Fear, Psychic Driving, and Pavlov's Dogs

by Victor Thorn

Terrorist hijackers steer their planes into the World Trade Centers on a sunny Tuesday morning - flames, smoke, people leaping 90 stories to their death, screaming, sirens, pandemonium, then the Towers come crashing to the ground in Battery Park. And, oh yeah, television cameras ... many, many television cameras, then the major networks and news channels re-broadcasting the horrifying event over and over again - every scene, every angle, every snippet of the jets, flames, impact, and both Towers falling to the earth.

Over and over, over and over ... the hijacked jet, the Towers, the moment that forever changed American life. September 11, 2001 - TV, TV, TV, bleary eyes fixated on CNN, Fox, CBS, NBC & ABC. Television - TV - video images drawing viewers to it like a morbid magnet.

Shortly thereafter, anthrax scares send the country reeling with more panic. Don't open your mail, white powder, respiratory damage, biological terrorism, Senators evacuated, postmen falling dead - and every day on the radio, on TV, in newspapers and magazines --- more hysteria, more coverage, more fear.

During the same time, air travelers are filled with anxiety - everyone suspected of being a terrorist - long waiting lines, the National Guard holding M16's, evacuations, more long lines, inspections, X-rays, no toenail clippers, bomb threats, and rumors of more terrorists lurking behind every pillar.

Now we have pipe bombs in mailboxes, the new weekly computer virus that makes us tremble with fear over e-mails and attachments, plus color-coded terror alerts and reports about banks, malls and train stations being targeted for destruction. And all the while, there's CNN, the New York Times, and Newsweek continuing their psychic driving hour after hour, day after day.

Psychic driving? What's that? Psychic driving is the repeated exposure to a specific message over and over and over again - a continued, systematic replay of the same theme until the subject is thoroughly indoctrinated into accepting a certain belief. In this day and age, it's fear ... pure, oozing, strip away the veneer total fear. The Heartland trembles and leaves their mailboxes open ... tomorrow it might be Floridians and psychotic drive-by bazooka shootings perpetrated by ... you guessed it ... faceless, nameless "terrorists" that can't be seen or heard or located.

But I'm tellin' ya, folks, the whole thing is a ruse! Sure, a few people had their mailboxes blown up by a mind-controlled punk rock zombie, and a few citizens died from anthrax (not high-ranking public officials if you noticed, though). But in all, the devils who are setting this entire theater of fear into motion are the REAL terrorists - the international Controller cabal that's ready to rise another level on their pyramid of power. A few events in the recent past set us up for this onslaught - Waco, the first WTC bombing, and the government set-up at Oklahoma City where explosives inside the Murrah Building did more damage than mind-controlled 'ol Timothy McVeigh. Of course, when you sprinkle in some remote-controlled high school shooters (especially at Colombine), the stage is set to seize control.

And that happened on September 11, 2001 with the World Trade Center terrorist attacks. Y'see, the Controllers usually do things in small steps, patiently boiling us like frogs in a pot. But every once in awhile they need to kick it up a notch, ala the WTC attacks. That way, similar to the Charles Manson murders, a huge, indelible emotional scar is permanently imbedded on the human psyche. These are the events that rip us to shreds, give our children nightmares, and leave most of us trembling alone in the relative safety of our homes.

Remember back to the month of September 2001. This country was essentially chopped-off at the knees. We reeled day in and day out from the psychological impact. I know one lady that stayed at her damn TV for eighteen hours a day and became such a debilitated wreck that she said even her dog got sick from all the terror-filled vibes she was emitting. But don't get fooled into thinking it's over. Just last week we received an e-mail from a woman giving us firsthand chemtrail accounts. When we asked her if we could run them anonymously in Babel Magazine, though, she instantly shrieked and retreated with fear. God forbid someone from the "big bad government" might find out who it was. What rubbish.

Can't you see what's taking place? Our society is being crippled by a faceless, nameless form of fear that is being crammed down our throats by every media source available. Radio talk show hosts, television images, newspaper editorials and op-ed letters, gory magazine photographs, plus computer rumors and half-truths. The practice is rampant, and America is falling prey to it in increasingly large numbers. Where did our fighting spirit go? With overwhelming evidence that the Controllers not only knew about the 9-11 attacks, but allowed them to happen being reported in the mainstream press, why aren't we gathering in the streets to bring these bastards to their knees? These same Controllers are setting America up for a great Fall, only to replace us with China as the next world superpower. But we sit idly by without taking action. Why?

I could list countless other examples, but all you have to do is read my articles on the "New World Order" link to see how we're being screwed with a royal vengeance. But we STILL do nothing. It's incredible. The reason this phenomenon is taking place all reverts back to that horrible concept of fear. If you want to know the truth, the entire planet is "kept in its proper place" because of fear. Religions us it, as do governments, police, parents, social groups, schools, and faceless bureaucratic institutions such as the IRS. Soon, this fear will be all-encompassing in the image of Big Brother, just as George Orwell predicted in his novel, "1984."

The saddest part is, we know how the Controllers use fear, yet we still allow them to manipulate us. It's similar to a scrawny, 150-pound lion tamer keeping ten Bengal Tigers at bay inside a cage at the circus. Not only that, but he also has them perform emasculating tricks, jump through hoops, and fucking BOW to him simply because he cracks his whip. These gorgeous, regal, powerful animals are completely slavish to his desires, demeaned to the point where it fills me with rage. But then again, are we any different? Think of how great humanity could be, and how much potential we possess, but we allow the fucking Controllers to rule us. It wouldn't even be so bad if they made our world idyllic and utopianistic. But they don't. Look around. We have wars and upcoming wars everywhere, starvation on a massive scale, homelessness, and a man-made AIDS virus running rampant in Africa and the Orient. These bastards are ADULTS, but they sure don't act like it.

But the finger can't always be pointed at them, and our problems shouldn't all be externalized. We're the ones allowing them to control us. Why? Aren't we any smarter than the Bengal Tigers in that cage? Why don't we all pull together (instead of letting THEM tear us apart) and rip the fucking Controllers to shreds? There are only a few of them, and MILLIONS of us. We can do it. All we need are some balls!

Yes, fear ... the concept that levels and reduces us to lowly animals rather than beings that could transform this world into something great. But Pavlov realized this concept years ago. In fact, he learned that if a well-trained dog was suddenly traumatized to such an extent that it was filled with incredible amounts of fear, everything it learned could be erased, then replaced with an entirely new form of programming. Yes, re-programmed right from scratch. Well, folks, guess what. We're the dogs, Pavlov is the Controllers, and the 9-11 terror attacks are the TRAUMATIC event (or at least the start of them - and be certain - there will be more). And yes, all the things we've learned up until this point - concepts such as civil liberties and freedom of expression - are going to be erased, then replaced with a new form of programming (one that better suits THEM).

Get ready for the New World Order and Big Brother because he's on his way. But we can stop this juggernaut if we want to. There's only one thing stopping us - FEAR! So, I'll officially go on the record and say, like John Hancock signing his name in large, powerful letters on the Declaration of Independence, that I'm not afraid!

Are you?

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