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... WhatDIDN'Treallyhappen.com. Devoted to smashing conspiracy
and humiliating their purveyors!

 Monday, June 24, 2002 ::

A flimsy attempt at a snappy rejoinder. A nameless blogger (another
one of those valiant dissidents who's afraid of the Treasury agents
underneath his bed) has tried his hand at refuting my Ruppert
post below. He has his own conspiracy yarns, including a Vince  Foster
redux, exposing the Cliff Baxter "suicide sham."

In any event, his prodding of my timeline focuses on items 3 and 4,
which Ruppert first claims the
Unocal pipeline deal failed because the Taliban's price was too high

(in 1997), and that Unocal VP John Maresca testified a year later
the deal would not be feasible unless and until a stable Afghan
was in place. Predictably, this mystery blogger does not see the
incongruity here.

but presumably that doesn't necessarily follow. The 1997  negotiations
could have failed over
money, and the Unocal Vice President could also have testified  before
the House that the pipeline would not be built before there was a
stable government in Afghanistan.

I suppose you could make this argument if Afghanistan had slid into
chaos between 1997 and 1998, but the truth of the matter is that the

Taliban continued to consolidate its rule after 1996, and the  country
was certainly more stable (inasmuch as a country living under the
brutal, Luddite tyranny the world has seen since the Khmer Rouge can

be called stable) in 1998 than 1997, when Unocal was supposedly
haggling over a price. Prudent entrepreneurs ensure the investment  is
a secure one before they negotiate a price, not after.

The argument then progresses to Unocal's recent press release  stating
that it no longer had any
interest in building the pipeline, which we are to believe is "a
I dare say, of protesting too much." Uh-huh. If Unocal had released
out of the blue, but what he doesn't tell you is that it was in
response to a report that it was the "lead company" in the  pipeline's
construction. "Protesting too much" is something corporations sort  of
have to do from time to time, as they depend of what are called
investors who give special slips of paper called money for their
stock, based on the decisions the corporation makes.


But here's the best part of the missive:

Ruppert's strength isn't in any particlar part of the timeline, but
the sheer quantity of

suspicious details.

So you see, it doesn't matter if none of Ruppert's weak assumptions,

distortions, logic fallacies, and outright factual errors, hold any
water. The fact that he is able to come up with such a wealth of
idiotic arguments proves him right!

It should also be noted that this despicable pig also notes (again,
what is apparently his own yarn)
the fact that only one flag officer - Lt. Gen. Timothy Maude - died
the attack as proof that there was foreknowledge, snidely remarking,

"I guess he didn't get the memo."

Thanks for reminding me why I devote so much time to humiliating you

people, Mr. Xymphora.
:: Bill Herbert 9:27 PM [+] ::

:: Sunday, June 23, 2002 ::

Mike Ruppert’s bullshit-riddled timeline (Part 1). NOTE: This is the

first in what will be at least a 5-part series refuting Mike
conspiratorial "timeline" point by point. It may grow longer, as
Ruppert continues to add more allegations, in lieu of actually
providing evidence to support his older ones.

David Corn may not have the space to devote to Ruppert’s entire
timeline – which contains most of
his purported "evidence" of government foreknowledge of, and
complicity in, the 9/11 attacks.

But I do. From the top…

FTW, November 2, 2001 – 1200 PST – On October 31, the French daily  Le
Figaro dropped

a bombshell. While in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a
chronic kidney infection last July, Osama bin Laden met with a top
official - presumably the Chief of Station. The meeting, held in bin

Laden’s private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai
a time when he was a wanted fugitive for the bombings of two U.S.
embassies and this year’s attack on the U.S.S. Cole. Bin Laden was
eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding
by President Bill Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on
July 14th he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet and there
were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down.

Now, let’s go back to the October 31 story by Le Figaro – the one
has Osama bin Laden
meeting with a CIA officer in Dubai this June.

The story says that, "Throughout his stay in the hospital, Osama Bin

Laden received visits
from many family members [There goes the story that he’s a black
sheep!] and Saudi Arabian Emirate personalities of status. During
time the local representative of the CIA was seen by many people
taking the elevator and going to bin Laden’s room.

"Several days later the CIA officer bragged to his friends about
having visited the Saudi

millionaire. From authoritative sources, this CIA agent visited CIA
headquarters on July 15th, the day after bin Laden’s departure for

"According to various Arab diplomatic sources and French  intelligence
itself, precise

information was communicated to the CIA concerning terrorist attacks

aimed at American interests in the world, including its own

"Extremely bothered, they [American intelligence officers in a
with French intelligence
officers] requested from their French peers exact details about the
activists [connected to bin Laden through Dubai banking
without explaining
the exact nature of their inquiry. When asked the question, "What do

you fear in the coming days?’ the Americans responded with
incomprehensible silence."…

"On further investigation, the FBI discovered certain plans that had

been put together
between the CIA and its "Islamic friends" over the years. The  meeting
in Dubai is, so it
would seem, consistent with ‘a certain American policy.’"

Even though Le Figaro reported that it had confirmed with hospital
staff that bin Laden

had been there as reported, stories printed on November 1 contained
quotes from hospital staff that these reports were untrue. On
1, as reported by the Ananova press
agency, the CIA flatly denied that any meeting between any CIA
personnel and Osama bin Laden at any time.

Who do you believe?

First of all, Le Figaro never "confirmed" anything with Dubai
staff, and Ruppert knows this. Bill Weinberg, editor of World War 3
Report called Ruppert on this inaccuracy back in March. The original

(French) version actually used the verb affirmer, which Ruppert
incorrectly translated to mean "confirm."

