-Caveat Lector-

"The removal of President Saddam Hussein would open Iraq's rich new
oilfields to Western bidders and bring the prospect of lessening dependence
on Saudi oil."

from L. Moss-Sharman Youth abusers often past victims says study 7/31/02 By
Catherine Masters
About 40 per cent of youth sex offenders are themselves abuse victims, says a
survey....The country's first study into the behaviour and backgrounds of
young sex offenders found that 39.4 per cent of the 482 males surveyed had
been sexually abused and 43.8 per cent physically abused. Nearly 70 per cent
came from broken homes."


West Sees Glittering Prizes Ahead in Giant Oilfields

Published July 11, 2002 in the Times of London
by Michael Theodoulou in Nicosia and Roland Watson

THE removal of President Saddam Hussein would open Iraq's rich new
oilfields to Western bidders and bring the prospect of lessening dependence
on Saudi oil. No other country offers such untapped oilfields whose
exploitation could lessen tensions over the Western presence in Saudi
Arabia....Gerald Butt, Gulf editor of the Middle East Economic Survey, said:
removal of Saddam is, in effect, the removal of the last threat to the free
flow of oil from the Gulf as a whole."

Iraq has oil reserves of 112 billion barrels, second only to Saudi Arabia,
which has some 265 billion barrels. Iraqi reserves are seven times those of
the combined UK and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea. But the prize for oil
companies could be even greater. Iraq estimates that its eventual reserves
could be as high as 220 billion barrels.

The False Memory Debate
Research discussing corroboration for, and accuracy of recovered memories
An Annotated Bibliography

Andrews, B., Brewin, C., Ochera, J., Morton, J., Bekerian, D.,  Davies, G.,
and Mollon, P. (1999). Characteristics, context and consequences of memory
recovery among adults in therapy. Brit J Psychiatry 175:141-146. Abstract:
One-hundred and eight therapists provided information on all clients with
recovered memories seen in the past three years, and were interviewed in
detail on up to three such clients. Of a total of 690 clients, therapists
reported that 65% recalled child sexual abuse and 35% recalled other traumas,
32% started recovering memories before entering therapy. According to
therapists' accounts, among the 236 detailed client cases, very few appeared
improbable and corroboration was reported in 41%. Most (78%) of the clients'
initial recovered memories either preceded therapy or preceded the use of
memory recovery techniques used by the respondents. Techniques seemed to be
used more to help the clients to elaborate the memories than to facilitate
their initial recovery.  Clients with whom techniques had been used before
the first reported memory recovery were no less likely to have found
corroborating evidence than clients with whom no techniques had been used
before memory recovery.  Some of the data are consistent with memories being
of iatrogenic origin, but other data clearly point to the need for additional

Bagley, C. (1995). The prevalence and mental health sequels of child sexual
abuse in community sample of women aged 18 to 27.  Child sexual abuse and
mental health in adolescents and adults. Aldershot: Avebury. Abstract: Study
of women 18-24 years who had been removed from home 10 years previously by
social services due to intrafamilial sexual abuse. Of the 19 women for whom
there was evidence of serious sexual abuse, 14 remembered events
corresponding to their records. Two remembered that abuse had taken place but
could recall no specific details, and three had no memory. Two of the last
three described long blank periods for the memory of childhood corresponding
to the age when abuse had taken place.

Bull, D. (1999). A verified case of recovered memories of sexual abuse.
American Journal of Psychotherapy, 53(2), 221-224. Abstract: A case is
presented that shows verifiable evidence of repression at work.  Rachel, a
40-year-old woman with no history of mental illness and ten years of
exemplary professional work, recovers memories of childhood sexual abuse by
her father through a call from her youth pastor in whom she had confided as
an adolescent.

