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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Sean McBride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. Why do you believe that Vreeland was poisoned?  Is there any
objective physical evidence to support this claim?

I trust Mike Ruppert's judgement. I believe Lt Vreeland has had some
blood test results back. Be patient; no need to speculate in advance
of the facts.
> 2. Since Michael Ruppert hasn't disavowed authorship of the message
which claimed that Vreeland was poisoned, should we assume that he is
in fact the author?

Well he says he is the author. The FTW secretary says he is the author.
If he weren't the author it would be quite out of character to not
inform people very quickly.
> 3. From where did Vreeland obtain funds to offer a plane ticket to
John Horne?

I don't know. He wouldn't let me pay for lunch either.
Does it matter?
> 4. Do you have any reason to believe that Terry Weems made untrue
statements about Vreeland when he described him as a thief, a liar, a
forger and a con artist from a young age?

Again, Mike Ruppert's experienced judgement is (a) Mr. Weems is a
'quack' (b) Lt Vreeland's character is hardly the important issue.
Mike Ruppert has described the Lt as 'not a saint'.
> 5. Is there any person anywhere who will vouch for Vreeland's honesty?

I don't know. Is honesty a requirement for spies? I'll certainly
vouch for his intelligence. He has admitted that one of the purposes
of his mission was to 'disinform' (?) Canada in order to decrease
resistence to 'Star Wars' cooperation. Is that honest? Ask instead
whether it is 'patriotic', or 'just following orders'.
> 6. Do you think it's safe to assume that anyone who says he is a top
secret whistleblower really is one?

No it isn't. Obviously. Go back and research the mysterious death of
Jeremy Brooda. Research what happened to the group of 24 that made up
the original UID. With the state of corruption in modern America,
being honest and patriotic can get you suicided pretty quickly. Oh,
and then the mass media massage. Poor Admiral Brooda was so depressed
because Newsweek was going to expose that his medals weren't right.
Big chorus for two weeks, then Elmo Zumwalt goes on Larry King and
says there was nothing wrong with his medals and he should know
because he gave them to Brooda himself. According to the Lt, Admiral
Brooda was about to 'whistle-blow' himself about the CIA  spooks using
naval vessels and submarines to smuggle drugs. CIA? DRUGS? Who could
have guessed? Well, after Mena, after the Chinese missile thing, lots
of people thought Clinton was a traitor, but it is the CNO who has the
authority to arrest the President for treason. To understand Lt
Vreeland you have to understand the UID. He refers to them as "We".
It isn't just about one 'top secret whistleblower'--it's about a whole
secret war going on in the USA between the honest and the corrupt.
Way down in the cold, dark waters there are giant squid with
basket-ball size eyeballs to see in the dark. Nothing can eat them
except sperm whales. Danny Casolaro didn't invent the term 'Octopus';
it comes from the Italians in the 1970's to describe the P2 conspiracy.
The Italians were also the first to use the word suicide as a verb, as
in Robert Calvi's secretary was 'suicided' out the window while her
boss was hanging from Blackfriar's Bridge in London. Having P2
Grandmaster Licio Gelli at Reagan's inauguration was a bad omen indeed
for America.
> 7. Why did Vreeland endorse the authenticity of a hoax letter which
blamed Iraq for 911?

All he endorsed was that the letter was in the package. My personal
*guess* is that the letter was Mossad disinfo. Couriers sometimes
carry disinfo in case they are captured or killed. They may not even
know whether it is disinfo or not. The targets list is something else,
verified by subsequent events. And the phrase "let one happen stop the
rest!!!" is a pretty accurate description of what happened on 9/11
except that the 'first one' (that the air force let happen) came with
four seperate incidents. I'm sure if commercial airplanes hadn't been
grounded there would have been more targets hit. After a plane didn't
take off at Pearson Airport in Toronto, and the passengers had
dispersed, the crew found boxcutters abandoned under some seats.
> 8.  What was the Urban Movers Israeli spy ring celebrating while it
filmed the destruction of the World Trade Center?

Well, my *guess* would be that the incident was beneficial to Israeli
interests. If, as Gordon Thomas claims, Mossad had been trying to warn
the US for weeks, but the US had decided to 'let the first one happen'
(as by disarming commercial pilots, freeing Moussaoui and having the
Air Force not intercept hijackings) then there is an element of 'I
told you so' that might cause celebration. The Odigo (sp?) warning
certainly was heeded by Israelis who usually worked in the twin
towers. The only dead Isaelis on 9/11 were aboard the planes.
> These are just a few of many questions that are still on my mind
about Vreeland and 911.

I understand. I have unanswered questions too. Like why did WTC 7
explode before the towers collapsed? First it was evacuated. Very
mysterious. Lots of evidence on FBI and CIA floors was destroyed.