Should’ve used Babel Fish, Mikey!

Hence, what Ruppert has here is a single unnamed hospital official  to
corroborate Le Figaro’s

outlandish tale. How about those other "quotes from hospital staff?"
According to Agence France Presse, the hospital’s CEO, Bernard Koval

"categorically denied" the report. "’Osama bin Laden has never been
here. He's never been a patient and he's never been treated here. We

have no idea of his medical condition,’ he insisted. ‘This is too
small a hospital for someone to be snuck through the backdoor.’" [Luke
Phillips, AFP, 31 Oct. 2001]

I believe the CIA. And the officials of the American Hospital in
Dubai, who are not affiliated with the
U.S. government. That’s two independent sources – both of which were

sourced, and used much stronger words than "allegedly" – Ruppert’s
mistranslation notwithstanding -- in their version of events.

On with Ruppert’s "timeline," which I will take apart line by line…

1. 1991-1997 – Major U.S. oil companies including ExxonMobil,  Texaco,
Unocal, BP, Amoco,

Shell and Enron directly invest billions in cash bribing heads of
state in Kazakhstan to secure equity rights in the huge oil reserves

in these regions. The oil companies further commit to future direct
investments in Kazakhstan of $35 billion. Not being willing to pay
exorbitant prices to Russia to use Russian pipelines the major oil
companies have no way to recoup their investments. ["The Price of
Oil," by Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker, July 9, 2001 – The Asia
"The Roving Eye Part I Jan. 26, 2002.]

All of which proves absolutely nothing. Yes, the U.S. consumes a
deal of oil. And yes, Central Asia is a burgeoning source which  could
well supply us, and the rest of the world, for decades to come. But
even if we were to accept Ruppert’s conclusions at face value, this
no way supports any logical nexus between our craving of petroleum
the decision to go to war. And it doesn’t even support, much less
prove, Ruppert’s allegation that there was foreknowledge of the 9/11


And when we prod a little into the substance of this claim, we find
to be a gross oversimplification,
treating the oil industry as a monolithic interest. The reality is
that there has never been a consensus among oil companies on the  best
route for the Central Asian pipeline. Take this analysis from BBC:

On the contrary, very few western politicians or oil companies have
taken Afghanistan
seriously as a major export route - for the simple reason that few
believe Afghanistan will ever achieve the stability needed to ensure
regular and uninterrupted flow of oil and gas.
The West, in contrast, and particularly the US, has put almost all
efforts into developing a major new route from the Caspian through
Azerbaijan and Georgia to the Black Sea.

This had the potential advantage (from a western point of view) of
bypassing Russia and
Iran, and breaking their monopoly of influence in the region -
allowing the states of the Caucasus (Georgia, Azerbaijan and  possibly
Armenia) and Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and
Kyrgyzstan) to develop a more balanced, independent foreign policy.

Other insight into the war-for-oil conspiracy theory can be found
and here, both good pieces from Spinsanity that obliterated the
as put forth by Ted Rall – who does not, to my knowledge, believe
there was any government foreknowledge or complicity in 9/11.

2. January, 1995 – Philippine police investigating a possible attack

on the Pope uncover

plans for Operation Bojinka, connected to WTC bomber Ramsi Youssef.
Parts of the plan call for crashing hijacked airliners into civilian

targets. Details of the plan are disclosed in Youssef’s 1997 trial
the 1993 WTC bombing. [Source: AFP, December 7, 2001]

This information would not qualify as what has been termed "actionable
intelligence." Unless Ruppert is suggesting that we should have shut

down all commercial air traffic from 1997 until… well, until when
exactly? This, like many of Ruppert’s other "smoking gun" offers no
information about specific dates, or even the specific airports from

where such attacks would be launched. Moreover, the revelations
included such possible targets as the Eiffel Tower. The notion that
could have provided interminable air defenses for such a large range

of targets is ridiculous.

3. December 4, 1997 – Representatives of the Taliban are invited
guests to the Texas
headquarters of Unocal to negotiate their support for the pipeline.
Subsequent reports will indicate that the negotiations failed,
allegedly because the Taliban wanted too much money. [Source: The
Dec. 4, 1997]

Nothing more compelling here than his first item. Moreover, this
bullet is contradicted by the next…

4. February 12, 1998 – Unocal Vice President John J. Maresca – later

to become a Special
Ambassador to Afghanistan – testifies before the House that until a
single, unified, friendly government is in place in Afghanistan the
trans-Afghani pipeline needed to monetize the oil will not be built.

[Source: Testimony before the House International Relations

Which is it, Ruppert? Either Unocal backed out over too much money,
the lack of stability. Put together, these two items seem to confirm

that Unocal’s desire for such a pipeline was tepid, at best.

5. 1998 - The CIA ignores warnings from Case Officer Robert Baer  that
Saudi Arabia was
harboring an al-Q’aeda cell led by two known terrorists. A more
detailed list of known terrorists is offered to Saudi intelligence  in
August 2001 and refused. [Source: Financial Times 1/12/01; See No
by a book by Robert Baer (release date Feb. 2002)].

Once again, this does not qualify as actionable intelligence. There
no indication that this "warning" contained any information about  the
9/11 plots, or that the leads would have lead to any of its
participants – not that that would have mattered. Two years would
been plenty of time for al- Qaeda to retool its plans.

