See attached document.


The Story That Will Not Go Away

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring.



"Israel does not spy on the United States of America."
-- Mark Regev, a spokesman at the Israeli embassy in Washington

Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring inside the United States run by the government of Israel. This seems a harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget from the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what the US spent to go to the moon.

What Israel has done in return was to set up government subsidized telecommunications companies which operate here in the United States. One of these companies is Amdocs, which provides billing and directory assistance for 90% of the phone companies in the USA. Amdocs' main computer center for billing is actually in Israel and allows those with access to do what intelligence agencies call "traffic analysis"; a picture of someone's activities based on a pattern of who they are calling and when. Another Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which subcontracts the installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone system in America. Comverse maintains its own connections to all this phone tapping equipment, insisting that it is for maintenance purposes only. However, Converse has been named as the most likely source for leaked information regarding telephone calls by law enforcement that derailed several investigations into not only espionage, but drug running as well. Yet another Israeli telecom company is Odigo, which provides the core message passing system for all the "Instant Message" services. Two hours before the attacks on the World Trade Towers, Odigo employees received a warning. Odigo has an office 2 blocks from the former location of the World Trade Towers.

Let us be clear here. There is nothing benign about Israel spying on the United States. When Jonathan Pollard stole our nuclear secrets (which your taxes paid to develop) and sent them to Israel, Israel did not hesitate to trade those secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas.

The implication of these facts is that the billions of our tax dollars sent to Israel (while women and children sleep in America's alleys and eat out of trash bins) have bought and paid for a monstrous phone tracking and phone tapping system that can eavesdrop on almost any phone call in America. Even the White House phones were open to such tapping by listening in on the other end outside the White House itself.

This actually happened. The Ken Starr report on Whitewater describes how Bill Clinton informed Monica Lewinsky that their phone sex conversations had been recorded. At the same time, Clinton ordered the FBI to cease the hunt for an Israeli mole known to be operating inside the White House itself!

So here we have a foreign nation able to listen in on most phones at will, using taps that cannot be found because they are built into the phone system itself, and willing to use the information gleaned from those calls to blackmail Americans into any desired course of action. This may well be what Ariel Sharon meant when he stated that the Jewish people control America.

That the information gleaned from these phone taps is being used to coerce the behavior of key individuals in the US Government and media is illustrated by the manner in which the government and the media have handled this scandal of the largest spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, and of phone taps on all of our phones. They are downplaying it. Actually, burying it is a better word.

Fox News, alone of all the media, actually ran the story as a four part broadcast, and put the story up on its web site. Then, without explanation, Fox News erased the story from their web site and have never mentioned it again. CNN followed by "Orwellizing" their report of the two hour advance warning of the WTC attacks sent to Odigo employees. But far more telling is the admission made by a US Official in part one of the Fox News report that hard evidence existed linking the events of 9/11 not to Arab Muslims, but to some of the more than 200 Israeli spies arrested both before and after 9/11, but that this evidence had been CLASSIFIED.

Since then, any and all mention of the Israeli spy ring and phone tapping scandal has resulted in a barrage of shrill screams of "hate" and "anti-Semite", two well worn and frankly over used devices to try to silence discussion on any topic unfavorable to the nation which owns the spy ring in question.

The story of the uncovering of the largest spy ring ever discovered inside the United States should be the story of the century, if indeed the US media is looking out for the best interests of the American people. That this spy ring helped drug smugglers evade investigators should be a major scandal, if indeed the US media is looking out for the best interests of the American people. That the spy ring includes companies able to track and tap into any phone in America, including the White House, should be a cause celebre', if indeed the US media is looking out for the best interests of the American people.

But they are not. The media is trying to bury this story. They are spiking it, erasing it from their web sites in a chilling real-life Orwellian rewriting of history.

The actions of the US media are those of people trying to protect this spy ring and those that the spy ring worked for.

The actions of the US media are those of traitors to the American people.

# 02/21/02 Online poll shows Americans think some action should be taken against Israel as punishment for spy ring/phone tap scandal


#Transcript of Part 1

Note in the first segment of the articles that a highly placed US investigator states, "evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." This statement suggests that such evidence must exist, since there would be no need for classification if nothing had been found.

#Transcript of Part 2

In this segment of the report, American terrorist investigators fear certain suspects in the Sept. 11 attacks may have managed to stay ahead of them, by knowing who and when investigators are calling on the telephone; information provided by an Israeli-owned (and IDF funded) telephone company at which several of the arrested Israeli 9/11 suspects worked.

#Transcript of Part 3

In this third report, it is revealed that the wiretapping capability that is permanently built into your telephone is built, installed, and maintained by yet another Israeli owned company and that this equipment is suspected of having a "back door" which allows the Mossad to use the same equipment to wiretap any telephone in America by remote control. (Is this how they got "that" tape of Bill and Monica?)

