ ‘Why should I? Socialism
> is my deep
> conviction, and I will promote it as long as I can
> talk and
> work’." Without a doubt, Mikhail Gorbachev views
> environmentalism
> (with its anti-capitalist mentality) as the movement
> most likely
> to succeed in defeating capitalism
> Are there other examples of socialists that have
> come to embrace
> environmentalism? Indeed, there is an
> environmentalist in power
> today. Libya’s dictator, Muammar Al Qadhafi is an
> unabashed
> Green Socialist (I prefer to call him a Green
> Communist). In
=== message truncated ===

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