-Caveat Lector- http://www.babelmagazine.com/

FDR and the Controllers: War-Time Traitors (part three - Russia and the Atomic Bomb)

by Victor Thorn

Without beating around the bush, let's lay it right on the line. Starting in 1943, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his administration, on orders from the Controllers, began giving the Soviet Union secrets to, and the materials for, building the atomic bomb. Now take a look again at the date I just provided - 1943. Yes, that's two entire years before we ever finalized and dropped the Bomb on Hiroshima in August, 1945. One of the key players in this outrageous act was Harry Hopkins, FDR's top advisor and Bolshevik admirer. This traitorous rat played an integral role in giving the Russians both the nuclear materials and blueprints to construct the Bomb.

If you find this information hard to swallow, listen to what Major General John R. Deane said in "The Strange Alliance." "American aid to the Red Butchers was carried out with a zeal which approached fanaticism."

Air Force Major George Racey Jordan, in his published 1952 diary, revealed even more. "There seemed to be no lengths to which American officials would go in aiding Russia to master the secrets of nuclear fission."

The preeminent historian Anthony Sutton, in his book "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development" wrote about this disturbing turn of events. "Stalin paid tribute to the assistance rendered by the U.S. to Soviet industry before and DURING the war. He said that about two-thirds of all the large industrial enterprise in the Soviet Union had been built with United States help or technical assistance."

Finally, Harry Hopkins himself assured a group of Russians at a Madison Square Garden rally in reference to atomic secrets that he was, "Determined that nothing shall stop us from sharing with you all that we have."

One of the primary sources of information in this matter was Air Force Major George Racey Jordan, who had his diary published in 1952. Major Jordan obtained this knowledge while working as a supply expediter and liaison officer from 1942-44 at both the Newark Airport and while serving at an air base in Great Falls, Montana.

But talk is cheap, so let's get to some real proof. Major Jordan meticulously recorded all of the materials that were shipped to the Soviets during his employ - each of them crucial in building an atomic bomb. (It must be noted that most people in America, Major Jordan included, didn't even know what an atomic bomb was prior to 1945 (due, of course, to its implicit secrecy)). Anyway, here's what was shipped:

- Graphite - $812, 430 worth
- Aluminum tubes (used to cook or turn uranium into plutonium) - $13,041,152
- 834,989 pounds of cadmium metal worth $781,472
- Thorium - $22,848
- In January, 1943 alone, we shipped 11,912 pounds of thorium from     Philadelphia to Russia.

Look at what we were shipping them! Why did the Russians need aluminum tubes to turn uranium into plutonium? But that's not all. We also delivered to the Ruskies 1,465 pounds of uranium chemicals; and 2.2 pounds of uranium metal (when our ENTIRE stock of uranium metal was 4.5 pounds)! We surrendered HALF of our entire supply of this crucial raw material to the Soviets! In addition, we also dispatched over 1,000 pounds of deuterium oxide (commonly known as "heavy water") to Russia in November, 1943. Plus, Major Jordan also wrote that an incredible amount of materials was being clandestinely shuttled from Alaska to Siberia.

But the story doesn't end there. Thousands of Soviet military personnel and scientists traveled to the U.S. in large numbers to visit our labs and bases. This was DURING WWII! Major Racey also recounts how he came upon questionable briefcases delivered to the Russians that had road maps to industrial sites and also classified military bases. One of them was to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, a highly sensitive locale that was crucial during WWII. Along with the maps were engineering and scientific papers, plus reports from HARRY HOPKINS with words like "uranium," "cyclotron," "proton," and "deuteron." Finally, their briefcases also possessed maps for "Oak Ridge, Manhattan Engineering District." Hmmm, do you think that had anything to do with the hush-hush "Manhattan Project?" Guess it wasn't so hush-hush after all.

