-Caveat Lector- http://www.babelmagazine.com/

Artificial Intelligence: The Final Conspiracy

by Victor Thorn

NOTE: This is part three in a series examining Gordon Thomas' "Seeds of Fire," which can be purchased at: www.dandelionbooks.net/cart

Before I delve into the Controller’s ultimate goals (for they ARE the ones calling the shots, while the “implementers” we see on TV are merely actors filling a role on stage), I’d like to examine one last time a major problem facing this country – foreign aid – especially that being given to Israel. The first thing this nation needs to do is stop ALL foreign aid at once – to everyone – and reexamine our overseas policies.

But look at what we do for Israel while they steal our technology and sell it to the Chinese. 30% of all U. S. foreign aid goes to Israel, totaling $3 billion ($1.2 billion for economic aid and $1.8 billion in military aid). We also give them $2 billion a year in federal loan guarantees, which comes to a grand total of $5 billion per year, or $13.9 million a day. Plus, our total aid to Israel from 1949 to date is approximately $96 billion; and this to the 16th wealthiest nation on earth. It’s ridiculous, especially when there isn’t the slightest inkling of “peace” in the Middle East. I have an idea – why not turn around and give this money to AMERICAN CITIZENS instead!

But y’see, the Controllers don’t give a damn about Americans, or for that matter, Jewish or Chinese or Russian or African citizens either. Why not? Because now we’re getting to the crux of this article – the grand finale! Yes, the future of mankind on this planet can be found in Artificial Intelligence! Are you able to see how this multi-part article has turned full-circle? We began by mentioning America’s artificial intelligence experiments at Area 51 and other labs, then how the Israeli’s stole our technology (referred to as ‘nuclear secrets’), then sold them to the Chinese. The Controller’s ultimate goal is to replace America with the Chinese as the world’s next superpower; then begin the process of creating artificial beings on a large-scale.

And why, you may wonder, is America being usurped by the Chinese? It’s simple. Americans are still plagued by annoying concepts such as justice, freedom, self-determination, and free will. The Controllers are too worried that Americans will not tolerate manning assembly lines where robots are created which will eventually take over this planet. And if America won’t assume the lead on a global scale or pull-off this coup, how will the rest of the world follow? They won’t. But here’s the Controller’s safety-valve – their final step in a ghastly Hegelian Dialectic:

Thesis: America – “democracy” – representative of freedom
Antithesis: China – communistic – State controlled
Synthesis: New World Order – Big Brother – robotic subservience

Isn’t it becoming clear? To hell with George Orwell’s “1984” mind-controlled humans. The Controllers are going one-step further by completely eliminating free will altogether (or nearly so), by creating a BEING that’s entirely incapable of experiencing such a concept – the MACHINE! This is it, folks, the final piece to the puzzle – the last line of the stage-play – the FINAL CONSPIRACY!

And what is the purpose behind it all? Well, there are a couple of incentives driving this phenomenon. First of all, the Controllers, as their name none-too-subtly implies, are fixated by CONTROL! Human beings, thus, are objects to be controlled. But y’see, this control can’t be absolute or it would take all the fun out of the GAME. I mean, the Controllers want some degree of resistance just to keep the stage-play interesting. I liken them to cats that catch a mouse. Of course the feline could kill the little rodent in a heartbeat; but what do they do instead? They torment, toy with, and torture the mouse for hours on end – batting it around, throwing it up in the air, letting it run away, only to capture it again or trap it in a corner. I know this to be true because my cats play this game on a daily basis.

The same rationale applies to the Controllers. They don’t want completely mind-numbed robots beneath them because then there’d be no hunt – no chase – no THRILL of MASTERY and CONTROL! Then again, the thought of people rising against them – the MASSES – scares the hell out of them. Even though only a few handful of people control 40% of the world’s wealth, there’s still that little problem of people getting sick of their shenanigans. And if we ever DID get some balls and decided to stage a bloody, murderous, don’t-allow-one-Controller-to-live REVOLUTION, guess where they’d be? Dead and buried. Bloody, beaten pulps of mangled flesh and bone. Nothingness. They’d be destroyed.

