-Caveat Lector-

Why Isn't Stephen Hatfill in Jail?

Maria Tomchick, AlterNet

August 13, 2002

Dr. Stephen Hatfill stood before television cameras on Sunday, Aug. 11, and
claimed that the FBI investigation into the anthrax mailings was turning his
life into a wasteland. Yet if even half of what Hatfill has said about his
own past is true, then the FBI has a terrorist in their sights.

Several prominent biodefense researchers think Hatfill is the anthrax
perpetrator, but that the FBI has balked at arresting him. Some have pointed
out that the FBI has been dragging its feet on the case from the first day,
because Hatfill is an insider, and that arresting him would not only
embarrass the Bush Administration and bring more calumny down on the FBI and
CIA, but also expose some nasty secrets about the U.S. biodefense, or more
accurately, "bioweapons" program.

On Aug. 1, the FBI, under pressure from Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick
Leahy (targets of two anthrax letters), searched Dr. Hatfill's apartment near
Ft. Detrick for the third time. Hatfill has been interviewed by the FBI four
times, undergone a lie detector test, and has now hired two lawyers to
represent him. He has also lied about his past, claiming that he was in the
U.S. Army Special Forces (he flunked out of Special Forces training after the
first month), and he has claimed to have a doctorate in molecular cell
biology from the University of Rhodes (but the University has no record of
his receiving the degree). There's also a mountain of circumstantial evidence
that links him to the anthrax letters.

Hatfill is one of about 20 or 30 people in the U.S. with the scientific know-
how to safely handle anthrax spores, and who also has had access to a level 3
or 4 "hot" lab where he could work with powdered anthrax without risking
infection. Notably, the anthrax in the letter to Tom Daschle was of such high
potency that the list of suspects becomes even smaller. It includes Hatfill
and only two or three other people who know how to use a new, efficient
weaponizing technique developed only recently by one of Hatfill's close

Until last year, Hatfill had a security clearance and access to the labs at
Ft. Detrick in Maryland, where he was employed until 1999. He left Ft.
Detrick to work for a government contractor, SAIC Corp., but his security
clearance remained valid until Aug. 23, 2001, allowing him continued access
to government labs. According to coworkers, when the Pentagon revoked his
security clearance for undisclosed reasons, Hatfill became furious.

Hatfill's colleagues have reported that he lost his security clearance
because he failed a lie detector test, specifically when asked questions
about his service in the late 1970s with a secret, undercover military unit
of the white, racist Rhodesian government. The Selous Scouts were notorious
for using chemical and biological warfare against the black independence
fighters in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and against the black civilian population
of Rhodesia (who occasionally gave material help to the opposition).

Historians have documented that the Selous Scouts seeded rivers with cholera,
used the chemical toxins warfarin and thallium, sold parathion-laced clothing
to opposition fighters and civilians alike, poisoned reservoirs and wells,
and were almost certainly responsible for causing the world's largest anthrax
outbreak, which sickened over 10,000 people and killed 182.

When Hatfill failed his lie detector test, he complained that the people
administering the test were amateurs and that they couldn't understand what
he and other Cold Warriors had to do in Rhodesia. Of course, Hatfill may have
been lying about his work with the Selous Scouts, just as he lied about his
Special Forces training; nevertheless, his statements provide valuable clues
to his mental state and his aspirations.

A recent article in The Sunday Mirror newspaper of Zimbabwe describes Hatfill
as a medical student of Dr. Robert Burns Symington, the man credited with
developing Rhodesia's chemical weapons.

In fact, Hatfill did attend medical school in Zimbabwe, where he lived near
the Greendale Primary School in the capital city of Harare. The anthrax
letters mailed last fall to Senators Daschle and Leahy bore the phony return
address, "Greendale School" in Trenton, NJ. The Greendale School in Harare
was once named after the man who founded the Selous Scouts, Hatfill's
favorite military squad.

Other details of Hatfill's resume are equally troublesome. After he graduated
from medical school in 1983, Hatfill left Zimbabwe for South Africa,
following in the tracks of many former white Rhodesian mercenaries who longed
to work for a white employer.

Hatfill has boasted that he joined the South African Defense Forces' Medical
Service unit (SAMS) under the former apartheid government. Throughout the
1970s and 1980s, the SAMS' 7th Battalion developed an extensive chemical and
biological warfare program which it deployed in the war in Angola and in
helping the brutal RENAMO rebels in Mozambique. Many of the 7th Battalion's
products were used for targeted assassinations of anti-apartheid activists
and, horribly, in "crowd control" experiments on black civilian demonstrators
in South Africa. SAMS even attempted to make a biological weapon that would
attack only people of color, leaving white South Africans unscathed.

