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American State Terrorism

Site Map sections:
History • 9-11 • American/Israeli Terrorism • The Jenin Massacre • Mass-media
Police-state America • Fascist Americons • American Plutocracy • CIA, Nazis &
Iraq • Palestine • Afghanistan • Libya • Korea & Vietnam • Latin America •
Weapons of American Terrorism • American victims • Books • Bibliographies •


The History of American State Terrorism
Home page  — A basic introduction and general overview of American state
The Geopolitical Strategy of Imperial America
Chronology of Terror 1  2  3
Relatively brief summaries of most of the U.S. military/government terror
campaigns, genocides and CIA subversion campaigns.
The following books are among the best sources of information:
*   Rogue State:  A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower

*   Killing Hope:  U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since WWII

*   Western State Terrorism

*   The Real Terror Network:  Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda

*   The Culture of Terrorism

*   Against Empire

*   What Uncle Sam Really Wants

*   The Sword and the Dollar:  Imperialism, Revolution, and the Arms Race

*   To Kill A Nation:  The Attack on Yugoslavia

*   The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

*   Derailing Democracy:  The America the Media Don’t Want You to See

*   Lies My Teacher Told Me:  Everything Your American History Textbook Got

*   A People’s History of the United States:  1492 — Present

America’s Bloody History:
A Summary of Places and Dates
(This page features a 1.3 MB animated graphic)
1. Genocide of the American Indian Peoples  1493-2002
*   Central America & South America

*   Genocide and Oppression of the American Indian Peoples; Leonard Peltier

2. American Enslavement of the Irish, Scottish and English Working Class
Peoples  - 17th to 19th Centuries (Bibliography)

9-11 Terrorism
The United States Government Perpetrated the September 11 Attacks
The 3 BIG LIES About Iraq
The Israeli Connection To 9-11
Fox News Special Report: Israeli Spying on the U.S.
Massive Israeli Spy Ring Linked to September 11
9-11 Was a Mossad “False Flag Operation”
9-11, Mossad, the CIA and “False Flag Operations”
The CIA, Insider Trading and the WTC Terror Attack
Operation 911:  NO SUICIDE PILOTS
America: the Ultimate Terrorist
Fake Terror:  the Road to Dictatorship


Mass-media Deception
America’s War-Criminal M.O.
Revealing Quotes 3: Mass-Media Deception
Corporations Have a Chokehold on the U.S. Media
Professional Liars:  The Crooked Job of Corporate Journalism
Mass-Media Brainwashing in America
Inventing Reality:  The Politics of News Media
The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media:  Decoding Spin and Lies in Mainstream
The Real Terror Network:  Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda
Manufacturing Consent:  The Political Economy of the Mass Media
War, Lies and Videotape:  How Media Monopoly Stifles Truth
Censored 2000:  The Year’s Top 25 Censored Stories
The Hidden Persuaders:  What Makes Us Buy, Believe - and Even Vote - the Way
We Do?
Toxic Sludge is Good for You!:  Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations

3. American Enslavement and Oppression of the African Peoples  - 17th Century
to the Present Day (Bibliography)
*   Mumia Abu-Jamal:  Political Prisoner in America

4. The Plutocratic Presidency  1789-2002
5. American Genocide of the Philippine People  1899-1902
6. American Atomic-Genocide of the People of Hiroshima & Nagasaki  August,
*   The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb

7. American Genocide of the Korean People  1945-1953
8. American Genocide of the Vietnamese People  1945-1974
9. American Genocide of the Laotian People  1965-1973
10. American Genocide of the Cambodian People  1969-1973
11. Chronology of U.S. Terrorism and Genocide of the Central American, South
American & Caribbean Peoples  - 19th Century to the Present Day
12. American/British Terrorism and Genocide of the Iraqi Peoples  - 1991 to
the Present Day
13. The Beast Reawakens
14. American/Nato Terrorism of the Yugoslavian Peoples  1992-2000
15. Police-State Brutality and the Battle of Seattle  1999
*   Terrorism Begins At Home:  Police Brutality in America