6. April, 1999 – Enron with a $3 billion investment to build an
electrical generating plant at
Dabhol India loses access to plentiful LNG supplies from Qatar to
the plant. Its only remaining option to make the investment
is a trans-Afghani gas pipeline to be built by Unocal from
Turkmenistan that would terminate near the Indian border at the city

of Multan. [Source: The Albion Monitor, Feb. 28, 2002.]

Huh? Qatar and India are not adjacent countries. Oil shipments
the two would presumably have been made by sea, which would seem to
open up a few more "remaining options." Options like, oh, I don’t
know, Oman?

Oman LNG's third major long-term customer, Dabhol Power Co of India,

expects to take
delivery of its first cargo of Oman's LNG in October 2001. The  Dabhol
SPA calls for the supply of 1.6 millions tpa over a 20-year period.

The Oman LNG plant has a total capacity of some 6.6 million tpa of
LNG. The sales contracts
with Kogas, Osaka Gas and Dabhol mean the company has successfully
sold the entire output of the plant on a long term basis.[" Business

News: Oman joins world's gas exporters with plant inauguration," Gulf
News, 15 Oct. 2000]

Not enough? Okay, how about some shipments from UAE?

Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company Ltd. (Adgas) is to start gas
exports to India from the
end of 2001 for a 20-year period, the company's general manager said

in an interview released on Tuesday. "We shall start exporting LNG
(liquefied natural gas to Dabhol Power Company of India at an annual

contractual rate of 480,000 tonnes, for a 20-year period," Rashid
al-Jarwan told the company's in-house magazine.[" UAE to start LNG
exports to India at end of 2001," Agence France Presse, 26 Dec.  2000]

Neither of these sources carry the esteem of an Albion Monitor, but
they are the best I could do.

7. 1998 and 2000 - Former President George H.W. Bush travels to  Saudi
Arabia on behalf of
the privately owned Carlyle Group, the 11th largest defense
in the U.S. While there he meets privately with the Saudi royal
and the bin Laden family.[Source: Wall Street Journal, Sept. 27,
See also FTW, Vol. IV, No 7 – "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy,"

There’s been a lot of talk about the bin Laden family, prefaced on
assumption that the whole "estrangement" story of Usama is a  complete
lie. Of course, neither Ruppert, Michael Moore, or anyone else
alleging the Bush-bin Laden family connection have ever put forth  any
evidence that UBL still has friendly relations with his pro-Western
capitalist family members.

8. March, 2000 - An FBI agent, reportedly angry over a glitch in
Carnivore that has somehow
mixed innocent non-targeted emails with those belonging to Al  Q’aeda,
destroys all of the FBI’s Denver-based intercepts of bin Laden’s
colleagues in a terrorist investigation. [The Washington Post, May

It should be noted that these were suspects, not confirmed "bin  Laden
colleagues," and because of the legal implications of gathering so
many private communications from innocent people on whom the FBI did

not have warrants, this would have been an understandable reaction.
But, as is rapidly becoming the pattern, this is not nearly the  whole

Yesterday, a bureau official disputed the account in the memorandum.

He said no information
had been lost, because the e-mail had been recovered. The system
gathered too much information, the official said, not because it was

flawed or experimental, but because the Internet service provider
agents outdated settings for the tapped computers.

"The technology assistance provided by the I.S.P. is vital to proper

configuration," the official

As a cop, one would think Ruppert would see the value of protecting
the legal integrity of an investigation. Then again, reports of his
record with the LAPD are spotty at best. And once again, there is no

indication at all that this SNAFU had even a tangential relationship

to the 9/11 plotters, or that this information could have given any
assistance at all in preventing the attacks.

9. 2000 (est.) - The FBI refuses to disclose the date of an internal

memo stating that a middle
eastern nation had been trying to purchase a flight simulator. [The
L.A. Times, May 30, 2002].

But they did, according to the same report, turn the document over  to
Congressional investigators – not a wise move, if it’s as damning as

Ruppert thinks it is.

10. August, 2000 - Suspected Al Q’aeda operatives wiretapped by
Italian police made
apparent references to plans for major attacks involving airports,
airplanes and the United States according to transcripts obtained by

the L.A. Times. The LA Times suggests that the information might not

have been passed to U.S. authorities (hard to believe) but it did
report that Italian authorities would not comment on the report. The

Times also noted that "Italian and US anti-terrorism experts
closely." [The Los Angeles Times, May 29, 2002].

The LAT story also says that the significance of these intercepts
wasn’t even realized by Italian authorities until "sometime after
Sept. 11."

So far, Ruppert’s conspiracy would require collusion among countless

bureaucrats in just about
every federal agency except the Tennessee Valley Authority. Now,  he’s
suggesting complicity by the Italian intelligence service? Ah, why
hell not! The more the merrier!

11. October 24-6, 2000 - Pentagon officials carry out a "detailed"
emergency drill based
upon the crashing of a hijacked airliner into the Pentagon. [The
Mirror, May 24, 2002]

That Ruppert would try to construe this prudent disaster preparation

exercise as evidence of foreknowledge of 9/11 would be funny if it
weren’t so despicable. The report cited by the Mirror is here. As  you
can see, it contains no reference at all to hijacked planes, but  that
this was a generic mass casualty drill to ensure that the Pentagon’s

emergency response personnel could coordinate properly with other
agencies, such as the Arlington, Va. Fire Department.

Several other scenarios were also part of the exercise, and it may
come as a surprise to Ruppert, but
the military is known for its continual training exercises, and they

do not necessarily suggest that the scenarios practiced are  imminent.