In 1984 -- the year after Hatfill moved to South Africa -- SAMS ramped up its
virology program, conducting bioweapons research on Marburg, Ebola, and Rift
Valley Fever cultures, which they received from the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control. Dr. Hatfill is an expert on Ebola and Marburg; the U.S. government
employed him to work on these viruses for two years, from 1997 to 1999, at
Ft. Detrick

Other disturbing details have surfaced about Dr. Hatfill's time in South
Africa. The Johannesburg Dispatch reports that Hatfill has ties to a South
African white supremacist militia leader named Eugene Terre'Blanche. In 1987,
Hatfill used a local shooting range to help train Terre'Blanche's bodyguards
and shock troops, some of whom are suspects in the murder of anti-apartheid
leader Chris Hani. Terre'Blanche is currently in prison for having murdered
one of his own black employees.

In the U.S., while Hatfill worked at Ft. Detrick, his coworkers saw him
taking home old biosafety cabinets, which could be used to grow deadly germs
at his home. Hatfill's coworkers have also pointed out that he travels
frequently, and was in Britain at the time when one of the anthrax hoax
letters was mailed from Britain. And one of the targets of the anthrax laced
letters was a media outlet in Boca Raton, Florida -- about 200 miles from
where Hatfill rents a storage locker.

Most importantly, an anonymous letter was sent to the FBI before the anthrax
deaths occurred. The timing of this letter makes it a crucial clue in finding
the anthrax perpetrator; it was mailed after the first anthrax letters were
sent, but before anyone had reported any illness or had died from anthrax. No
one but the attacker could have written and mailed it.

In this letter, the attacker attempts to point the finger at an Egyptian-born
scientist, Dr. Ayaad Assad, who worked at Ft. Detrick until 1997. The
attacker gives personal information about Dr. Assad -- information that only
a coworker would know. While at Ft. Detrick, Assad was the butt of racist and
demeaning taunts by a group of coworkers who called themselves the "Camel
Club." Assad has been cleared by the FBI of any involvement with the anthrax
letters, but the attacker is probably a member or associate of the "Camel
Club," a group of scientists who worked on pathogenic viruses. Dr. Hatfill,
virologist, was likely one of them.

How could a virologist get access to anthrax, a bacterium, particularly the
potent Ames strain? Of the 15 U.S. labs that have the Ames strain, Dr.
Hatfill had access to three (and possibly more because of his security
clearance). He is known to have worked in two: Ft. Detrick and Louisiana
State University, where he recently accepted a full-time position in the
National Center for Biomedical Research and Training. Hatfill has previously
worked as an adjunct professor in the LSU program.

Hatfill certainly has the motive to make an anthrax-laced letter and mail it
to a Democratic Congressperson. For years, he has supplemented his income by
speaking to various groups and the media about the necessity for more
vigilance and more spending on biodefense. He has taught hospital personnel
all over the country how to recognize and respond to virulent biowarfare
germs. He has also demonstrated numerous times just how easy it is -- at
least for him -- to make biological weapons at home with supplies obtained
from the grocery store. He even demonstrated this skill for ABC TV cameras.

Hatfill also knows how to make powdered anthrax. In July, various U.S.
newspapers reported that, during his 1999 employment at SAIC Corp, Hatfill
and another employee commissioned a study to describe how anthrax spores
could be weaponized, sealed in ordinary business envelopes, and mailed to
targets in the U.S. The newspapers reported that Hatfill undertook the study
on his own; however, some of Hatfill's colleagues have come forward to
correct the record: Hatfill was working under contract for the CIA at the
time, and the CIA had commissioned the study.

Why isn't this man in jail? Is Hatfill being protected because he's a CIA

And why is the U.S. government spending money weaponizing biological agents
that are a danger to the U.S. public and are banned under the 1972 Biological
Warfare Convention?

When the U.S. government signed onto the convention in 1972, President Nixon
ordered the U.S. biological weapons stockpile destroyed. But the FBI recently
admitted that some germ stocks were nevertheless kept secretly. Throughout
the 1970s and 1980s -- during the Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush Sr.
administrations -- U.S. laboratories sold or gave viral and bacterial
cultures to anyone who was an ally at the time, including the apartheid
government of South Africa. Now it appears that, all throughout that time,
the U.S. government recruited men like Steven Hatfill to come to the U.S. and
work in our own "biodefense" program and create extraordinarily deadly
weapons, ostensibly to test vaccines.

It's no mystery now why the Bush administration refused to ratify a UN
protocol that would strengthen enforcement of the 1972 Bioweapons Convention
by allowing inspection of government labs. The U.S. is almost certainly in
violation of the treaty.

Dr. Hatfill is clearly being let off the hook because he knows that the U.S.
has a "bioweapons" program, not a "biodefense" program. In addition, he may
know some embarrassing proliferation secrets that the Bush administration
would rather keep under wraps right now.

Currently, the Bush administration would like us to think that Iraq is the
enemy with weapons of mass destruction, not our own government. But it's the
germs in our own labs that have killed five people, sickened dozens of
others, cost millions of dollars to clean up, and sparked a billion dollar
spending spree to boost "biodefense" programs, the very programs that should
be shut down immediately.

Maria Tomchick is a co-editor and contributing writer for Eat The State!, a
biweekly newspaper of political opinion, research, and humor based in
Seattle, WA. It can be found online at www.eatthestate.org.

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