Title: Re: [CTRL] eFreePalestine! Fw: "Nazis! Nazis! By Israel's Tom Segev/"Mr. Prim...
on 3/29/02 10:52 PM, William Shannon at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 3/29/02 9:15:23 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

come on bill – this war is being fought with guns and explosives.

And who, dear friend, is better armed?
And who arms them?

Israel by far. AS I keep saying, the US and Israel are military partners. We use them to test weapons that would piss off the voting public here.

THIS is a great example of "let them sink or swim ON THEIR OWN!"   On their own and YOU and YOUR PALS lose!

Me? My pals? I’m not a Zionist, but I’m not against Israel either.

<<every freedom fighter is someone else’s terrorist (again on both sides)>>


And once and again this country is on the wrong side of an otherwise easy to pick ballgame!

I don’t think it’s as easy to pick as you say. I see good and evil on both sides of this thing. Israel’s right wing hawks scare me, and disgust me, and as a Jewish person, disappoint me. On the other, as we see, the Islamicist hardliners have no love for our culture or way of life, and apparently are willing to kill innocents for it. Given the importance of oil this last century, a friendly govt. in the region doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Given the centuries of warfare between European culture and Islamic culture – it seems like an even better one.

Vegas loves this shit!
Bet on the favorite...WATCH the DOG pull the UPSET!!

<<The land was not stolen by the Israeli's. >>

Therein lies your biggest LIE!
Indeed it was...STOLEN under the cloak of the U.N..

Stolen by the British? Won in a war by the British?
You can’t be saying it wasn’t part of the British empire.

GIVEN to a bunch of people (who have NOTHING to do w/ the biblical history of the land...not that I give a rat's arse)...to a bunch of Kaposi's Sarcoma-succepetible people, to keep and maintain, under connditions that would make Hitler blush...

I'm not sure what genetic tendencies toward disease ( which is wrong, genes don’t cause disease, they provide protections – I'm not sure what it is with Kaposi's, but for example the gene that causes sickle-cell anemia gives protection for malaria – enough protection that it outweighed the disadvantage of sickle-cell) has to do with any of this. Religious fairy tales are the fuel that drives this beast, all 3 of the “major monotheistic” religions personal mythology is at stake – and that’s why people are so willing to die for it. A mythology is a hard thing to give up  - harder than something physical and actual)

Yes – Israel’s strong arm policies are out of control. They were not always such. It needs to be fixed.

<<There was no “Palestine” or “Palestinians” until the British created them. (same as Israel)>>

Oh stoppit!
You're either IGNORANT or you're a LIAR!

Maybe I am ignorant – so please educate me _ I do want to learn. Who were these Palestinians, and where was there country – what was its borders, who were its rulers, before the British?

<<<<Would the lives of the Palestinians be better if Israel didn't exist?? >>

Dumbest question of the year!

I don’t think it’s a dumb question – what sort of govt. would/will the PA provide? >>

Gee, could it be any more NAZI-Inspried than what you lot impose on them now??

again me? What did I do?
Why is everything so black and white? Read all my mails. I criticize Israel often. I am not some rabid one sided Zionist. I do think Israel has a right to exist. I do think Israel needs to be held to the standards of other nations. I want peace in the region. I think the Israeli right, the settlers and religious groups, are killing the country.

I don’t think strapping a bomb to your ass and killing children on a school bus is legitimate revolutionary protest. I think if Israel is to be held to the behavior of other nations, it also needs the benefits of nationhood. That includes not having to give back land you win in wars. It includes not having the whole notion of your country be declared racist by the UN – especially as it is far more multicultural than any other nation in the region. I guarantee there are more Muslim members of the government in Israel, than there are Jews in all the governments of all the Islamic countries combined.
which brings us to your question. I think Israel is making a mistake trying to deal with the Palestinian matter as a military one ( but again – when your busses and markets are blowing up – its hard to imagine another solution – this eternal cycle of retaliation makes it difficult – everyone says the other started it... And it really no longer matters who started it – what matters is how we can end it) but – I like western style democracies. Its why I live in one. I thought that was America’s mission – to foster the spread of democracy, over the oppressions of theocracy and aristocracy and totalitarianism. I think Israel has slid too far in that direction, but it was not always thus – the slide was lubricated with the blood of innocent people. Does it make it OK? No. but it does make it understandable. Hell – we had 2 buildings blow up, and started a bombing campaign, and trashed our constitution so fast you could hear the POP of the air rushing into the vacuum.

Would the PA be an Islamic govt? When Arafat talks about the safety of the “mosques and churches” does that mean Jews living in Palestine will be mistreated? Would there be a democracy? A military govt? A taliban style lunacy? There are things worse than Israel's multi-ethnic, multicultural, multi-creed parliamentary democracy.


Bill Shannon
365. S.West Ave.
Elmhurst Ave

C'mon...anyone have a problem w/ reality?

YOU pal, and Joshia2 can't even sign your own names!!

My name isn’t hidden – here”
Matthew Hupert
522 e 83 st
new york Ny

does that help?

(BTW signing “thew” isn’t hiding – its the name I’ve done my art under for years, and is better known than my full name)

Here I am! Name & addy!!

Must be the IRISH in me...but at LEAST I have the BALLS to ANNOUNCE MYSELF to you Zionist-types!

again – I'm not a Zionist. Just a non religious Jew in new York – who knows that you can accept Israel and not be a Zionist, and disagree with Israel and not be an anti-Semite. I know because I do both and am neither.


Match me or SHUT THE F*** UP!

Bunch of wannabees!

wanabee what’s?- there’s not too much I wannabe other than what I am – maybe with a better hairline.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.
                                                           St George

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

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