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--- Begin Message --- Exclusive: New Roger Ailes Bio Admits the Big Lie, Repudiates
Role as Right-wing Hit Man

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[1 April 2002, New York] Sources in the publishing industry tell that the new Roger Ailes autobiography will admit that Fox
News is not "fair and balanced" and announce that he is leaving his
position as head of the network.  "I just couldn't stand the deceit
anymore," Ailes is quoted as saying in the new book, which is entitled "Of
Course Fox is Unfair and Imbalanced, Don't Be an Idiot!" It is due out this

Ailes joins former conservative character assasins David Brock, author of
Blinded by the Right, and the late South Carolina political hack Lee
Atwater in renouncing the unethical methods that made them famous.  "With
the arrival of the Ailes book," says co-founder David Lytel,
"the new genre of right wing repudiational confession has truly
arrived.  But what is unusual is that Atwater asked for forgiveness only on
his deathbed and Brock only when his career had essentially come to an
end.  We can only guess what may have prompted Ailes to come clean at this
moment in his life," Lytel added, saying, "We expect more defectors from
the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy as they seek atonement for their sins."

More excerpts from this shocking new book may be found on the Internet at which has been set up by
to follow this ongoing news story. is the largest
independent community of Democrats with headquarters on the Internet at  It is now in its third year of operation.

In the book, Ailes claims that the idea of promoting Fox as "fair and
balanced" while actually operating as a right-wing attack vehicle came from
Murdoch himself.  "I'm actually a moderate," Ailes writes," but I found
myself continually overruled by Rupert's neo-fascist sensibilities."  The
final break with Murdoch came over a secret bidding war with CNN over the
services of commentators Paul Begala and James Carville, who have now
joined CNN.  "Rupert was satisfied that having arch-conservative
commentators on all programs and constantly twisting the news in favor of
Republicans was balanced out by occasionally having NPR's Mara Liasson on
the air, which of course is crazy.  I wanted to bring in Carville and
Begala to see if we could stimulate the right wing nuts to at least be
honest and articulate, but Rupert was afraid that airing intelligent
unconservative opinions would undercut the careers of right wing
commentators Fox has invested a great deal in."

In addition to an upcoming media tour to promote his book, it has been
rumored that Ailes will become the public spokesman for Jugular, a new
wireless communications device that will be marketed exclusively to right
wing zealots.  Murdoch could not be reached for comment, but his spokesman
Brit Hume put out the following statement: "Angry white men run this
country and Fox will continue to focus its programming and its profits on
stimulating their resentment.  Any responsibility we felt as journalists to
present the news in a non-partisan manner ended with the appointment of
George Bush Jr. to the presidency by the five great patriots on the Supreme
Court.  Genuine Americans like Rupert Murdoch should not be subject to
questioning by anyone, and if you don't like it you can either change the
channel or Fox will send some very large men to your home to change it for

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