-Caveat Lector-

>>>AT WorldNetDaily, an article was posted, "On to Baghdad" (URL AT bottom).
These are my thoughts that I shared with the author.  A<>E<>R <<<

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Isn't this an interesting thing about words:  "On to ... " means
pretty much the same as "Off to [Baghdad, the races, et cetera] ... "

Anyway, we've got this whole war thing upside down.  Isn't it a sort
of perversion that people spend so much time and effort raising their
kids to be productive members of society -- educated, socialised,
family-oriented, reverent, thrifty, and all that?

"Perverse?  But those are admirable traits!!!" you might exclaim.
"What kind of whacko are you to write me this, this, this ...
abominable abomination!"

Yes, "perverse" and there is no other word for it.  Of course, I'm a
child of the 1950ies, a Cold War boomer baby and educated through the
1960ies and 1970ies.  And I was not a fortunate son.  But I wasn't
drafted but I did enlist later on (beating the state at its own game!
Ha!).  Yes, "perversion" and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
And more line and the pole and the reel.  Almost got to bite at the
hand that was feedin' me, too.

We spend oddles and kaboodles of time, effort, and money to bring each
child to their prime, young adulthood.  Then we elect (or select)
leaders who think up these interesting policies, many of which --
lately -- entail going off to to some distant land to show these
leaders' "muscle".  Yes, they all volunteered to have children then
their children volunteered to become subject to the leaders' need to
flex their "muscles" (if only all the leaders could be as specific as
Bill-Jeff Blythe-Clinton as to which muscle is most enjoyably flexed
(but this is all about impotence or cuckoldry anyway, in the end,
isn't it?)).

So, for example, "W" decides we need a War on Terrorism and then we
have to bomb and rape an pillage and plunder (trite but true) some
place like Aghanland that has not known the absence of war for who
knows how long (well, that goes for Iraq, too, but the rules are
different for the Cradle of Civilisation).  Salt in the wound.  But so
what?  A quick telephone call goes to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs who
then relays the orders down the chain, plans are pulled off of
shelves, more calls made, bases and posts and formations and armadas
are set to a-scurryin'.  "Let the younguns show how strong we are,"
they all sing out an a-capellan cacophonous chorus.  "Send our best
and brightest, those in whom we invest our moneys and our values,
those who hold the best hope for the future."  Yes, send in the
younguns.  This is where it becomes plainly perverse, upside down,
where the side that never seen no sunshine exposes itself, like a
black hole, sucking energy and matter and mind and spirit into an
infinite maelstrom, around - around - around and down ... and out.
The equal and oppostie reaction to a hard-boiled egg and dark beer
fart; bad enough when it comes out but just think of it going back in.

It's time change the established order.  The old men and women want to
make war, they tell us.  But they go to the young men and women to
serve as their proxies for this, this orgy of vaicariation, this
initiation into the cult of the blood lust.  Oops!  No more!  If the
leaders want to make war ... Bush (41 and 43), Blythe-Clinton,
Wolfowitz, Perle, Rummy, and any of the other old and addled, they get
to go themselves.  And, what will be nice about this is they get to
not only relive their youths, when they was arm chair generals, but
now they get to take to the field.  And all the leaders from the
warmaking branches of government get to get outfitted in their plume
bedecked pork-pie hats, their polyester leisure suit uniforms with the
mystery metal ornaments, mystery mettle adorements, and their
snake-skin pointy- toed combat boots.  Shoot, we've got it all; we've
even got generals who have a bonafide tin-foil covered cardboard
replicas of real swords.  "On-ward, off-ward!", they can command.  And
the Britlanders will know exactly what to do.

There will be the requisite cries of "Foul!" and "Unfair!" from the
old men and women.  "I'm not in shape!," says one.  "I'm too fat,"
says another.  "But I have my retirement ahead of me," says a third.
And then and there we find out that all their kids were ever worth
were deductions on about two decades worth of tax returns.  The kids
were really meant to be used for expense accounts and to later be
sacrificed at the altars of Mars, the eternal God of War, the deity of
the War Parties, the deity of the Imperial Globalists.  To sate the
martial Mars, all things red must be devoted to it.  Offers are made
of endless streams of blood, the life-force eternal, vital, renewable,
transferable, immutable in its sacredness.

"But I am a Christian!", a lonely voice speaks out above the throng.
"I conscientiously object on the words of the Master!  'The meek shall
inherit the Earth.' 'Blessed are the peacemakers.'   Read them for
yourself; they too are red!  The Master spilled his own blood so that
no others' blood should be spilled."  The elders ponder briefly on
this point.  Like a shooting star, the lone one's words illumine the
darkness of their spirits.  But, alas, they are plunged back into the
depths of their almost opaque souls.  "We have the Master's blood, we
do."  They then turn to a favourite ritual, devouring the
transubstantial essences of the Master, savouring each drop of blood
and each morsel of flesh as they join with the deity, sacrificing
their god's son to the god of glory and power.  The lonely voice is
then banished to the wilderness of reason.

But, but, I've perverted the glorious message?  By telling truths?

If it was any other way, only if it was, the older men and the older
women would gladly sacrifice their lives to protect their young.  One
observation about war is how opposing armies can go at each other with
such ferocity, how one army can be so vicious and brutal while its
opponent can be so honourable and charitable.  Yet, this is too far
along the process.  Blame is always assigned to the lettres farthest
from "A", when it is at that lettre that the problems always begin.
Another observation notes that "mankind" is the only species that
turns on itself, and not only in wars, but in all facets of life.
Even Freud tried to establish a very basic need for fathers and sons
to duke it out (and the fathers found a sneaky, devious, diabolical
way to win!).

Were it not a truth that war is a vital part of the human spiritual
quest, the words of the Master would be not only mouthed by the
billions of "believers" but lived.  Was it ever necessary for
conflicts to arise, parents would spare their children.  "Too old" or
"too fat" or "too unfit" wouldn't matter; they'd be closer to the ends
of their lives anyway, spared the jaundices, the ischemias, the
dimentias, and the scleroses.  Spared the worries about Social
Security and prescription drug plans.

Perversion?  How much more so can it be when parents willingly
sacrifice their sons in the name of the god of Abraham ... but wasn't
Abraham who was tested and then taught NOT to sacrifice his son (Gen
22)?  Wasn't it the god of Abraham that taught the World that only he
can sacrifice his OWN son?  And yet, is it the followers of this same
god, the Judahists, the Nazarites, and the Mohammedan (J-N-Ms), who
just don't wanna get it?  (Or do they just like Mars better, red being
such a lovely colour, and so good for the fertility of the ground?)
But we know they have appointed themselves "G*D".  Crossed fingers.

So, on to or off to Baghdad.  Either way it's the same thing, the same
old thing.  You'd a-thunk by now that a real "New World Order", that
Hitlerian paradigm, would have overcome the inconsistencies of
war-fighting, the sacrificing of the new, the coming future to the
old, the bygone past, allowing humanity to age, withering, twisted,
and painfully so.  But traditions are traditions, I suppose.

Thank you for your article.

Red River Rouser of the North

(Your article at:
Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

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