In a message dated 3/28/02 9:27:09 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So - it's not newsworthy that some dozen or 2 dozen people who had gathered
for a holy celebration, mostly not Israelis, and therefore truly innocents
here, were blown up by someone crazy enough to murder and suicide at the
same time.

In the grand scheme of things it's less newsworthy than the 200+ humans that were killed between March 7th and 16th by the Israeli Army, in raw numbers this is BY FAR the greater tragedy/travesty.

<<This suicide bomber used to work at the hotel he blew up. So in other words
he is happy to take Jews money, happy to let Israel give him a job, happy to
benefit, and then murder the same people.....>>

Was he really "happy" to work like a dog and be treated worse than one in the country of his heritage by an occupying force?

<<instead of taking advantage of this situation, they spend
this rare capital on killing innocents, tourists, and holiday goers - it
will not take long for world opinion to slap back the other way if this
keeps up.... >>

What a few lone nuts do is impossible for Arafat and his people to control...that is clear to any fair-minded witness.
For Israel to blame these random acts of a few on the fringe is PROOF POSITIVE that Israel is looking for any excuse to continue the Nazi-like tactics.


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