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FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors (part two - the Atomic Bomb)

by Victor Thorn

"Wars are not fought to defeat an enemy. They are fought to create a condition."

        Edwin Stanton - Abraham Lincoln's Secretary of War


FDR'S Reaction to Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor

In Part One of this article (see Babel # 59), I presented a preponderance of evidence showing that Franklin Delano Roosevelt and members of his administration knew about the Japanese military's impending attack on Pearl Harbor, but allowed it to take place so that a hesitant America could be drawn into World War II. Continuing this line of thought, Rear Admiral Theobold, in "The Final Secrets of Pearl Harbor" writes, "The anxiety to have Japan, beyond all possibility of dispute, commit the first act of war, caused the President and his CIVILIAN advisers to disregard military advice [to move the fleet at Pearl Harbor] which would have somewhat cushioned the blow." (Notice Theobold's deliberate use of the word "CIVILIAN" advisers - those OUTSIDE of government!)

This situation becomes more curious when we examine the reactions of FDR and certain members of his military staff, especially Admiral Stark, who was 2nd in command under FDR. Admiral Stark, when given undeniable proof by Captain Wilkinson that the Japanese were about to attack Pearl Harbor and that they should warn their Pacific fleet, was told that such a move was unnecessary. Peculiar, don't you think?

Worse, FDR and General George Marshall removed most of our air defenses before the attack, and only had one-third of the necessary surveillance planes needed to protect the base in Pearl Harbor. They also refused to pass any information along to military commanders Admiral Husband Kimmel and General Walter C. Short in Hawaii. But it doesn't end there. When Admiral Richardson, one of the military bigwigs, tried to tell FDR how vulnerable our fleet was in Pearl Harbor, guess what FDR did. Take this information seriously and act accordingly. Nope. Admiral Richardson was dismissed.

In the end, as we all know, Pearl Harbor was attacked, 3,300 military personnel were killed, and America was drawn into WWII. But as we've seen, there are many fingers pointing at FDR, his cabinet, and the Controllers in regard to having foreknowledge of this atrocity. An investigation into this matter soon followed, but yet again events were manipulated behind the scenes. How so? Well, of the four-member Roberts Commission, there was the Supreme Court Justice Owen Roberts, who was a Globalist friend of FDR; plus two Council on Foreign Relations members (i.e. total insiders). In the end (no surprise), FDR was found free of blame, while Admiral Kimmel and General Short (remember them, the ones who weren't passed information along to) ... well, these two were used as scapegoats and charged with "dereliction of duty." Now do you see how the System works?

The Yalta Conference

In 1945, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin Roosevelt (all high-ranking Freemasons) met at Yalta, a Crimean resort in Soviet Russia. The official purpose of this conference was to finalize plans on how the Allies were going to defeat the Nazis, and also the establishment of the horrific, Globalist-oriented United Nations.

But in relation to our war in the Orient, it's easy to see from FDR's actions that he was being directed from behind the scenes by those whose ulterior motives reflected an agenda that used America as a vehicle to promote their own aims. A perfect example is as such: Two days before President Roosevelt left for Yalta - and SEVEN MONTHS before Japan eventually waved the white flag - FDR got a 40-page report from General Douglas MacArthur. In these pages, the Japanese gave an unofficial offer of peace on exactly the same terms that the U.S. finally accepted when the war ended. But Roosevelt, acting as curiously as he had on many other occasions, didn't even take this memo to Yalta to show Churchill and Stalin. And we have to remember that Douglas MacArthur was one of America's most highly respected Generals, and also a war hero.

Once we realize, though, how powerful a role the War Machine plays in the global decision making process (see "War: What Is It Good For? The Report from Iron Mountain" in issue # 18), we can see why FDR didn't sign a treaty with the Japanese, but instead decided to push forward with dropping the Bomb. Everyone knew our battle with Japan was over except for the final dance, but the Controllers HAD to take the next step and move to a higher level by placing the atomic equation on the table. When viewed in this light, Churchill evaluated the decision best when he described Roosevelt as knowing he was, "A powerless puppet in the hands of the international power brokers." Churchill's words kind of shatter the illusion just a little bit more, huh?

Yes, by 1943 the United States could have ended the war with Japan by wiping their asses. But we let it drag on for another year and a half. Why? Hell, even in March, 1945, five months before Hiroshima and Nagasaki became household words, the Japanese High Command offered America its unconditional surrender, but we rejected it. Why did we push their offer away? What reason was given? Well, believe it or not, our Intelligence said that they couldn't interpret the Japanese memo! Yeah, we broke their most complex military codes and knew every step they were going to make, but we couldn't read straight text! Incredible. Plus, by that time we had thousands of Japanese prisoners in our internment camps that wouldn't have had any trouble reading this document.

War As Urban Renewal

As repulsive as it may seem, the real reason we perpetuated and prolonged our war with Japan was simple Urban Renewal. Yes, the Theater of War ... the Big Show ... was nothing more than the creation of a "condition."

