"During a press conference in 1993 (during the Waco fiasco) FBI Director
William S. Sessions warned the nation of a Jewish underground which
threatened the National Security of the United States of America. He was
immediately politically attacked by AIPAC interests and its political

So, I Am wondering why so little was reported re the message Timothy
McVeigh left in the Gideon Placed Bible, in which he circled "Wrath of
God"....at the Dreamland Motel where he stayed for several day.

Then as of late we read where two idiot soldiers took on a Deputy
Sheriff, and attempted to disarm him as they said they thought he was
part of the "Special Services" war game only you see the Sheriff knew
nothing of this game, for he was out on patrol keeping his "watch by
knight" as would any good shepard?

What if Timothy McVeigh - what if he was out to prove something....what
was it that went over the web "A Real Rembrandt" when he brought down
the Murrah Building like a Sampson only with a load of fertilizer maybe
assisted by a say propane gas tank at the bottom of the biuilding
between major pillars?

So a thought......but what makes me wonder, this Govenor's brother who
wrote a book about the incident before it happened, just as those kids
at Littleton had their little tape produced by the son of an FBI Agent,
at Littleton showing the big show before the fact.

I read this item and I thought no wonder Bill Cooper is dead......I
believe the "red" lettered material has been added by others, for Bill
Cooper was not a racist, was not a hater but his material will be around
long after some of this stuff is long forgotten.

Always this hand - this hidden hand and somehow I think of the day it
snowed in July in Saudi Arabia as our relations were that good - we
shared a secret of weather war of snow with them.....then POOF.

All gone - the enemy within is on the move again.


Will reproduce this stuff but to get better format pull up under subject
matter if interested.   So this Strawsmeyer is Jewish?   Another Mossad
Plant?   So Remember the USS Liberty and Lavon Affair and Jonathan
Pollard and above all the Rosenbergs?

Oklahoma City Bombing
The Plot Thickens
By William Cooper All Rights Reserved

We are NOT racist, white supremacist, Zionist, British Israel, Christian
Identity, or anti-Semitic. We refute all racist and/or superior race
philosophies. We believe that such beliefs are a plague upon the human
race. We are loyal Americans interested in the truth. We believe in
Liberty and Freedom for all People regardless of race, religion, or
place of ancestral origin.

First the reader must know that the federal takedown of the organization
known as the Covenant Sword and Arm of the the Lord occurred on April
19, 1985.

The assault on the Weaver family occurred over the same date and would
have ended on April 19 except that 2 reporters stumbled upon the feds
attempt to hoist a fuel bladder by helicopter which they had intended to
drop on the Weaver cabin and ignite burning alive all inside.

The final assault upon the Branch Davidians occurred on April 19, 1993.
The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building also occurred on
April 19th. If you believe that all these events happening on the exact
same date to be coincidence you need a brain surgeon.

Another very curious fact is that David Koresh and Timothy McVeigh were
both 33 years old at the time of their deaths. I have no idea what that
might mean but it is very curious indeed.

Our investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah
Federal Building has uncovered the following:

John Doe #1 is Timothy McVeigh.

John Doe #2 is Michael Brescia, an army buddy of Timothy McVeigh. Until
recently he was in federal custody. The federal government has protected
and hidden the identity of this criminal because he is an informant for
the at least one agency of the United States government. He is not a
Nazi, white Supremacist, anti-Semite, or racist. When we asked the FBI
to provide us with a photo of Michael Brescia for positive
identification they refused. We obtained photos from Patriot law
enforcement personnel within our organization. We positively identified
Michael Brescia as John Doe #2 from those photos. 

John Doe #3 has been positively identified as Andreas Strassmier, a West
German Intelligence operative. He is not a Nazi, white supremacist,
anti-Semite, or racist. Sources in Germany claim Strassmier is Jewish.
This information has been confirmed by two additional independent German

John Doe #4 has been positively identified by the Intelligence Service
as Gary Hunt. He has never been questioned by any law enforcement
agency. Gary Hunt was also involved with the Waco Massacre in 1993. Gary
Hunt is an informant for the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
(BATF). Gary Hunt masquerades as an American Patriot. The ethnic and
religious background of Gary Hunt is not known at this time.

John Doe #5 has been positively identified by the Intelligence Service
as Daniel Spiegelman (a.k.a. William Taylor), a fund raiser for the
Oklahoma City bombing operation. He was arrested and imprisoned in the
Netherlands when he attempted to sell historic documents that were
stolen from Columbia University for the purpose of financing the OKC
bombing. Spiegelman was extradited from the Netherlands to the United
States on the condition that he would not be charged with a capital
crime for which he could receive the death sentence.