Chu JA, Frey LM, Ganzel BL, Matthews JA. (1999). Memories of childhood abuse:
Dissociation, amnesia, and corroboration. Am J Psychiatry 156(5):749-755.
OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the relationship between self-reported
childhood abuse and dissociative symptoms and amnesia. The presence or
absence of corroboration of recovered memories of childhood abuse was also
studied. METHOD: Participants were 90 female patients admitted to a unit
specializing in the treatment of trauma-related disorders. Participants
completed instruments that measured dissociative symptoms and elicited
details concerning childhood physical abuse, sexual abuse, and witnessing
abuse. Participants also underwent a structured interview that asked about
amnesia for traumatic experiences, the circumstances of recovered memory, the
role of suggestion in recovered memories, and independent corroboration of
the memories. RESULTS: Participants reporting any type of childhood abuse
demonstrated elevated levels of dissociative symptoms that were significantly
higher than those in subjects not reporting abuse. Higher dissociative
symptoms were correlated with early age at onset of physical and sexual abuse
and more frequent sexual abuse. A substantial proportion of participants with
all types of abuse reported partial or complete amnesia for abuse memories.
For physical and sexual abuse, early age at onset was correlated with greater
levels of amnesia. Participants who reported recovering memories of abuse
generally recalled these experiences while at home, alone, or with family or
friends. Although some participants were in treatment at the time, very few
were in therapy sessions during their first memory recovery. Suggestion was
generally denied as a factor in memory recovery. A majority of participants
were able to find strong corroboration of their recovered memories.
CONCLUSIONS: Childhood abuse, particularly chronic abuse beginning at early
ages, is related to the development of high levels of dissociative symptoms
including amnesia for abuse memories. This study strongly suggests that
psychotherapy usually is not associated with memory recovery and that
independent corroboration of recovered memories of abuse is often present.

Dahlenberg, C. (1996, Summer) Accuracy, timing and circumstances of
disclosure in therapy of recovered and continuous memories of abuse.  The
Journal of Psychiatry and Law.  Abstract: Seventeen patients who had
recovered memories of abuse in therapy participated in a search for evidence
confirming or refuting these memories. Memories of abuse were found to be
equally accurate whether recovered or continuously remembered. Predictors of
number of memory units for which evidence was uncovered included several
measures of memory and perceptual accuracy. Recovered memories that were
later supported arose in psychotherapy more typically during periods of
positive rather than negative feelings toward the therapist, and they were
more likely to be held with confidence by the abuse victim.
Duggal S, Stroufe LA. (1998).  Recovered memory of childhood sexual trauma: A
documented case from a longitudinal study.  Journal of Traumatic Stress
11(2): 301-21.

Summary:  A child with documented history of sexual abuse, who had no recall
of this event in extensive interviews as a teenager, recalls memories outside
of therapy at age 19.  Includes prospective and restrospective data, multiple
corroboration of sexual trauma in early childhood, prospective evidence of
memory loss in oral and written measures in consecutive assessments, and
evidence of spontaneous recovery of memory.

Feldman-Summers, S., & Pope, K. S. (1994). The experience of forgetting
childhood abuse: A national survey of psychologists.  Journal of Consulting
and Clinical Psychology, 62, 636-639.
Abstract: A national sample of psychologists were asked whether they had been
abused as children and, if so, whether they had ever forgotten some or all of
the abuse. Almost a quarter of the sample (23.9%) reported childhood abuse,
and of those, approximately 40% reported a period of forgetting some or all
of the abuse. The major findings were that (a) both sexual and nonsexual
abuse were subject to periods of forgetting; (b) the most frequently reported
factor related to recall was being in therapy; (c) approximately one half of
those who reported forgetting also reported corroboration of the abuse; and
(d) reported forgetting was not related to gender or age of the respondent
but was related to severity of the abuse.
Summary: 330 psychologists. 24% physical and 22% sexual abuse. Of those
abused, 40% did not remember at some time. 47% had corroboration. 56% said
psychotherapy aided in recall. Differences between those who first recalled
abuse in therapy and those who recalled it elsewhere were not significant.

Herman, J. L., & Harvey, M. R. (1997). Adult memories of childhood trauma: A
naturalistic clinical study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 10, 557-571.
The clinical evaluations of 77 adult outpatients reporting memories of
childhood trauma were reviewed. A majority of patients reported some degree
of continuous recall. Roughly half (53%) said they had never forgotten the
traumatic events. Two smaller groups described a mixture of continuous and
delayed recall (17%) or a period of complete amnesia followed by delayed
recall (16%). Patients with and without delayed recall did not differ
significantly in the proportions reporting corroboration of their memories
from other sources. Idiosyncratic, trauma-specific reminders and recent life
crises were most commonly cited as precipitants to delayed recall. A previous
psychotherapy was cited as a factor in a minority (28%) of cases. By
contrast, intrusion of memories after a period of amnesia was frequently
cited as a factor leading to the decision to seek psychotherapy. The
implications of these findings are discussed with respect to the role of
psychotherapy in the process of recovering traumatic memories.