12. January, 2001 – The Bush Administration orders the FBI and
intelligence agencies to
"back off" investigations involving the bin Laden family, including
two of Osama bin Laden’s relatives (Abdullah and Omar) who were
in Falls Church, VA – right next to CIA headquarters. This followed
previous orders dating back to 1996, frustrating efforts to
investigate the bin Laden family. [Source: BBC Newsnight,
Correspondent Gregg Palast –Nov 7, 2001].

There’s just one thing missing from Palast’s report: whether these
zealous agents who wanted to investigate the bin Laden family had
absolutely anything in along the order of probable cause. In fact,
there’s no substance to his report at all. In an incestuous  lovefest,
he quotes fellow conspiracy theorists, as if the fact that these
idiots support each other proves a thing.

Other, more reputable accounts concerning the bin Laden family
that there has been no
shortage of cooperation by the family in bringing Usama to justice.
addition to providing DNA samples to assist in identifying his  corpse
should he have been killed in the Afghanistan campaign, family
– including his own mother, who still spoke with Usama – have given
the U.S. any assistance they could:

The foreign official said the telephone call did not come to light
until after Sept. 11 and was
uncovered only as investigators for a foreign intelligence agency
searched for evidence relevant to the attacks. Details of the
conversation were first reported by NBC News today.

Mr. Bin Laden's mother, a member of the Alawite sect in Syria, took
the phone call from her
son while she was vacationing in Damascus, the capital, where she  has
met with him in the past, the official said. After she returned home

to Saudi Arabia on Sept. 12 and learned of the terrorist attacks in
the United States, she and members of her traveling party were
interrogated by the police.

"She is not a bad person," the official said, noting that Mr. bin
Laden's extended family has
been cooperative in the investigations into terrorist acts that he  is
said to have organized or inspired.

It’s quite probable that the feds have gotten a wealth of useful
information from the bin Laden family (though they certainly  wouldn’t
divulge details, nor should they, for obvious reasons), and that the

supervisors of Palast’s nameless agents waved them off to prevent
from upsetting a good relationship by harassing them.

13. Feb 13, 2001 – UPI Terrorism Correspondent Richard Sale – while
covering a trial of bin
Laden’s Al Q’aeda followers - reports that the National Security
Agency has broken bin Laden’s encrypted communications. Even if this

indicates that bin Laden changed systems in February it does not  mesh
with the fact that the government insists that the attacks had been
planned for years.

In his own refutation of Ruppert, David Corn argued that Ruppert
completely misrepresented Sale’s account, and that the NSA had
actually only manipulated some of its bank accounts and blocked
certain communications, which would not require breaking their  codes.
Ruppert’s fervid (yet weak) response rather foolishly overplayed his

hand, offering that al-Qaeda’s communications have been protected by

"a full suite of tools," which deflates his claim that al-Qaeda
communications were an open book to the NSA. Also from Sale’s story:

Coded letters, encryption of calls, verbal ciphers, messengers that
elude technical collection,
embedding messages in Internet porno films -- all are being used.

Since Bin Laden started to encrypt certain calls in 1995, why would
they now be part of a
court record? "Codes were broken," US officials said, and Venzke
that you don't use your highest level of secure communications all
time. It's too burdensome, and it exposes it to other types of

During an insurgency in Cyprus in the 1950s, the British found the
rebels were using female
motorcycle riders to carry messages back and forth. Bin Laden is
the same. But while messengers are fine, their use "is dependent  very
much on the speed you require," Venzke said: "Communication has to  be
safe, but it has to be efficient too."

Yet another example of Ruppert’s selective vacuum-cleaner approach" to
research. His argument here presumes that 1)the NSA was able to  break
all al-Qaeda codes, within all its modes of communication, 2)that
those modes of communication and encryption stayed the same
that that six-year period, and 3)that al-Qaeda never expected the
sophisticated electronic intelligence gathering agency the world has

ever seen to ever break its codes, and thus never took any action to

change or protect them. These assumptions are, of course, moronic.

14. May 2001 – Secretary of State Colin Powell gives $43 million in
aid to the Taliban regime,
purportedly to assist hungry farmers who are starving since the
destruction of their opium crop in January on orders of the Taliban
regime. [Source: The Los Angeles Times, May 22, 2001].

I’ll defer to David Corn on this one:

Purportedly? Was the administration paying off the Taliban for
something else? That is what
Ruppert is hinting. The newspaper, though, reported that all US  funds
"are channeled through the United Nations and international
agencies," not handed to the Taliban. Unless Ruppert can show that
not the case, this dot has no particular significance.

One should also note the peculiarity of Ruppert alleging the
administration’s schmoozing the Taliban as proof that we wanted to
eradicate them all along. This generous donation, it should be  noted,
was given just two months before we were supposedly threatening the
Taliban with military force (more on that later).

15. May, 2001 – Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, a career

covert operative and
former Navy Seal, travels to India on a publicized tour while CIA
Director George Tenet makes a quiet visit to Pakistan to meet with
Pakistani leader General Pervez Musharraf. Armitage has long and  deep
Pakistani intelligence connections. It would be reasonable to assume

that while in Islamabad, Tenet, in what was described as "an
long meeting," also met with his Pakistani counterpart, Lt. General
Mahmud Ahmad, head of the ISI. [Source The Indian SAPRA news agency,

May 22, 2001.]

