Beyond Psyops: Information Warfare and the Critical Advantage

by Lisa Guliani

In light of the official spin presented to the American public regarding the events of 9/11, consider for a moment the following information that has been previously published in the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin. The direct quotes that follow were written for incorporation into army training field manuals and approved by the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence on January 7, 1997. The strategies, tactics, techniques, and technology have already been in place now for some time - well before the events of 9/11. The title of this doctrine is: Information Warfare: OPFOR Doctrine - An Integrated Approach. It was authored by Maj. Erin J. Gallogly-Staver, Threat Support Directorate, and Maj. Raymond S. Hilliard, Battle Command Training Program.

After reading this compilation which has been taken directly from the official doctrine, ask yourself HOW America could have been blindsided by a massive terrorist attack such as the one that took place on September 11th, 2001 - without prior knowledge? My answer: America WAS blindsided, but the powers-that-be weren't. Given the fact that our military intelligence forces have been implementing Information Warfare (IW) strategies since 1997 - and that these techniques have been applied for several years now - how could any terrorist group manage to avoid detection and pull off something so horrific? Come on already.

As you will see, Information Warfare encompasses many elements. It is critical to note here that these tactics and technologies can and do target BOTH adversaries as well as what the authors term, "sympathetic civilian populations." That is to say, these measures are directed at American citizens as well.

The nature of War Games in our times has taken on an enhanced dimension. The objective in these games with respect to Information Warfare is this: gain critical advantage over the intended target using whatever means necessary to accomplish this objective. And, when they say, "whatever means necessary," they mean it. Their words are more effective here, so I will just let them speak for themselves.

The Information Warfare (IW) division known as OPFOR employs the following procedures and technologies to achieve its operative goals:

1. "... Use deception, trickery, or civilian-run enterprises such as hi-tech businesses and the MEDIA when implementing an information warfare campaign."

This doctrine goes on to state that Americans are naturally wary or skeptical of any government involvement with information dissemination. Therefore, OPFOR uses whatever means at their disposal (which is whatever they choose to use) - such as "cell phones, messengers, hi-tech equipment, frequency scanners, encryption devices, lasers, and digital video manipulation equipment." They obtain these tools from both the open and black markets.

2. OPFOR can "purchase equipment, steal technology, or develop their own systems independently." The authors state that it is more economical to purchase equipment and steal technology rather than develop their own systems.

3. OPFOR "always seeks to exploit U.S. dependence on information-age technology and may attempt to overload U.S. Intelligence collection efforts or disrupt a critical information link."

4. OPFOR ..."integrates all elements of power - political, economic, military, and informational - to implement its information strategy." All of the elements work together synergistically in overlapping fashion to achieve "critical advantage".

5. OPFOR uses " competition, conflict, and war ... to impose its will on someone: it is never at peace."

6. OPFOR conducts information warfare at all levels - strategic, operational, and tactical - without boundaries.

7. OPFOR considers six elements when developing and implementing Information Warfare. Examples are:

- electronic combat operations
- electromagnetic spectrum operations
- deception operations
- digital-manipulation of video
- perception management - computer warfare activities

8. OPFOR may utilize "physical, electronic, and virtual domains, deception and destruction that deal with the electromagnetic spectrum, and lethal and non-lethal methods."

9. OPFOR applies perception management : " PSYOP/PSYWAR/Propaganda" This includes:
- public diplomacy
- public affairs
- education indoctrination
- censorship

10. OPFOR is involved with destruction "of all types of targets."

11. OPFOR engages in: transmitting "viruses" and partakes in "unauthorized access to information systems" - (translated as computers)

12. OPFOR considers information a "critical resource and may engage in censorship, camouflage, counter-reconnaissance, and encryption."

13. With regard to Deception Operations, OPFOR can: utilize "all elements of power, within all domains - across the operating continuum." If OPFOR decides to use economic organizations, it may have them "publish false financial figures."

14. OPFOR is allowed to engage "official spokespersons to begin rumor campaigns."

15. "Each deception operation has a specific target, objective, story, and means allocated to make it believable and, at least to some extent, verifiable."

16. Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations: "These include, but are not limited to, operations that use radios, radar, lasers, directed-energy weapons, digital manipulation, parapsychology, holograms, morphing, and computers." (Hmmmm ... holograms and morphing?)

17. OPFOR uses BOTH lethal and non-lethal methods - for instance, it can destroy a target site and it is permitted to blind a person.

18. "OPFOR can use truth, false information, misinformation, and 'spin' - to fit its needs."

19. "OPFOR skillfully uses the MEDIA ... to benefit its operations and deter its adversary."

20. "OPFOR may contract hackers, disgruntled employees, or foreign agents to provide computer warfare assistance."

According to this doctrine, OPFOR is able to:

21. "Alter data and performance characteristics through the use of viruses or other database manipulation techniques, gain unauthorized access, like hacking, computerization, miniaturization, and robotization of weaponry and equipment."

22. "OPFOR exploits available technology to ascertain a target's weaknesses to gain critical advantage."

23. "OPFOR can use disguised personnel or electronically mimic an authorized user; masquerade to gain access to its adversary's information system; manipulate or deny service by destroying or degrading hardware and software used by its adversary." The document goes on to state that, "methods short of destruction may provide a bigger payoff than physically destroying a target."

The training doctrine lists Information Warfare methods as follows: (directly quoted)

- DETECT - to discover or determine the existence of
- DECEIVE - to give a false impression; to mislead
- INFLUENCE - to affect the actions of a person;
- MANIPULATE - to manage skillfully
- DISRUPT - to interrupt; total effect at a given time
- DENY - to negate; prohibit use of
- DESTROY - to eliminate existence of

The Information Warfare doctrine continues on to state that OPFOR, "understands the potentially global effects of its information warfare campaign."

Moreover, "Any person or organization with access to commercially available information technology and an information strategy can conduct information warfare."

The document says, "This (doctrine) has been incorporated for use by combat training centers, U.S. Army Centers, and schools."

So ... with all of this unlimited, unharnessed power and capability at their disposal since 1997, HOW was it possible for terrorists to attack America without the octopus known as OPFOR having at least a HINT prior to September 11, 2001? It doesn't seem plausible - or possible - at all. In fact, it doesn't make any sense at all.

Make special note of the fact that Information Warfare and all of its methods are in play against United States citizens - US - as well as foreign enemies. We're all playing in their war/terror games - whether we want to or not.

Welcome to THE GAME. Didn't know you were playing, did you?

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