Herman, J. L., & Schatzow, E. (1987). Recovery and verification of memories
of childhood sexual trauma. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 4, 1-14.
Abstract: Fifty-three women outpatients participated in short-term therapy
groups for incest survivors. This treatment modality proved to be a powerful
stimulus for recovery of previously repressed traumatic memories. A
relationship was observed between the age of onset, duration, and degree of
violence of the abuse and the extent to which the memory of the abuse had
been repressed. Three out of four patients were able to validate their
memories by obtaining corroborating evidence from other sources. The
therapeutic function of recovering and validating traumatic memories is

Kluft, R. (1995). The confirmation and disconfirmation of memories of abuse
in DID patients: A naturalistic clinical study.   Dissociation: Progress in
the Dissociative Disorders, 8(4), 253-258.
Abstract:  Reviewed the charts of 34 dissociative identity disorder (DID)
patients in treatment for instances of the confirmation or disconfirmation of
recalled episodes of abuse occurring naturalistically in the course of their
psychotherapies. 19 Ss had instances of the confirmation of recalled abuses.
10 of the 19 had always recalled the abuses that were confirmed. However, 13
of the 19 obtained documentation of events that were recovered in the course
of therapy, usually with the use of hypnosis. Three patients had instances
in which the inaccuracy of their recollection could be demonstrated. Results
suggest that stances that are either extremely credulous of retrieved
recollections or extremely skeptical of retrieved recollections are
inconsistent with clinical data.

Lewis, D., Yeager, C., Swica, Y., Pincus,  J. and Lewis, M.  (1997).
Objective documentation of child abuse and dissociation in 12 murderers with
dissociative identity disorder. Am J Psychiatry, 154(12):1703-10.
OBJECTIVE: The skepticism regarding the existence of dissociative identity
disorder as well as the abuse that engenders it persists for lack of
objective documentation. This is doubly so for the disorder in murderers
because of issues of suspected malingering. This article presents objective
verification of both dissociative symptoms and severe abuse during childhood
in a series of adult murderers with dissociative
identity disorder. METHOD: This study consisted of a review of the clinical
records of 11 men and one woman with DSM-IV-defined dissociative identity
disorder who had committed murder. Data were gathered from medical,
psychiatric, social service, school, military, and prison records and from
records of interviews with subjects' family members and others. Handwriting
samples were also examined. Data were
analyzed qualitatively. RESULTS: Signs and symptoms of dissociative identity
disorder in childhood and adulthood were corroborated independently and from
several sources in all 12 cases; objective evidence of severe abuse was
obtained in 11 cases. The subjects had amnesia for most of the abuse and
underreported it. Marked changes in writing style and/or signatures were
documented in 10 cases. CONCLUSIONS: This study establishes, once and for
all, the linkage between early severe abuse and dissociative identity
disorder. Further, the data demonstrate that the disorder can be
distinguished from malingering and from other disorders. The study shows that
it is possible, with great effort, to obtain objective evidence of both the
symptoms of dissociative identity disorder and the abuse that engenders it.

Martinez-Taboas, A. (1996). Repressed memories: Some clinical data
contributing toward its elucidation. American Journal of Psychotherapy,
50(2), 217-30.
Abstract: Recently there has been considerable controversy about the validity
of memories recovered during psychotherapy.  In the last two decades, a
plethora of studies have been published that leave no reasonable doubt that
many children are victimized and abused.  Proponents of false memory syndrome
have taken the position that "memories" that surface in the course of
psychotherapy are not the product of real traumas, but are
instead,"pseudomemories" implanted by therapists through techniques such as
hypnosis and abreactions.  In response to these claims, the author presents
two well documented and corroborated cases of dissociated or delayed memories
of child sexual abuse in patients with a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity
Disorder (DID).  The patients had absolutely no conscious memory of their
childhood abusive experiences and in both cases the author obtained definite
and clear cut independent corroboration of the realities of the abuse.  The
amnesia was documented and memories were recovered in the course of
treatment.  Only through the publication of clear cut cases can the debate
about repressed memories be settled in an empirical way.