"It would be reasonable to assume?" And suppose this meeting between

the nefarious intelligence chiefs did take place? Could they  possibly
have discussed our concerns over nuclear proliferation in the region

or Indo-Pakistani relations in general? How about Kashmir? No, it’s
obvious to those who possess Ruppert’s special perspicacity that  they
could only have been discussing the fiendish plot to force al- Qaeda’s
hand to commit a vicious atrocity that would give them the pretext  to
invade Afghanistan. If the rest of the world would just get with the


16. June 2001 – German intelligence, the BND, warns the CIA and
that Middle Eastern
terrorists are "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as
weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture."
[Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 14, 2001.]

Yet another conveniently timed warning. And the source certainly
scrutiny. Ruppert makes much of the fact that the U.S. government  has
never denied Allgemeine Zeitung’s account assuming that such a
groundbreaking revelation must be true even though no other German
publication picked up the story.

It’s also very curious that German intelligence officials would have

so much specific information to
give the Americans and Israel, yet took no action itself against the

al-Qaeda cell operating in Hamburg until after the attacks. If this
warning was as specific as FAZ claims, German officials would be
guilty of far more egregious negligence (or are they part of the
widening conspiracy?) than our own officials.

And again, unless the Germans had offered up the specific  individuals
from whom they got these
warnings, what sort of action could the U.S. have taken? Close our
space to all commercial air traffic for an indeterminate amount of

17. July, 2001 – Three American officials: Tom Simmons (former U.S.
Ambassador to
Pakistan), Karl Inderfurth (former Assistant Secretary of State for
South Asian affairs) and Lee Coldren (former State Department expert

on South Asia), meet with Pakistani and Russian intelligence  officers
in Berlin and tell them that the U.S. is planning military strikes
against Afghanistan in October. A French book released in November,
"Bin Laden - La Verite? Interdite," discloses that Taliban
representatives often sat in on the meetings.
British papers confirm that the Pakistani ISI relayed the threats to

the Taliban. [Source: The Guardian, September 22, 2001; the BBC,
September 18, 2001.The Inter Press Service, Nov 16, 2001]

There he goes with another glaring misuse of the word "confirm," and

this time he cannot claim a language barrier as an excuse. A quick
perusal of the Guardian story confirms that they confirmed no such
thing – they merely echoed the original allegation by former (in
all of the participants of these "track two" meetings were former
government officials) Pakistani foreign minister Niaz Naik.

According to the same story, Naik’s version of events are refuted  not
only by Simon, Coldren, and
Inderfurth, but the Russian counterpart as well:

Nikolai Kozyrev, Moscow's former special envoy on Afghanistan and  one
of the Russians in
Berlin, would not confirm the contents of the US conversations, but
said: "Maybe they had some discussions in the corridor. I don't
exclude such a possibility."

Mr Naik's recollection is that "we had the impression Russians were
trying to tell the
Americans that the threat of the use of force is sometimes more
effective than force itself".

Naik’s allegation that the Russians were an active part in these
discussions precludes the possibility that they were "discussions in

the corridor" out of earshot of the Russians. And Kozyrev’s refusal
rule out the possibility of outside discussions would indicate that
is not trying to cover for the Americans’ version. But even Naik
quite as confident about his own story as Ruppert is…

Asked whether he could be sure that the Americans were passing ideas

from the Bush
administration rather than their own views, Mr Naik said yesterday:
"What the Americans indicated to us was perhaps based on official
instructions. They were very senior people. Even in 'track two'
are very careful about what they say and don't say."

Perhaps? Perhaps?!? And speaking of being "very careful about what
they say and don’t say," why would these U.S. emissaries divulge an
imminent attack on Afghanistan, including specific details on how it

was to be carried out, in the presence of Pakistanis, whose
was at the time being censured by the U.S. for its nuclear
proliferation and still had friendly ties to the Taliban government?

But even if we were to accept Naik’s claims in the Daily Wanker
this in no way supports the
war-for–oil theory or the idea that the U.S. government had
foreknowledge of the9/11 attacks. While the Brisard and Dasquie
account alleges the meetings were over "geostrategic oil interests,"
the Wanker’s version makes it quite clear that the threats of force
purportedly passed to the Taliban were to convince them to hand over

bin Laden.

Finally, as Corn notes, this allegation presumes that the 9/11 plots

were hatched merely two months
before they were carried out. So why does Ruppert’s timeline contain

so many items that go as far back as 1998?

That’s all for now. I will further dissect Ruppert’s nonsense once  my
palette is cleared of the taste of
:: Bill Herbert 10:41 AM [+] ::

:: Thursday, June 20, 2002 ::

The myth of NORAD's non-response on 9/11. One of the prominent
arguments made by Government Foreknowledge/Complicity theorists is
that the standing FAA/NORAD procedures for intercepting wayward
civilian aircraft were not followed, which means that our air  defense
system had to have been "stood down" - an act which would have
required intervention from the highest levels.