Death, now, leads us to the flipside of the coin and the final step in every conspiracy since the beginning of time – IMMORTALITY! In all reality, when ya think about it, what else is left? If you can control money, politics, people, and have every material object you desire, what is the only thing beyond your control? Death. And in all honesty, considering the supreme egos on men such as the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, etc., don’t think for a second that they don’t want to live forever. That’s the only obstacle that they’ve yet to overcome.

Before I finish these thoughts, though, I want to delve deeper into the concept of Artificial Intelligence. Of particular interest is an article in the June/July 2002 issue of UFO Magazine entitled “What Are They?” by Richard M. Dolan, author of “UFO”s and the National Security State.” Dolan begins by referring to an observation made by noted biologist Ivan Sanderson, who said in “Uninvited Visitors” (1967) that aliens may not actually be fully organic beings, but instead artificial life forms. Think about it. Instead of creatures similar to us in that they breathe, eat, possess internal organs, and defecate, what if ET’s were actually Intelligent Machines? The concept is intriguing, and as you’ll see, opens the scope of possibility immensely.

While you’re considering this, Dolan introduces us to something called Singularity, which he defines as, “When computer intelligence becomes able to upgrade itself, to reproduce itself continuously, and become SELF-aware!” The process involves, “a rapid, exponential increase in computer intelligence, leaving human intelligence in the dust.”

Are things starting to become clearer? You’re reading the future right here. This is where it’s all leading. People from many different fields of research speak of humans attaining the next “level.” Well, folks, this is the next level, except humans aren’t going to be a part of the picture (at least as we know them).

Gordon E. Moore, Chairman Emeritus of Intel Corporation, came up with “Moore’s Law” in 1965 envisioning that “the number of transistors per integrated circuit would double every 18 months in the future.” This postulation proved true, for in 1971, the leading integrated circuit had approximately 2,000 transistors. By the new millennium, that number was 42,000,000.

Dolan reinforces the point with this quote. “Once a certain critical mass is achieved in terms of hardware, software, connectivity and storage, machines will develop the ability to foresee their own technological needs and redesign their software.”

Are you listening? This ain’t science-fiction, folks. This is the shit that’s taking place in hidden facilities like Area 51’s S-4 and Los Alamos. Similar to the Manhattan Project A-Bomb that no one knew about until it exploded over Hiroshima and forever changed civilization as we know it, the same type of bombshell is being developed today. You can disregard it like an ostrich with its head in the sand, or else face the reality of our time. This is where we’re going.

Ray Kurzweil, respected Artificial Intelligence researcher, says with confidence, “Things are going to move at a pace beyond what we can now comprehend!” He adds, “It affects the very nature of human intelligence. We’ll see intelligence that’s derivative of human intelligence, but SUPERIOR TO IT!”

If the above words are starting to alarm you, it’s for good reason. Many authorities on this subject see it being a reality by the year 2040, with the initial phases being implemented as early as the next decade. Dolan characterizes the phenomenon as a “godlike level of intelligence residing within machines.”

I don’t know about you, but this concept scares the hell out of me, especially with a ruthless country like China, or some evil Project Paperclip-type Nazi scientists at the helm. Are you ready to rollover and give these monsters “godlike powers?”

But y’see, the Controllers are playing this all out like a huge Wizard of Oz drama, throwing us a few carrots to chase as if they’re the real thing. Hell, why do you think they’re so forthcoming with information on Area 51 being a “flying saucer” base? Because it’s all a sham. UFO’s are only the cover story – a smokescreen. The real story lives with Artificial Intelligence.