Below is the total aid we gave to Russia while we were in the midst of WWII:

1942 - $1,422,853,332
1943 - $2,955,811,271
1944 - $3,459,274,155
1945 - $1,838,281,501

The total - $9.6 billion ... yes ... 9.6 BILLION dollars in aid to the Soviet Union! But once the war was over, did the aid end? Not by a long shot. General Leslie R. Groves relays the variety of items sent to post-war Russia:

- 121 merchant ships - $123 million
- 1,285 trains - $103 million
- trucks and buses - $508 million
- tractors - $24 million
- telephone equipment - $33 million
- generators - $222 million

Well, lo and behold, on September 23, 1949, guess what happened. Yup, the Soviets tested and exploded their first A-bomb - only four years after we did. Now, for years I wondered how they could have developed this technology so quickly. I mean, here was an ass-backwards country that had been decimated by WWII AND the ravages of Communism. They were broke, hurting, starving, and hardly in any position to make this fantastic leap into the nuclear age ... unless ...! Des Griffin, in "Descent Into Slavery" summed it up best when he wrote, "It was only when the Russians exploded their first atomic bomb in 1949 that the thunderous reality of where the Reds obtained their atomic secrets dawned on Major Jordan; these atomic secrets had come straight from the White House!"

The big question is - Why? Why did the United States government find it so imperative to finance the Soviet War Machine during and AFTER the war, plus hand them our nuclear secrets before we had even fully developed the Bomb ourselves? Well, the answer might surprise you. Y'see, WE didn't, of our own volition, give them anything. Instead, FDR and his cabinet, and later Harry Truman, were mere "implementers" for the Controllers, who were behind everything.

Here are the reasons. First, the Controllers "CREATED" Communist Russia in the first place by financing Lenin's "Bolshevik Revolution" during Woodrow Wilson's administration. Then, after WWI, which everyone knew would lead to WWII (due to the type of treaties that were put into place); the Controllers realized that after the A-bomb was dropped, there would only be one "king of the hill" - America. Why? Well, basically because every country across Europe was decimated, while the U.S.A. stood unscathed. We were at the top of our game both economically and production-wise, plus our confidence soared. We were the greatest, strongest nation in the world, and everyone knew it.

But having one force mightier (by far) than any other is a tremendous threat to the Controllers, who, being mere bankers, could easily be thrust from their seats of power if a nation set its mind to it. So, to prevent such a thing from happening, the Controllers always plan ahead and make sure they have a "back-up" to offset the winner of a certain war. And how do they determine who ultimately wins the war? Simple. They control the money, and thus the loans. If a huge influx of money is suddenly cut-off, how can a country's War Machine keep churning ahead? Without loans, it's hard to buy or manufacture tanks, bombs, aircraft, guns, and uniforms.

Anyway, realizing that America would emerge victorious, the Controllers already began planning for a nation to act as a BALANCE - someone to offset the USA's vast dominance in every area. That nation happened to be the Soviet Union, and thus preparations were being made before WWII had even ended. Now do you see why we were funneling so much money and supplies into post-war Russia immediately after the war was over? The Controllers knew that it was IMPERATIVE to "even things out" quickly before America grew even more dominant.

The same goes for our over-willingness to give our atomic secrets to Russia before we even before we dropped our own A-bomb. God forbid that America lasted too long as the only nation with nuclear capabilities. Don't you see? That would make our dominance too one-sided; thus Russia was our atomic BALANCE.

A secondary effect also resulted from us building-up Russia's nuclear arsenal. For one, it began a "Cold War" that lasted for 30+ years (all the way into Reagan's presidency). With this Cold War came:

1) An overwhelming "fear factor" (i.e. bomb shelters, Red scares, children under desks, apocalypse, etc.); and more importantly,
2) The beginning of HUGE deficit spending to make sure that one side didn't get more weapons than the other.

Stated differently, by building a bigger and bigger War Machine, we had to keep borrowing more and more money from whom? You guessed it - the Controllers! The further we were in debt, the more control they gained over us. Plus, with an "enemy" (the Commies - Ruskies), America had a way to "justify" all this outlandish spending. In the end, the illusion was maintained - the Controllers stayed in power, America became massively indebted, Russia eventually crumbled, and the people of this country focused their attention on a "created" enemy - the Soviets - rather than aiming at the truly evil empire - that of the Controllers. Everything was "balanced out," and the only winners were those who lurked in the shadows pulling all the strings!

I wonder why we keep falling for this crap over and over again?

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