Damian Penny addresses this assertion, also made by one of Canada's
own media mental patients,
Barry Zwicker, with today's report that this same system failed to
intercept a Cessna that violated White House airspace late  yesterday.
He might also have mentioned the case of Charles Bishop whose own
suicidal crash into a Tampa building fialed to elicit a military
intercept until 45 minutes after he had taken off without

Zwicker cites an NBC report - aired just hours after the attacks
occurred - which stated that no jets
were sortied until after the attack on the Pentagon. This statement
directly contradicted by NORAD, whose website posted the timelines  of
their response to all four hijackings:

American Airlines Flight 11 – Boston enroute to Los Angeles

FAA Notification to NEADS                                 0840*
Fighter Scramble Order (Otis Air National Guard Base, Falmouth,  Mass.
Two F-15s)           0846**
Fighters Airborne                                            0852
Airline Impact Time (World Trade Center 1)                  0846
Fighter Time/Distance from Airline Impact Location    Aircraft not
airborne/153 miles

United Airlines Flight 175 – Boston enroute to Los Angeles
FAA Notification to NEADS                 0843
Fighter Scramble Order (Otis ANGB, Falmouth, Mass.
Same 2 F-15s as Flight 11) 0846
Fighters Airborne   0852
Airline Impact Time (World Trade Center 2)                  0902
Fighter Time/Distance from Airline Impact Location          approx 8

min****/71 miles

American Flight 77 –Dulles enroute to Los Angeles
FAA Notification to NEADS                                  0924
Fighter Scramble Order (Langley AFB, Hampton, Va.
2 F-16s)                                0924
Fighters Airborne          0930
Airline Impact Time (Pentagon)                              0937
Fighter Time/Distance from Airline Impact Location          approx  12
min/105 miles

United Flight 93 – Newark to San Francisco
FAA Notification to NEADS                                   N/A  *****
Fighter Scramble Order (Langley F-16s already airborne for AA Flt  77)
Fighters Airborne (Langley F-16 CAP remains in place to protect DC)
Airline Impact Time (Pennsylvania)                          1003
Fighter Time/Distance from Airline Impact Location          approx  11
min/100 miles
(from DC F-16 CAP)

In response to this, the conspiracy wonks have done one of two
Some contend that the delay in sortying fighter jets still proves
their point, and cite the 1999 intercept of (and I'm being totally
serious here) Payne Stewart's fateful flight as a precedent showing
how the FAA/NORAD response is supposed to work. Zwicker claims that
the "total elapsed time" was a mere 21 minues between the  realization
that Stewart's lear jet was flying blind after its cabin was
depressurized and its crew incapacitated, to the time two F-16s
launched from Tydall AFB in Florida intercepted the plane.

Zwicker doesn't cite any source for his timeline, and it is quite
different from other reports.

Zwicker's timeline notes that air traffic controllers "called in the

military" at 9:38 a.m. EST, which is

correct. He further alleges that the two F-16's reached Stewart's
plane at 9:54, but according to Larry Guest's April 6, 2000 report,
those jets did not even sortie from Tyndall until 10:08 a.m. Zwicker

may also be interested to learn that those F-16's later deferred to
Eglin AFB jet, which had already been aloft on a routine training
mission. That plane took time for an airborne refueling, then sped
north for another 50 minutes before reaching Stewart's plane! Guest
sourced his story directly to the air traffic controllers who were
handling Stewart's jet, Air Force officials, and Capt. Chris
the pilot who intercepted the plane.

Nice try, Zwicker.

Other versions of this flavor of conspiracy theory reject the
that NORAD responded before

the Pentagon was hit as a "cover story" which is contradicted by
initial reports. Reasonable people understand that in a crisis,  first
reports are often wrong, but to these mental defectives, those
reports are the Freudian slips that emanate the truth, and anything
reported after reflection is part of a cover up.

But let's dissect their evidence anyway. This website (which also
alleges that photos of Bosnian death
camps were faked) allegesthat it is somehow inconceivable that Dan
Rather could make a journalistic error by first reporting that jets
were not launched until after the Pentagon was hit, and reporting
otherwise two days later.

They also select a rather narrow portion of JCS Chairman Gen.  Richard
Myers' testimony before the
SASC on September 13:

When it became clear what the threat was, we did scramble fighter
aircraft, AWACS, radar
aircraft and tanker aircraft to begin to establish orbits in case
other aircraft showed up in the FAA system that were hijacked.

Here is a longer excerpt of the same testimony:

LEVIN: Was the Defense Department contacted by the FAA or the FBI or

any other agency
after the first two hijacked aircraft crashed into the World Trade
Center, prior to the time that the Pentagon was hit?

MYERS: Sir, I don't know the answer to that question. I can get that

for you, for the

LEVIN: Thank you. Did the Defense Department take -- or was the
Defense Department
asked to take action against any specific aircraft?

MYERS: Sir, we were . . .

LEVIN: And did you take action against -- for instance, there has
statements that the

aircraft that crashed in Pennsylvania was shot down. Those stories
continue to exist.

MYERS: Mr. Chairman, the armed forces did not shoot down any
When it became
clear what the threat was, we did scramble fighter aircraft, AWACS,
radar aircraft and tanker aircraft to begin to establish orbits in
case other aircraft showed up in the FAA system that were hijacked.
But we never actually had to use force.

LEVIN: Was that order that you just described given before or after
the Pentagon was struck?
Do you know?

MYERS: That order, to the best of my knowledge, was after the
struck.(Emphasis mine)

The very premise of this particular theory is that the FAA/NORAD
procedures are established and would require intervention to keep  the
agencies from acting automatically. It is indeed the case that the
military uses standard operating procedures to remove the  possibility
of judgement errors in these situtations, which is why official far
removed from the responding commands might not be familiar with all
the details.

Case closed.

:: Bill Herbert 5:55 PM [+] ::

:: Monday, June 17, 2002 ::

Way too much information on the internet about this guy.

An alert reader forwarded links to this Web site, as well as it's
companion discussion forum devoted to exposing the crimes and lies  of
Delmart Vreeland, the small time (albeit quite prolific) con artist
and identity thief who has been lauded as a "White Knight" by many  in
the LaRouche Left.

