hi edward,
nice to hear from you -
ever heard of the saying
you can take a horse to water .. but you can't make it drink.
sure I'll send you what I have when I find it - no problem, but you seem a bit slow in coming forward to follow up the recommended evidence.
You appear to be asking me to scan whole libraries of copyrighted books and post the scans to you - which is really verging on taking liberties in the defence of your skepticism.
It isn't reasonable to expect me to go to these extra lengths
aside from sending you what I already have -
I didn't purchase gardners book genesis of the grail kings which really has the evidence you and any other skeptic would want in its photo section.
any cheap alternative would be to search the net for the dogon tribe, sirius and ther eyou have your evidence - but you seem to be laying a labour intensive wild goose chase on me whilst attempting to sound like you're being reasonable.
Say I spend the 8 days scanning and visiting the library and researching and I amass the widely available evidence - from the book refernces with which I have already supplied you - whats to stop you saying that all digital images are fakes etc etc etc
so I suggest that we compromise - I send you the evidence I have - which is only part of the small library I quoted from - and you go and do some rational spadework anew yourself - because you clearly seem to have missed the whole point of modern archaeology and its global museums.
and in the end - if you canot be bothered checking refernces with a view to falsifying them - why do this 'rational trip thing' on a conspiracy list anyway.
take my information at face value or delete it - or make my time worthwhile with a research fee - but I'm not so into point scoring that I can afford to spend a week attempting to give you the education that you have missed out on.
I've provided research leads to the whereabouts of evidence
for a reptilian presence on this planet.
I will send you the photos I currently have
maybe gardners book is in the library ?? but any research into the history of sumeria is probably going to turn up the same photos - its up to you edward -
best wishes,

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