#Transcript of Part 4

In this final part of the report, Fox News shows how the availability of information on police phone calls resulted in the collapse of an investigation of a drug and fraud crime ring with Israeli connections. Investigators traced the information, which included calls to police investigators' beepers, to Amdocs. Note that 50% of the R&D costs of Comverse Infosys are paid by the Israeli Government.


#Israeli spy ring largest ever uncovered inside United States! Mossad is able to listen in on any phone in America, and appears to have SOLD the data collected to other nations!

#Is Israel blackmailing the United States? (new info at bottom)

#FBI probes Israeli espionage at the highest levels of the US Government.


#Some US media trying to protect Israel from phone tapping scandal. Is Israel using taps on the media's phones to blackmail them?

#White House mole, "Mega", protected by Clinton, was not just Mossad spy but top Mossad agent in America.

#Suspicions of Mossad spying in the White House go back a long way.

#What was Israel's role in 9/11?

#Washington Post report on two hour advance warning of WTC attacks received by Odigo employees.

#Israel Suspected of Tapping White House Phone Lines Using Amdocs’ Equipment; Amdocs Shares Fall

#Mossad agents with bombs arrested inside Mexican Congress The American media buried this one too.

#Covert Israeli Operations in the United States prior to 9/11 And still the US mainstream media networks refuse to report this story

#Israel spied inside Clinton White House. Not mentioned in this article is the FBI code name for the mole suspected to have been inside the Clinton White House, "Mega". Clinton ordered the FBI to cease looking for this mole, amid reports that the Mossad was blackmailing Clinton with a tape of him having phone sex with Monica Lewinsky. The means by which that tape may have been acquired are now all too obvious.

#Mossad tapped White House emails

#Israel admits spying on a friendly nation

#ADL tries to debunk suggestion of Mossad involvement in 9/11 attacks  

#Internet identity known for sender of 2 hour warning to Odigo, but has never been followed up.

#Odigo official confirms messages with early WTC attack warnings. Odigo is one of the telecom companies implicated in the spy ring scandal

#Five Israelis arrested on 9/11 in plot to blow up NY bridge. And guess who the finger of blame would point to

#More on the WTC Israelis

#Realmedia reports from Fox News regarding tapping of US citizens' phones by Israelis.

#Israeli "spy-phone" company Comverse Infosys now buying into the Instant Messaging business through Odigo, the largest Instant Messaging company. Odigo, it should be remembered, is the Israeli owned company whose employees received a two hour advance warning to leave their offices on 9/11.

#Insider trade data for Israeli "phone spying" company, Amdocs.

#Better quality RealVideos of the Fox News reports on Israeli wiretapping of U.S. phones.

#May 2000 - Israeli spying a political issue


# 02/27/02 ADL Settles spying case Yes, Israel DOES spy on Americans who disagree with its policies

# 02/27/02 Pro-Israel spies on Americans

# 02/27/02 How Americans are blackmailed by Israel.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring.

# 03/01/02 Lebanese Army uncovers Israeli spy network You know how it goes, the US uncovers a massive Israeli spy network, and then everyone else wants one, 

# 02/28/02 Flashback to 1996: Israel denies spying on the US



NEW! More holes in US electronic security!

The story on Israeli spying inside the United States which appeared briefly in the US media focused on three companies, Amdocs, which provides billing and directory assistance for most American phone companies, Comverse Infosys, which installs and mainstains telephone tapping equipment for US law enforcement, and Odigo, which provides services for the various "Instant Message" systems on your computer. All three companies are owned by Israel and have strong ties to the Israeli Defense Force.

Both Amdocs and Comverse Infosys were implicated in the sale of telephone data which compromised US investigations into drug running, and Comverse Infosys phone taps are suspected of being the means by which Bill Clinton's phone sex sessions were recorded, as reported in the Ken Starr Report. Odigo, which had offices near the World Trade Towers, is the company which received a two hour advance warning of the attacks of 9-11.

Now, in a chilling real life version of the plotline from "The Net", it turns out that the majority of the firewalls on US corporate and government computer systems are provided by just one company, Checkpoint Systems, which like Amdocs, Comverse Infosys, and Odigo, is headquartered in Israel.



Special Section: Enron is news. Israeli spy ring is NOT. Why?
#Justice Department opens Criminal Probe of Enron
#Auditor reports Enron documents destroyed

As long time readers are well aware, this web site's political agenda is a simple one. I am anti-corruption and anti-deception. I will not tolerate any government or any media that lies to the people.

Normally, I would be delighted to watch as the Enron scandal destroys the Bush White House. But this isn't "normally".

Since the events of September 11th we have witnessed the American media, or more accurately those who own it, show a clear bias in the reporting of stories to Americans. Any story that links 9/11 to Arab Muslims gets non-stop play. But at the same time, stories about non-Arab terrorism were almost completely ignored. The story of JDL Chairman Irv Rubin's plot to blow up a US Congressman made the headlines for only a day or so. The story of the Mossad agents arrested inside the Mexican Congress with guns and bombs was not reported in any mainstream American media. And while Fox News did broadcast a four part report on a massive Israeli spy and phone tap ring, the story was almost immediately erased from their web site. CNN then followed by erasing their story on how one of the Israeli owned companies involved in the tapping scandal had received a two hour advance warning of the attacks on the World Trade Towers.