A lot of the debunking appears to have come from the guy's own half
brother (damn!), and the site
even links to this rendition of an old Village People standard
interspersed with snippets from the air time devoted to his case.

This started out as a quaint little conspiracy theory about a guy
a handwritten note predicting the
events of 9/11, but now it's just gotten silly!
:: Bill Herbert 7:21 PM [+] ::

:: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 ::

More TWA 800 stupidity. Denver talk radio gasbag Ken Hamblin offers
"another look" at the possibility that the Right's favorite
theory may yet be true:

When I expressed my view that a shoulder-mounted missile may have
used to destroy
TWA 800, the usual would-be ammunition experts telephoned my
syndicated talk radio show to insist that no Stinger could have
brought down Flight 800 because it couldn't have been effective  above
10,000 feet. Radar revealed the aircraft was climbing through 13,000

when it exploded.

Today I know those so-called experts were wrong because, according  to
the report from
President Bush's policymakers, the Russian-made "SA-7s have a range
over 3 miles and can strike an aircraft flying at 13,500 feet. And  an
American-made Stinger can take out an aircraft flying at 10,000 feet

and 5 miles away."

Wow. How has the Jon-Benet Ramsey case gone unsolved for so long  with
such analytical prowess right under the Boulder DA's nose?

Okay, so we've ascertained that it would not have been impossible  for
a SAM to reach the airliner
from the ground. This, of course, could have been easily verified
before Hamblin's new developments - back in, say, March 1999?

What does Hamblin offer, other than refuting the impossibility of a
missile attack? Nothing! He merely
rehashes the same old conspiracy drivel, which has been abandoned by

all but the most deluded proponents. There has never been a shred of

physical evidence offered to support the missile theory, but the
loonies continue to harp on the "hundreds of eyewitneses" who claim
have seen a "flash of light" some distance from the plane, just
it exploded.

Those "hundreds" actually made up around a third of the 700
eyewitnesses who had a view of the
mishap, and what they saw is not inconsistent with a fuel tank
explosion. If you're looking for more than the facile, secondary
research cited by these ignorant dullards, you may want to read
Departure, by aviation correspondent Christine Negroni.

The book documents fuel system design flaws of Boeing jets, which
known about for decades,
but never remedied. The TWA 800 mishap was, she notes, the 14th fuel

tank explosion on an airliner in 35 years.

But despite all this, Hamblin feels that the mere possibility that
800 was hit by a SAM warrants
his regurgitation of this stale nonsense. His listeners, and  readers,
deserve much better.
:: Bill Herbert 8:49 PM [+] ::

:: Saturday, June 08, 2002 ::

Whoah, dude, that's heavy!

They walk among us, folks. They walk among us.
:: Bill Herbert 5:21 PM [+] ::

The rumble on the Left. The LaRouche Left are going after the non-
conspiratorialists like a pack of jackals.

In addition to David Corn's heresy, ZNet's Michael Albert penned his

own missive arguing that, yes,
the Bush administration is evil, warmongering, and imperialist, but
did not have foreknowledge or complicity in the 9/11 attacks.

This has inspired another public stoning by the Nazimedia loonies,  in
the form of this droning oratory
by John McMurtry, philosopher and jurist for the Crimes Against
Humanity Tribunal at the Alternative World Summit in Toronto in  1989.
:: Bill Herbert 5:17 PM [+] ::

:: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 ::

"Incubating Nonsense Through Silence," or "Why I Started a Second
blog." I had often wrestled with the idea of taking on the various
9/11 conspiracy theories that have been circulated via the internet
since the very day we were attacked. I've alway s taken seriously  the
axiom that "there is no such thing as bad publicity," and I still
my teeth when I read something in the mainstream press that debunks  a
piece of the nonsense - no matter how exquisite and deserved the
drubbing may be.

As a highly-trained media relations killer, I've been taught that
generating still more coverage based
on some dufus' sloppy reporting is never good, regardless - or
because- of how egregiously inaccurate the original story was. So, I

didn't really cheer at the public flogging given to Thierry Meyssan
over his idiotic claims. Rather, I thought, why are we giving this
asshole the satisfaction of taking him seriously? Worse yet, why
devoted coverage too him at all?

But this indignation then gave way to a more rational res ponse.
you certainly don't want to
give these stories legs that they wouldn't otherwise have, the  record
has to be set straight. Conspiracy-mongers like Justin Raimondo,  Mike
Ruppert, and the rest, interpret inattention as validation. Their
stories are replete with references to obscure news stories "that
never been denied or refuted."

This is how the mainstream media contributes to the growth of these
stories, from Raimondo's Israeli
"art student" intell igence o peratives, or the oft-repeated lie  that
NORAD ordered it's air defense assets to "stand down" in response to

the four hijacked planes. A single news item - often a poorly-
one, is easily taken out of context - or becomes the context through

which other events are inter preted. The stories circulate in the
darker corners of the internet, and talk radio, but are not covered
major newspapers or television.

The result is similar to the "Lexis Nexis Effect," or even worse.  The
lies are indelibly imprinted on the
net, and are repeated often enough to give the appearance of
accepted facts. Even if there are a few stories dedicated to setting

the record straight, their presence does not erase the false stories

from anyone's memory, as the recent myth about Zacarias Moussaoui
definitively illustrates.

What the casual reader of newspapers may not realize is that many of

these internet rumors are
investigated by legitimate news agencies, contrary to what  courageous
muckracking publications like Creative Loafing or High Times would
have you believe. But when they discover that there's really nothing

to the story, they generally do not run stories to affirm that
original reporting was inaccurate. They simply drop it, and hope
everyone forgets the erroneous story, especially when they were
culpable in its dissemination at the outset.