United States District Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Zionist, sentenced
Spiegleman to 60 months in jail, 3 years probation, 300 days of
community service in an adult literacy education program, and
restitution to Columbia in an amount not yet determined.

 Daniel Spiegelman's conviction will most likely be set aside because
his defense lawyer Paul Kurtz was discovered to be a fake lawyer. Paul
Kurtz, 56, of Bethesda, Md., was charged in a 41-count indictment issued
by a Manhattan federal jury for claiming to be a licensed attorney and
defending clients including Daniel Spiegelman who was convicted of
stealing rare manuscripts from Columbia University. Spiegelman was
sentenced in April 1998.

Daniel Spiegelman is Jewish.

John Doe #6 remains unidentified at this time. We have a video tape of
John Doe #6 in the company of Gary Hunt (John Doe #4) walking away from
the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building within 10 minutes after the bombs
detonated. Both men in the video tape are carrying transmitters in their

Mike Vanderboegh of the "John Doe Times" is an agent of the Anti
Defamation League masquerading as a Patriot commander of the Alabama 1st
Calvary (Militia). The Militia which he claims to command does not
exist... it is a fraud.

His purpose is to place the blame for the Oklahoma City bombing on
Patriots and the Lawful Militia attributing a motive of white
supremacist anti-Semitism and racism. A charge that cannot be true in
light of the ethnic identity of several John Does.

The Branch Davidians were a racial mix of mostly Black, Hispanic, and
had even a couple of Jewish members. Only a very small minority of the
Church was Caucasian (white). Racist white supremacist anti-Semites
would rejoice at their death not seek revenge. Racist white supremacist
anti-Semites do not avenge the death of Blacks, Hispanics, Orientals,
and Jews.

The People who worked in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building were
mostly Caucasian (white) and could not ever have been the target of
racist white supremacist anti-Semites. Racist white supremacist
anti-Semites do not murder whites.

The KKK and white supremacist groups expressed dissatisfaction with the
manner in which the BATF and FBI were handling the situation and called
for an assault by the government to end the stand-off. A contingent of
KKK white supremacists traveled to Waco to offer their services to the
BATF and FBI in order to affect the arrests of the Branch Davidians. If
the KKK was for the takedown of the Davidians how and why would they
seek revenge for their deaths?

Prominent members of the Anti Defamation League made public statements
which were carried by the major news networks (recorded by us and placed
in safekeeping) which disclosed that the ADL had the perpetrators under
surveillance for two years. The spokesmen stated that they knew the
bombing was going to happen well in advance.

 Prominent members of the ADL were instrumental in fomenting the attack
upon the Branch Davidians in Waco Texas in 1975.

John Doe #7 is the leader of Elohim City Rev. Robert G. Millar an ADL,
FBI, and BATF informant who was instrumental in bringing down the
Covenant, Sword, and Arm of the Lord on April 19, 1985. It is because of
Millar's status as an informant Elohim City has developed the reputation
as a safe haven for racist criminals in America.

Carol Howe was an BATF informant and disclosed the plans of the bombing
and those involved to the BATF. After the bombing Carol Howe disclosed
this information to the public and the press.

The BATF attempted to imprison Carol Howe in order to silence her but
lost their case. She maintains that the BATF knew the culprits and the
target (a government building) well before the bombing occurred.

Governor Keating, Keating's brother, Representative Ernest Istook (R)
Oklahoma, Anti Defamation League, FBI, BATF, United States Marshall
Service, Oklahoma City Fire Department, Oklahoma City Police Department,
and the Oklahoma City Bomb Squad knew the bombing would occur well in
advance of April 19, 1995.

The American Intelligence Community knew of the plans to detonate a bomb
in the "heartland" of America as early as 1971 and wrote of it in a Top
Secret document called MAJESTYTWELVE which contains the plan for the
disarmament of the American People and implementation of a world
socialist totalitarian government.

The Oklahoma City bombing was a joint operation involving intelligence
operatives of the United States, Germany, and Israel.
The purpose of the bombing was to strike terror into the heartland of
America destroying the illusion of safety and security in America. Those
responsible set the propaganda wheels in motion to blame Patriots,
Militia, and religious fundamentalists in order to prepare American
Citizens to more readily accept personal disarmament in preparation for
world socialist totalitarian government, beginning with the passage of
an unconstitutional anti-terrorist bill which passed Congress and became
law soon after the bombing.