Now, some of you may dismiss this concept as hogwash, saying that humans will always be superior to machines even if a computer can multiply numbers at speeds infinitely higher than us, because, in the end, all we have to do is unplug the computer and it’s over and done with. Disabled. But what happens when artificial intelligence develops to the point where a machine can walk over and plug itself back in? It might not walk exactly like us, but robots are now able to construct automobiles on an assembly line. Who’s to say they won’t be able to mobilize themselves enough to plug a simple socket into a wall, or recharge their own power supply? Once they attain that level of sophistication, the machines will even be able to CREATE other machines. Yes, machines begetting more machines, each one evolving to a higher level as these very same machines stamp out their own parts in a factory. Far-fetched? Once again, return to the assembly line at a GM factory in Detroit. Hell, to an extent, they’re already doing it at a rudimentary level.

To combat these self-perpetuation machines, all a human has to do is take a hammer and smash the Frankenstein-like creation to bits, right? Well, I wouldn’t find much assurance in this notion. Why? Well, take a look at Steven Spielberg’s “AI” sometime when the humanoids face is simply pulled off like a part inside a vacuum sweeper, then put back in. Do you get it? Machines will LEARN how to repair themselves. Hell, they already know how to do it on other planets; why not here? Once they reach this stage of development, the machines are literally UN-KILLABLE! They can’t be eradicated. Unlike us, when we have a heart pierced by a sword or a brain blown away by bullets, all they have to do is replace their ruined or destroyed parts. It’ll be like ripping out the water pump in your car and putting in a new one.

As this nightmare unfolds, two scenarios present themselves.

1) Scientists will alter our human make-up; then combine it with some form of       advanced machine intelligence.
2) Artificial Intelligence will become so vast and all-encompassing that we can’t       even conceive of where it will lead at this moment in time.

Richard Dolan ultimately sees “machine intelligence as something that will be so far greater than ours as to be ALIEN!”

Do you get it? When we see or conceive of “aliens,” they’re really nothing but our future … or a present form that they’ve already arrived at that is awaiting us in the near future. So, instead of being far-removed or “different,” these crafts from outer space are actually what we’ll soon be! There won’t any longer be “us” and “them.” We’ll all be the same once the machines take dominion over our planet.

Can you grasp the ramifications? Aliens are already a form of Artificial Intelligence. That’s why they’re able to cross the universe and we’re not. To us, we’re not only limited by fossil-fuel burning rockets (at least what is presented to us by the government), but our physical bodies are incapable of traveling such distances because of their limitations. I mean; to reach Pluto we’d need a rocket that was so unbelievably HUGE just to carry enough food to keep us alive that it’d be impractical. When coupled with our short life-spans (mortality), intergalactic travel is simply a far-flung notion. But, what if a MACHINE were in the pilot’s seat instead of a HUMAN? That completely changes the entire scenario, huh? Mortality and food consumption are no longer concerns, and once the military and/or NASA break out their next generation of space craft, guess what. The Controllers will be ready to blast off for the stars. The only drawback is: we’re not included in those plans!

So, when viewed in this manner, the “aliens” are already advanced beyond us, but the Controllers are aware that if they want to survive, travel beyond this planet is the only alternative. In this sense, Dolan observes, “The national course of evolution does not give us unlimited intelligence, but the intelligence necessary to exist within a natural ecosystem.” If you seriously weigh these words, you’ll realize that humans have only progressed to a point necessary to survive on the planet earth. In other words, we’ve moved forward as far as HUMANS can go. We’re able to survive here (at least for the time being), but to reach BEYOND this level, we require a new form of advancement!

Dolan’s insights hit the nail directly on the head. Here on earth, he points out, we’ve adapted to the temperature, gravity, viruses, and elements, but to “live elsewhere, we will need to be modified, perhaps so much that the result would be something entirely different. A new SPECIES, created with some of our DNA, would probably be the most logical means of sending biological organisms to distant worlds.”

Did you notice that the author didn’t say “humans,” but transformed “biological entities!” Thus, as pointed out earlier, to copy others already traversing the universe, humans will be altered into a form of advanced machine intelligence. And that’s exactly what’s happening in our top-secret labs. The Controllers and leaders of world governments won’t tell us about these developments for one primary reason – their plans don’t include us “lowly humans.”

(to be continued)

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