"Oops," and "our bad" are n ot words you're likely to find in any
headline. There's an excellent
example of this phenomenon at Snopes, regarding another urban legend

about Israeli operatives here in the U.S. The incident grew from  this
story from Knight-Ridder, about suspicious men with Israeli  passports
roaming around the Prairie Island nuclear plant in Welch, Minnesota.

As the nation again stands on high alert, the FBI is searching for
men stopped by police in
the Midwest last weekend bu t released -- even though they possessed

photographs and descriptions of a nuclear power plant in Florida and

the Trans-Alaska pipeline, a senior law enforcement official said
Tuesday . . .

The six men stopped by police were traveling in groups of three in
white sedans, said the
senior law enforcement official, who requested anonymity. In  addition
to the photographs and other suspicious material, they carried "box
cutters and other equipment," the official said. They appeared to be

from the Middle East and held Israeli passports.

They were let go after the Immigration and Naturalization Service
determined the passports
were valid and that the men had entered the United States legally,
official said . . .

It could not be learned in what state the six men were stopped or  how
they aroused
suspicion. It was not known if their true identities matched those  on
the passports, or why the FBI was not releasing their names or
descriptions. Investigators think the men almost certainly have
changed cars by now and have fled to Canada or elsewhere.

Raimondo, oblivious to what the term "journalism" means, wrote that
several other news outlets had picked up the story. What he neglecte
to mention, however, is that they all cited the sae Knight Ridder
report as their sole source (as Snopes notes, that single report was

the entire basis for the story).

The story, of course, turned out to be complete nonsense, based on
nothing more than an
unconfirmed "lead." "It was one of the many that washed out into
nothing," said Paul McCabe, spokesman for the FBI Minneapolis field
office. Fancy that - a source who actually gives his name.

To the disservice of their readership, none of the major n ews
organizations (Reuters, London Times,
and Ha'aretz, for starters) ever followed up on their original
reporting. No closure either confirming or denying the report they
the ignorant masses - they just left it hanging out there. Without
dedication of Snopes, we might never have known whether there was
anything to the story, and that is exactly how charlatans like
Raimondo flourish.

There are countless others - stories of 9/11 hijackers having
residential listings on military bases,
and some eve n turning out to be still living, and so on. Easily
explained as mistaken identity cases, yet the news organizations
filed the original reports never followed up. They just whistled
through the graveyard, hoping their readers wouldn't remember what
they reported the previous day.

There's even a petty criminal awaiting extradition in Canada, who  has
claimed to be a U.S. Navy
intelligence officer with inside information on the 9/11 attacks --
and there are scores of Leftists who actually believe him (!),
because there have been only a couple of stories attempting to  debunk
his claim.

So, this is why I've started this new page. I think it's important
that con artists like Raimondo, Ruppert,
and Rense do not get any more attention than they've already stolen
from the serious discussions of the war on terrorism. But there have

to be more public servants like the good folks at Snopes, and I'm
going to do my part in setting the record straight.
:: Bill Herbert 7:23 PM [+] ::
The ex–LAPD cop who became a 9/11 conspiracy king


JUNE 14 - 20, 2002

To Protect and to Spin
The ex–LAPD cop who became a 9/11 conspiracy king
by David Corn

lets him. They move in together, but she takes him for a ride,
disappearing evenings, gallivanting about. She has no obvious source

of income. But she's deep in-the-know about mobsters and guns. One
there's a bullet hole in her '65 Ford Comet; 48 hours later she  dumps
him. He chases her to New Orleans, where she's hanging with Mafiosi
and military men. The cop is shot at. Back in L.A. he is followed.  It
gets to him. He checks into a psychiatric hospital for a spell. But
starts to figure things out. It's 1978, and his ex, he believes, is
somehow hooked up with U.S. intelligence and the mob in a plot
involving Iran, where radical clerics are threatening the regime of
the Washington-friendly shah. And someone is worried this cop knows
too much. He's being tailed, his home is broken into. He tells his
superiors at LAPD. They do nothing. Fearing for his life, he retires

from the department.

The story's not over. Years later, he cracks the case. His
he concludes, was with the CIA, and her mission was to work with
organized-crime lieutenants assisting Kurdish counterrevolutionary
forces in Iran in return for access to Mideast heroin. The old guns-
for-drugs business. In 1981, he gets a newspaper to print his tale.
But his ex-lover-the-spy denies all and says he's nutso -- which, of

course, is what you would expect a wily CIA operative to say. So the

CIA gets off. The ex-cop's career is in the toilet. He takes a job  at
a 7-Eleven and is busted on his first shift for selling alcohol to a

kid. A setup, right? For a while, his parents have to support him.
Then in 1996, when his old nemesis, the CIA, is accused of scheming
with L.A. crack dealers, the ex-cop has another chance to take down
the Company. He tells the world the CIA in the late 1970s attempted
recruit him to protect its drug racket in South-Central. But his
draws little attention; again, the CIA skates. But this former cop
doesn't quit. He starts a newsletter, opens a Web site
(www.copvcia.com -- get it?), and keeps pursuing the gang that
his life. And then -- finally -- he unearths the CIA's most damaging

secret, the ugliest truth imaginable about the Agency, information
that could bring the CIA to its knees and topple an entire
He's got the CIA by the short hairs. There's only one question: Can
get people to believe?

Is this the latest Mel Gibson vehicle? No, it's all true. Sort of.


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