During his tenure as Director of the FBI William Steele Sessions created
the National Security Threat List, which was approved by the Attorney
General in 1991, it changed its approach from defending against hostile
intelligence agencies to protecting U.S. information and technologies.
It thus identified all countries--not just hostile intelligence
services--that pose a continuing and serious intelligence threat to the
United States.

 It also defined expanded threat issues, including the proliferation of
chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons; the loss of critical
technologies; and the improper collection of trade secrets and
proprietary information.

During a press conference in 1993 (during the Waco fiasco) FBI Director
William S. Sessions warned the nation of a Jewish underground which
threatened the National Security of the United States of America. He was
immediately politically attacked by AIPAC interests and its political

He appeared on television two weeks later to announce his resignation as
Director of the FBI with his arm (broken) in a sling.

Ari Shavit, an Israeli columnist, wrote in an essay reprinted in the May
27, 1996 issue of the New York Times from the Israeli paper Haaretz,
while reflecting sorrowfully on the wanton Israeli killing of more than
100 Lebanese civilians in April, that:

"We killed them out of a certain naive hubris. Believing with absolute
certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate, and much of the
American media in our hands, the lives of others do not count as much as
our own..."

Joseph Sobran, in a June 13, 1996 edition of The Wanderer said, "In a
single phrase - 'in our hands' - Shavit has lighted up the American
political landscape like a flash of lightning."

The admission confirms what has been labeled "an anti-Semitic conspiracy
theory". Sobran admits in his article that this "theory" is held my many

Sobran wrote:

"Charges of anti-Semitism and a quiet but very effective boycott will be
the reward of any journalist who calls attention to his own government's
- and his own profession's - servitude to Israeli interests. Shavit
states as an obvious fact what Americans can say publicly only at great

It is surprising and refreshing to find such candor in an American
"The prescribed take on this subject is that Israel is a 'reliable ally'
of the United States, despite Israel's long record of double-dealing
against this country, ranging from the killing of American sailors to
constant espionage and technology theft. The word 'ally' implies that
the relationship exists because it's in the interests of this country,
though Israel's lobby is clearly devoted to the interests of Israel
itself, and it's childish to suggest otherwise.

"You expect that from the Israeli lobby: lobbies are lobbies, after all.
But it's unnerving that the White House, the Senate, and much of the
American media should be 'in our hands,' as Shavit puts it.

Bill Clinton, a lover of peace since his college days, raised no protest
when the Israelis drove 400,000 innocent Lebanese out of their homes in
'retaliation' for rockets launched into Israel (wounding one Israeli) by
a faction over whom those 400,000 had no control. 'Congress, of course,
was supine as usual at this latest extravagance of Israeli defense.'
Congress too is 'in our hands'.

"A recent article in The Washington Post likened the Israel lobby's
power to that of the gun and tobacco lobbies. But there is one enormous
difference. Newspapers like the Post aren't afraid to criticize the gun
and tobacco lobbies. They will say forthrightly that those lobbies seek
goals that are dangerous for this country. They don't dare say as much
of the Israeli lobby.

"but much of the press and electronic media are 'in our hands' in a more
active sense: They supply misleading pro-Israel propaganda in the guise
of news and commentary, constantly praising Israeli 'democracy' and
ignoring Israel's mistreatment of its non-Jewish minorities -
mistreatment which, if any government inflicted it on a Jewish minority,
would earn it the fierce opprobrium of our media.

"Very few in America are doing anything to change this sorry state of
affairs. Shavit wrote his article in the desperate hope of turning back
his countrymen and his government from a morally and politically
perilous course. At least he can hope. It's harder for us, when our own
government isn't in our hands."

The importance of this information is that the bombing of the Oklahoma
City Murrah Federal Building could NOT EVER have been the racist actions
of White Supremacists exacting revenge for the massacre of the Branch
Davidians at Waco, Texas.

International Zionism is racist claiming its adherents to be a superior
race chosen by God to rule over all other races and nations in a world
totalitarian socialist government. Most Jews do NOT adhere to that
belief. Most American Jews are loyal American Patriots. Most modern day
Zionists are adherents of the British Israel philosophy, Christian
Identity, and Christians, including Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Robert
Schuller, and other misguided leaders of the Christian religion. For
confirmation see "Project Trojan Horse" and understand that People like
Zionist Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz are not friends of this American

William Cooper, Harvest Trust, and the Intelligence Service are NOT
racist, white supremacist, Zionist, or anti-Semitic. We refute all
racist and/or "superior race" philosophies as they are a plague upon the
human race. We are loyal Americans interested only in the truth. "Seek
ye the truth and the truth shall make you free." -- Jesus

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