Let's be clear here. I am not a big fan of the Bush family. I don't admire their methods or agree with their philosophy. If the President and Vice President have committed crimes, I am as eager to see them exposed for those crimes as I was to see Clinton exposed for his.

But I have to wonder why the same media so eager to protect Israel from the consequences of the spy ring/phone tap scandal has chosen just this moment to make Enron a huge story?

Are we seeing news, or are we seeing a manufactured distraction from the spy ring or something more nefarious? Or worse, are we seeing blackmail; a threat of worse press exposures to come if the White House does not follow a "suggested" course of action?

Or is the same media totally unafraid of reporting the crimes of Washington DC somehow under the control of Tel Aviv?

Because given the disparity in reporting by the US media of the Enron scandal versus the Israeli spy ring, it is obvious that the media is not operating from a motive of simply informing the public. Some other agenda by the media owners is clearly at work; one that apparently seeks to mask Israeli espionage with a Presidential scandal.

This is not to minimize the Enron collapse. The current Bush's stated concern for the welfare of the Enron employees and investors sounds alarmingly like the clarion call the elder Bush used to kick off the S&L Bail out, which turned out to be something other than was advertised.

Enron should be looked into, without question.

But so too should the motives of the mainstream media be examined thoroughly as to why this story is given so much air play so son after the same media worked so hard to bury and erase the story of Israeli espionage and phone tapping.

#Now you see it, now you don't - the world notices what Fox News did!

Fox spiking of Israeli spy and phone tap scandal tracks back to Sharon Where in the US Constitution does it say the First Amendment does not apply when reporting on Israel's crimes?

#Washington Post covered for Israel's spies Israel later admitted they had been spies after all. Why was the US media protecting them?

#FOX NEWS story arguing against Israeli 9/11 link remains at their web site months after Carl Cameron's four-part report on the Israeli Spy Ring was spiked.

#Media bias whitewashes Israel terror How many US papers carried the story about the two Mossad agents arrested inside the Mexican Congress with guns and bombs?

#May 2000 - FBI investigation of huge Israeli spy operation had been ongoing for 3 years, US media buried story. Just how does a foreign nation control the US media?

#US Media covers for Mossad


#NewsMax rushes in where Fox News fears to tread.

#Israel's "It's okay because everyone does it" excuse.

#Fox News trying to counter suspicion of Mossad involvement in 9/11 attacks, claim there is no evidence Fox should know, they erased the story with the evidence from their own web site

#Israeli media tries to ridicule suggestions of Mossad involvement in 9/11 Indirectly confirms growing public suspicion of possability

#Israeli lobby continues to attack all critics

#NEWSMAX still carrying story of Israeli spy network that OX and CNN spiked! Way to go, NEWSMAX!

#Free Republic caught spiking the Israeli spy ring story Linked from This article under the sub-heading "Under cover of night"


# CNN spikes its story on the advance warning sent to Odigo employees two hours before WTC attacks Message still listed at CNN's search engine even though story itself has been spiked.
IS IT TIME TO CHANGE "WE REPORT, YOU DECIDE" TO "WE REPORT WHAT OTHERS DECIDE"? Link to part 1 of the story now reads "This story no longer exists". Please WRITE FOX NEWS at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and demand the story be reinstated.

#BBC accused of "buckling under" to Israeli pressure in its reporting.

#Having silenced Fox News, Israeli media goes into denial mode. Note that they do not refute the actual facts of the case. Israelis HAVE been arrested for spying inside the United States.


By now, the reporting on the Enron scandal makes it clear that the United States media is not afraid of the United States government, and will not hesitate to report a story which is embarrassing to the President. This stands in stark contrast to the media's treatment of the Israeli spy ring story and phone tapping story, in which the story vanished from mainstream media websites only days after it was first reported. ( is a notable exception in that they continue to report this story).

There is only one way to interpret this disparity of reporting. The media which is unafraid of the United States government is terrified of and totally under the control of Tel Aviv. No other explanation can explain the difference in reporting of the Enron scandal versus the reporting of the Israeli Spy ring and phone tapping scandal.

Months ago, when the Israeli spy ring and phone tapping scandal broke, this web site suggested that the government of Israel was in a position to blackmail United States' media and political leaders by virtue of their ability to listen in on any telephone in America, using equipment installed by Israeli owned companies to allow US law enforcement to listen in on any phone in America. This suggestion was supported by the statement made by President Clinton to Monica Lewinsky, quoted in the Starr Report, that their phone sex sessions had been recorded.

Given that the US mainstream media which is unafraid of reporting the Enron scandal is at the same time willing to silence itself on the story of the largest spy ring ever uncovered in the United States, the possibility that our media is under the control of the foreign power that owns that spy ring cannot be ignored. One only need imagine the media firestorm which would erupt had the spy ring in question been linked to any other nation but Israel.


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