What do I mean? Well, for starters, Pearl Harbor was the 'premise' that lured America into a war that it didn't want to enter. Similar to the Lusitania, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the World Trade Center terrorist attacks, Pearl Harbor served as the "igniter" that is always needed to incite feelings of nationalism and revenge in the masses. The formula is simple: create an enemy; start a war. But even as the Japanese dropped their bombs on our sitting-duck battleships, they, as well as everyone else, knew that America would kick their asses. And we did! Yet veiled in the shadows was the Institute of Pacific Relations - a Controller front group that continued to push the international banker's goals. So, to create the desired end result, we wiped out huge areas of the Orient (the first of many over the next few decades), and began an "urban renewal" program. Out with the old, in with the new, and the Machine keeps chugging along! Then we dropped the Bomb and opened an atomic Pandora's Box (elevating us to new levels of horror and fear); began a Cold War with Russia, and spent even more money on the War Machine.

But I think I'm jumping ahead of myself, so let's look at this situation again and ask the question: why did we REALLY attack the Japanese? The answer may surprise you. We declared war on the Japanese not because they were a threat to us, but instead to set the stage for economic redevelopment. Yes, the Japanese were still stuck in the past and had to be "brought up to speed." Why? Because their country was essentially overrun with old peasant houses that needed to be cleared away. But how could the Controllers accomplish this goal? I mean, Japan was ripe for the taking, but it needed modern factories and other types of economic build up. But what could the Controllers do? Ah-ha - when all else fails, there's always the War Machine!

So the Controllers have America attack Japan and totally wipe them out, putting its people into a totally dismal condition. Then, when the Japanese were at their lowest ... completely broke and without hope ... the international "developers" zipped in and scooped up the land, then used it for their own benefit.

Carroll Quigley, the oft-quoted Insider and author of "Tragedy and Hope" described the situation expertly. He wrote about American bomber planes, "Engaged in the systematic destruction of all Japanese cities. The flimsy houses in these crowded urban areas made them very vulnerable to incendiary bombs. On March 9, 1945, the Air Force tried a daring experiment. The defensive armament was removed from 279 B-29s releasing weight for additional incendiaries, and these planes, without guns but carrying 1900 tons of bombs, were sent on a low-level attack of Tokyo. The result was the most devastating air attack in all history, with the loss of only three planes. 16 square miles of central Tokyo was burned out, 250,000 homes were destroyed, over a million persons were made homeless, and 84,793 were killed. This was more destructive than the first atomic bomb over Hiroshima five months later."

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not a peace-nik bleeding heart by any means, and I certainly don't oppose America "taking care of business" when necessary. But what does irritate the shit out of me is when warfare becomes a ruse to accomplish the Controllers' ulterior motives. Sadly, this scam-job is almost always the case (even today).

On that note, let's continue to examine this situation. After WWII ended in 1945, huge amounts of money was pumped into Japan. And what were these funds used for? Well, how about new factories, railroads, storage facilities, import and export docks, urban redevelopment, and office buildings. More importantly, where did the money come from to completely rebuild Japan's infrastructure? You guessed it - the same people that started the war, the same people who profited from the war, and the same people who made a killing after the war. And in case you didn't know, these were also the same people who financed WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Nazi's rise to power. These are the people running our world. Does it make you feel an affection or affinity for them?

Anyway, in 1945, even before the war had ended, the Controllers were already planning their next succession of moves. They knew America would emerge from WWII king of the hill, so they immediately started providing counter-balances - one in Japan, and the other in the Soviet Union. In the Japanese, they found a very slavish worker that was productive, dedicated, didn't question authority, and was easily conditioned.

The result was that over fifty years ago, the Controllers were already planning to undermine America so that it didn't become too powerful. Do you see the big picture now? Our strong industrially-based economic foundation was being slowly eroded way back then via the creation of cheap imports from the Orient. The result in 2002 is that instead of being primarily a producer-country, we're now becoming a consumer-service economy (and hugely indebted to boot). With imports flooding in over the past three decades from Japan, Taiwan, and China (and that's just in the Pacific Rim), plus the crushing effects of NAFTA and GATT, America is rapidly losing its economic grip. With cheap, subservient labor in Third World countries coupled with open borders, the Controllers keep reaping profits, while America is going to wake up one day and say, "Holy shit! We let it all slip away!"

We need to look at who's controlling the world's money, who they're lending it to, what it's being used for, and what the motivations behind it are. Once we derive this type of knowledge, the overall picture becomes quite clear. WWII paved the way for the Controllers to enter the Orient. Shortly thereafter, America was at war in Korea, then Vietnam over the Golden Triangle. Now the stage is being set for China to assume its role as the new "king of the hill." We better wake up to what's going on before it's too late. The writing is on the wall.

NEXT WEEK: America gives its atomic secrets, and the raw materials needed to build them, to Russia in 1943 - two entire years before we even dropped the Bomb!

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