-Caveat Lector-

may be very heavy for survivors

Dubious choice for resolving church scandal Mara J. Math 9/21/02 "McHugh's actions, however, that pose the deepest threat to the council's credibility. McHugh is the only therapist on the lay council. This makes his participation especially significant, because other members may rely on his presumed expertise. Because he frequently testifies on behalf of accused molesters, doubts may be raised about the council's desire to truly solve the problem. McHugh, after all, is the man whose report to the court in one case stated that a defendant's harassing phone calls were not obscene -- including the call that detailed a fantasy of a 4-year-old sex slave locked in a dog cage and fed human waste. At least eight men have been convicted of sexually abusing Maryland children while under treatment at the "sex disorders" clinic McHugh runs at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine -- abuse the doctors did not report, citing client confidentiality. When Maryland law was changed to require that doctors report child molestation, the clinic fought it and advised patients on how to get around the law. The memo to patients suggested that molesters report their pedophilic activities to their lawyers, who could in turn tell staff; attorney-client privilege would then protect the molesters from being reported. This memo was fully approved by the boss -- Dr. Paul McHugh..."  http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2002/09/20/ED175849.DTL

A U.S. Gift to Iraq: Deadly Viruses - A 1995 letter from the Centers for Disease Control lists all the biological materials sent to Saddam's scientists for 10 years As the West Nile Virus spreads nationwide, some congressional leaders are asking whether the mosquito-borne illness could be linked to terrorism or to Iraq's bioweapons program. If so, a more troubling question may be whether Iraq's weapons efforts were unwittingly helped by U.S. scientists.

In a previously unreleased letter obtained by BusinessWeek, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention admitted that the CDC supplied Iraqi scientists with nearly two dozen viral and bacterial samples in the 1980s, including the plague, West Nile, and dengue fever. The letter, written in 1995 by then-CDC director David Satcher, was in response to a congressional inquiry.  The CDC was abiding by World Health Organization guidelines that encouraged the free exchange of biological samples among medical researchers -- before Congress imposed tighter controls on biological exports in 1995, says Thomas Monath, who headed the CDC lab where the viruses came from during the period in which they were handed over. "It was a very innocent request, which we were obligated to fulfill," recalls Monath. Plus, in the 1980s, Iraq and the U.S. were allies. Scientists say the West Nile strain that so far has killed 46 people in the U.S. is not the same strain provided to Iraq, and they find it unlikely that it could have mutated. They also question whether terrorists would even try to develop West Nile as a weapon when more virulent viruses are available."

September 2, 2002
Flashback - US War Crimes During the Gulf War
by Francis Boyle
The following paper was presented to a symposium held by the Albany Law School. The symposium, held on February 27, 1992, was titled: International War Crimes: The Search for Justice. This paper documents the numerous occasions that international laws were broken and disregarded during the Gulf War.

Introduction 1. For the past year I have been working with the International Commission of Inquiry into United States war crimes that were committed during the Persian Gulf War. This Commission has conducted the largest independent world-wide investigation of war crimes in history. Since last May [1991], the Commission has held thirty hearings across the United States and in twenty countries across five continents to expose the war crimes that the United States government inflicted upon the People and State of Iraq.

PBS Fails to Hold Rumsfeld Accountable
September 20, 2002

Asking tough questions of those in power is one of a journalist's most
important jobs-- especially when a country may be going to war. But PBS's
Jim Lehrer failed to challenge Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in a
September 18 interview on the "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer"-- even when
Rumsfeld made factually inaccurate assertions. For instance, Rumsfeld repeatedly referred to the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspectors being expelled from Iraq, saying, "We have seen the situation with Iraq where they have violated some 16 U.N. resolutions and finally threw the inspectors out." Rumsfeld went on to say that "we have gone through... four years where they threw the inspectors out and there's been no one there."

In December 1998, the U.N. inspectors were not thrown out; they were
pulled out by UNSCOM chief Richard Butler prior to a U.S. bombing campaign
in Iraq. As Madeleine Albright told Lehrer at the time (12/17/98), Butler
"made an independent decision that UNSCOM could no longer work."
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