Van der Kolk, BA, & Fisler, R. (1995). Dissociation and the fragmentary
nature of traumatic memories: Overview and exploratory study. Journal of
Traumatic Stress, 8, 505-525.
Summary: 46 adults with in depth interviews. Of the 36 with childhood trauma,
42% suffered significant or total amnesia at some time. Corroborative
evidence was available for 75%.

Viederman M. (1995). The reconstruction of a repressed sexual molestation
fifty years later.  Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association,
43(4): 1169-1219.
Summary:  Reconstruction of a previously completely repressed memory of
sexual molestation. Six years following termination of analysis, the patient
wrote a letter describing a confirmation of the event, now sixty years past,
from the sole other survivor of the period who had knowledge of what had

Westerhof, Y., Woertman, L. Van der Hart, O., & Nijenhuis, E.R.S. (2000).
Forgetting child abuse: Feldman-Summers and Pope's (1994) study replicated
among Dutch psychologists. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7, 220-229.
Abstract: In a replication of Feldman-Summers and Pope's (1994) national
survey of American psychologists on 'forgetting' childhood abuse, a Dutch
sample of 500 members of the Netherlands Institute of Psychologists (NIP)
were asked if they had been abused as children and, if so, whether they had
ever forgotten some or all of the abuse for soem significant period of time.
As compared to the 23.9% in the original study, 13.3% reported childhood
abuse. Of that subgroup, 39% (as compared to 40% in the original study)
reported a period of forgetting some or all of the abuse for a period of
time. Both sexual and non-sexual physical abuse were subject to forgetting,
which in 70% of cases was reversed while being in therapy. Almost 70% of
those who reported forgetting also reported corroboration of the abuse. The
forgetting was not related to gender or age, but was associated with the
reported early abuse onset. These results were remarkably similar to the
resulats of the Feldman-Summers and Pope's original study.

Widom, C. and Shepard, R. (1996). Accuracy of adult recollections of
childhood victimization: Part 1. Psychological Assessment, 8(4), 412-421.
Abstract: Using data from a study with prospective-cohorts design in which
children who were physically abused, sexually abused, or neglected about 20
years ago were followed up along with a matched control group, accuracy of
adult recollections of childhood physical abuse was assessed. Two hour
in-person interviews were conducted in young adulthood with 1,196 of the
original 1,575 participants. Two measures (including the Conflict Tactics
Scale) were used to assess histories of childhood physical abuse. Results
indicate good discriminant validity and predictive efficiency of the
self-report measures, despite substantial underreporting by physically abused
respondents. Tests of construct validity reveal shared method variance, with
self-report measures predicting self-reported violence and official reports
of physical abuse predicting arrests for violence. Findings are discussed in
the context of other research on the accuracy of adult recollections of
childhood experiences.

Widom, C. and Shepard, R. (1997).   Accuracy of adult recollections of
childhood victimization. Part 2. Childhood sexual abuse.  Psychological
Assessment 9: 34-46.
Summary:  A prospective study in which abused and neglected children (court
substantiated) [N=1,114] were matched with non-abused and neglected children
and followed into adulthood. There was substantial underreporting of sexual
abuse, when compared to court and medical records. Victimization recall was
checked by comparing crimes disclosed in victimization surveys found in
police records. The question should be not whether reports of childhood
sexual abuse are valid or not, but what is the best way to ask questions to
make answers more valid.
Williams, L. M. (1995, October). Recovered memories of abuse in women with
documented child sexual victimization histories.  Journal of Traumatic
Stress, 8(4).
Abstract: This study provides evidence that some adults who claim to have
recovered memories of sexual abuse recall actual events that occurred in
childhood. One hundred twenty-nine women with documented histories of sexual
victimization in childhood were interviewed and asked about abuse history.
Seventeen years following the initial report of the abuse, 80 of the women
recalled the victimization. One in 10 women (16% of those who recalled the
abuse) reported that at some time in the past they had forgotten about the
abuse. Those with a prior period of forgetting - the women with "recovered
memories" - were younger at the time of abuse and were less likely to have
received support from their mothers than the women who reported that they had
always remembered their victimization. The women who had recovered memories
and those who had always remembered had the same number of discrepancies when
their accounts of the abuse were compared to the reports from the early

Brown, D., Scheflin, A., and Whitfield, C. (1999). Recovered memories: the
current weight of the evidence in science and in the courts.  The Journal of
Psychiatry & Law 27/Spring 1999.

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