As it connects to Lt Vreeland he is suspicious that his ONI boss, who
could have verified his story, was killed elsewhere and falsely
claimed to have been at the Pentagon. The plane (if it wasn't a cruise
missile with wings) hit at the precise place to take out the Naval
Command Center. My *guess* is that any ONI or UID information
regarding Admiral Brooda's investigations is destroyed or went missing
after the evacuation.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: lday0000
>   Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 9:26 AM
>   Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Delmart Vreeland - US Intelligence And 9-11
>   --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "johnehorne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   >
>   > >
>   > >   If you are able to answer:  was Sexton/RL's visit planned much
>   in advance,
>   > > or was it spontaneous, ie, within the previous four or five days?
>        is
>   > > there a criminal investigation being conducted?
>   >
>   > Cameron Sexton / Rising Legion was invited by the Lt. to visit him
>   the night that I posted the pdf's online - Thursday May 30th. He left
>   first thing Friday morning and returned on Saturday. There is NO way
>   that he had ANYTHING to do with this alleged poisoning, but given that
>   Galati was poisoned on 23rd May (& don't forget that Galati is
>   representing a terrorist suspect) I personally think that Vreeland
>   made the whole thing up to give himself credibility.
>   I didn't suggest a particular person did it; I merely listed possible
>   suspects. Cameron posted at Lt Vreeland's old site that the two of
>   them had drunk the first bottle of wine together and then he left.
>   >
>   > As to Mike Rupperts email, in case you werent aware, Mike's site has
>   been hacked repeatedly over the past two months & somebody has been
>   sending emails purporting to be from him to various government
>   officials and members of his "From the Wilderness" mailing list. Given
>   that he has made absolutely no confirmation of this story, I am highly
>   suspect that Ruppert was the origin of the email - rather it was the
>   hacker.
>   Time will tell, won't it? If the Ruppert posting was from the hackers
>   wouldn't he have quickly said so?
>   >
>   > I would also suggest that people review these documents:
>   >
>   > http://www3.sympatico.ca/ron666/mishawaka.html
>   >
>   > where Mike Vreeland was arrested, used a false name & claimed he
>   worked for the FBI.
>   >
>   > I would also like people to consider why Mike Vreeland, ONI, would
>   use AOL for email & why he would ask me and RisingLegion to trace IP
>   addresses for him because he didn't know how. (I have copies of IM
>   conversations with him that prove this.)
>   >
>   > I would also like people to cosider why the Russian email bears a
>   MSN copyright which reads '2002'. & also why many of the FIN documents
>   bear a fax header from him dated April 28th 2002 (was he using his fax
>   as a photocopier to produce fraudulent documents based on those which
>   were already in circulation on sites like scholnick's &
>   >
>   > You should also read the judge's rulings available at:
>   >
>   > www3.sympatico.ca/ron666/vreeland.html
>   >
>   > (especially as to the evidence submitted of an email sent to the
>   Pentagon just before the infamous phonecall requesting an office for
>   Delmart Edward Vreeland - the Pentagon staff are not intelligence
>   experts - otherwise I'm sure they would have *somehow* been absent
>   from work on 9-11)
>   >
>   > When you've finished with that, email me & I'll tell you more. I
>   used to be 100% Vreeland as several people know. I was wrong. He is
>   operating a pathetic scheme of lies - which is being bolstered by a
>   growing internet cult of followers - in order to clear his name of the
>   fraud charges & avoid extradition where he is wanted in many, many
>   states. The defense fund is a convienient way to get pocket money in
>   the mean time. I wouldn't be suprised if he's planning on selling his
>   story to Hollywood or some other such crap. This man is a con man - a
>   clever one - but a con man.
>   Keep in mind that Canada has been conned by US extradition cases
>   before. Famously in the case of Leonard Peltier who was extradited,
>   framed, and is still in jail in the US. Consider other frame-ups:
>   Wanta, Riconosciuto, Tyree, Tatum, Gritz..etcetc.
>   You doubt the Lt's credibility; OK, but how much credibility
>   does the US 'justice' system have in the cases of whistle-blowers
>   involved in intelligence matters?
>   >
>   > I will be posting a fuller statement soon when I have many other
>   facts verified that will not put certain people under danger. But if
>   ANYBODY continues down the line that Rising/Cameron poisoned Vreeland
>   I will notify him and put the two of you in contact because that is
>   considered slander.
>   It is perfectly normal in criminal investigations to eliminate people
>   with opportunity from suspicion. How do you do that in this case?
>   >
>   > So read the above (you might also be interested in finding out about
>   "Paul Dore" and the novel "Ender's game" - which, when asked, the Lt
>   claimed was his favorite book)
>   >
>   > Rising and I put in a lot of effort for Vreeland. Rising scanned all
>   the documents personally that I uploaded to the web. Vreeland's new
>   game is to call everyone who disagrees with him a paid disinfo agent
>   and people are going along with this.
>   >
>   > I know the rest of the board is exhausted with this story - believe
>   me I am too - but unless lday & macnamara & others can answer the
>   above, the questions posted by Sean earlier & othes, then give it up.
>   Mike Vreeland has promised he would release files & audio recordings
>   he has for months now. So far, nothing. He's faking everything bit by
>   bit.
>   >
>   > I'll leave you with this. I live in the UK, I'm 22 & have nothing
>   but a recently finished degree on my belt. Why, then, would Vreeland
>   offer to fly me out to Toronto just so he could show me some
>   Because neither email nor phone calls are secure forms of
>   communication? There are things can only be said face to face
>   on a park bench?
>   Look at it from the other direction: why would a 'con man' offer you
>   a transatlantic air fare? If you take up the offer come for June 14
>   and you can meet Mike Ruppert as well.
>   Thanks for posting all the banking transfer documents!
>   Lawrence Day
>   >
>   > John
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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