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IRAQ: Annan's Bilderberg Connections
Posted By: Christopher Bollyn
Date: Thursday, 1 August 2002, 10:44 a.m.


By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

The Swedish diplomat who headed the UNSCOM weapons inspections in Iraq from 1991-97 recently confirmed Iraqi claims that the U.S. had "manipulated" the weapons inspections in order to spy and foment conflict by provoking Baghdad.

As the American public is subjected to an increasingly aggressive media campaign about the threat that Saddam Hussein poses, European diplomats involved with Iraq are challenging the veracity of claims made by those who support military action.

Rolf Ekeus, the respected Swedish diplomat who directed the United Nations weapons inspections commission in Iraq from 1991-97, known as UNSCOM, recently confirmed Iraqi claims that the U.S. had staffed UNSCOM with spies and manipulated the inspections to provoke Baghdad. Ekeus also said he doubts the U.S. has any "hard evidence" that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction, telling the BBC on July 31 that "practically everything was found and destroyed."

Hans von Sponeck, UN humanitarian aid coordinator for Iraq from 1998-2000, recently returned from two-weeks in Iraq. If Iraq were to allow the inspectors back in, the U.S. case for war would be exposed as fiction, von Sponeck says. "The U.S. Department of Defense and the CIA know perfectly well that today's Iraq poses no threat to anyone in the region, let alone in the United States. To argue otherwise is dishonest.

"One does not need to be a specialist in weapons of mass destruction to conclude that these sites had been rendered harmless and have remained in this condition," von Sponeck says. "Evidence of al-Qaida-Iraq collaboration does not exist…why then, one must ask, does the Bush administration want to include Iraq in its fight against terrorism?"


The most obvious reason for a U.S.-British-led war against Iraq is to obtain control of Iraq's immense proven and probable oil reserves, estimated to exceed 300-billion barrels (bbl) if all unexplored acreage were drilled. This would make Iraq the number one holder of oil reserves in the world. Iraq's proven reserves of 112-bil bbl and probable reserves of 214-bil bbl currently place it second after Saudi Arabia. Iraq hopes to be a major gas exporter but negotiations with neighboring Turkey on building a gas pipeline have not reached a conclusion. Oil exploration and development in Iraq has been halted since 1990.

"An entire region is being destabilized to suit American preferences for political change in Iraq," von Sponeck says, "Concurrently, a systematic dis- and mis-information campaign, one of the biggest ever undertaken by the U.S. authorities, is intensifying. The U.S. and the international public are being sedated daily with increasing doses of propaganda about the threat Iraq poses to the world in 2002."

Ekeus openly accused the U.S. of manipulating the United Nations inspections teams for their own political ends in an interview on Swedish radio. Ekeus said the U.S. had tried to find information about the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein, Iraq's president.

The London-based Financial Times reported recently that "the U.S. and other members of the Security Council pressed the teams to inspect sensitive areas, such as Iraq's ministry of defense when it was politically favorable for them to create a crisis situation," according to Ekeus. The key "other member" in this case would be Great Britain.

"They pressed the inspection leadership to carry out inspections which were controversial from the Iraqis' view, and thereby created a blockage that could be used as a justification for a direct military action," Ekeus said.

Ekeus told the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet that after he left his UN position the U.S. had placed two of its own agents in the group of inspectors.

The revelations made by Ekeus strengthen Iraq's argument against allowing UN inspectors back into the country. Since the U.S. administration has stated its intention to replace the Iraqi regime, officials in Baghdad argue that the return of inspectors will certainly lead to intelligence gathering and deliberate provocation to give legitimacy to a U.S.-led attack.

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz is behind the push for war with Iraq. On July 14 he stated in Istanbul: "President Bush has made it clear how dangerous the current Iraqi regime is to the United States and that it represents a danger we cannot live with indefinitely."

Von Sponeck says, "To make such statements without offering supporting evidence is irresponsible. It promotes government-induced mass hysteria in the U.S. and is meant to garner bipartisan support for military action. A war on Iraq justified by conjecture is politically foolish and morally repugnant."

When AFP asked Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Dave Lapan for evidence that Iraq posed a serious threat or possessed weapons of mass destruction, Lapan was unable to provide any. Asked about the lack of evidence given the fact that the U.S. controls the skies over most of Iraq and is able to monitor activity on the ground by satellite, Lapan said, "Iraq in
particular has been able to move underground."


UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the new chief weapons inspector, another Swedish diplomat, Hans Blix, have tried unsuccessfully to negotiate a return of the inspectors with Naji Sabri, Iraq's foreign minister. Annan appointed Blix in January 2000 to head UNMOVIC, the new inspections regime for Iraq.

Iraqi officials have been frustrated by the Security Council's decision not to allow Blix to discuss with Baghdad the key remaining disarmament tasks before inspectors return to the country. Sabri says that Blix is under U.S. pressure not to agree to any compromise with Baghdad.

Inspections based on a U.S. agenda, Sabri said, are simply impractical. "They proved a complete failure. The inspectors were procrastinating, prolonging the sanctions and providing a pretext for action against Iraq."

Although Annan's African roots are obvious, his intimate relationship with the global elite is less so. The control of Annan's globalist masters, however, is clearly evidenced by those he appointments to strategic positions.

Annan is married to the well-connected Swede Nane Lagergren, a niece of the missing diplomat Raoul Wallenberg. The U.N. and Annan exploit the accepted myth of "Swedish neutrality" and rely on elite Swedish diplomats to oversee the "globalist agenda" in the world's hotspots, such as Iraq and the Balkans. The Wallenberg family, which dominates Sweden's industry and economy, is a Bilderberg stalwart.

The Security Council decided that Annan should also appoint "suitably qualified experts" to serve as a College of Commissioners for UNMOVIC. The commissioners "review the implementation of Security Council resolution 1284 and other relevant resolutions." Annan duly nominated John Stern Wolf, who served as Special Adviser to the President and Secretary of State for Caspian Basin Energy Diplomacy from 1999-2000. Wolf currently serves as Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Nonproliferation.

Under the terms of UN resolutions, sanctions on Iraq cannot be lifted until the commission certifies that Iraq's chemical, biological and nuclear weapons have been destroyed - along with missiles to deliver them. Ewen Buchanan, a spokesman for Blix, told AFP that under resolution 1284 Iraq must accept inspections again if it wants to see an end to the crippling sanctions. "It is not our job to harass, provoke or humiliate, but the inspections must be credible," Buchanan said.

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