16. Imperial Hypocrisy: American state terrorism of the Afghan Peoples
17. America’s Techno-Fascist Future


The CIA, Nazis & Neofascism
The Beast Reawakens
Saving Private Power:  The Hidden History of “The Good War”
Deadly Deceits:  My 25 years in the CIA
Blackshirts and Reds:  Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism


Charming Quotes from Fascist Americons
Madness Masquerading as “Morality”
The Exceedingly Strange Case of George W. Bush
Dan Birdbrain Quayle:  Shear Exellince in Politiks


The Weapons of American State Terrorism
Chemical & Biological Weapons
Cluster Bombs
Depleted Uranium
Domestic Oppression
Fuel-Air Bombs
Nuclear Bombs


Police-state America
War At Home:  Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About
Derailing Democracy:  The America the Media Don’t Want You to See
Terrorism Begins at Home:  Police Brutality in America
Police-State Brutality and the Battle of Seattle
Mumia Abu-Jamal:  Political Prisoner in America
Today’s Fascist America
To the Reader in America
America’s Techno-Fascist Future


The American Plutocracy
The two-headed, two-faced American plutocracy
Revealing Quotes 2:  Corporate Capitalist Plutocracy
Corporate Predators:  The Hunt for Mega-Profits and the Attack on Democracy
Democracy for the Few
Our Hidden History:  Corporations in America
The Corporate Domination of American Culture and Politics
The Plutocratic Presidency
The American Pre$idency
Market Elections:  How "Democracy" Serves the Rich
Dying For Growth:  Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor
Globalize This!:  The Battle Against the World Trade Organization and
Corporate Rule


American Terrorism and Genocide of the Korean, Vietnamese, Laotian and
Cambodian Peoples
American Genocide of the Korean People
American Genocide of the Vietnamese People
The Mylai Massacre
The Phoenix Program
The Phoenix Program, My Lai and the “Tiger Cages”
American Genocide of the Laotian People
American Genocide of the Cambodian People
American Patriots and the Napalm Attack on the People of Trang Bang
Southeast Asia during the Vietnam Genocide
South Vietnam during the American Occupation and Genocide


American/NATO State Terrorism of the Yugoslavian Peoples
Hidden Agenda:  U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia
American/NATO Terrorism of the Yugoslavian Peoples
To Kill A Nation:  The Attack on Yugoslavia
The U.S./NATO Terror Campaign:  Nine Myths and Realities
At A Serb Funeral:  Tears For Victims of a “Regrettable Mistake”
NATO in the Balkans:  Voices of Opposition
NATO TARGETS:  The Civilian People of Yugoslavia
The Geopolitical Strategy of Imperial America


American/British State Terrorism of the Afghan Peoples
The Truth About American Terrorism of the Afghan Peoples  (fact sheet)
Imperial Hypocrisy:  American State Terrorism of the Afghan Peoples
9-11, Mossad, the CIA and “False Flag Operations”
American Subversion in Afghanistan


American State Terrorism of the Libyan People
The Green Revolution in Libya
Why America Hates Qadhafi
The Great Libyan Jamahiriya
Libya’s Black Day:  Italian Fascist Terrorism
The Continuing Terror Against Libya
Western State Terrorism


U.S. Terrorism and Genocide of the Central American, Caribbean and South
American Peoples

Chronology of U.S. Terrorism in Central America, the Caribbean and South
Colombia:  The Genocidal Democracy
The Crucifixion of El Salvador
Making Guatemala a Killing Field
Teaching Nicaragua a lesson
The Invasion of Panama
Cuban Liberation:  Fidel Castro, Che Guevara & Jose Marti (Bibliography)
Western State Terrorism
In Your Name... A Soldier’s Story


American/Israeli State Terrorism of the Palestinian People
American-Israeli State Terrorism of the Palestinian People
Albert Einstein Condemns Israeli Nazis
Zionism is Jewish Naziism: A Photo Essay on Israeli State Terrorism
Ariel Sharon: The Jewish Hitler
Return of the Terrorist: The Crimes of Ariel Sharon
Racist Zionism:  Israeli Apartheid (Bibliography)
Western State Terrorism
The Israeli Connection To 9-11


The Jenin Massacre
The Jenin Massacre
Massacre at Jenin: “I now know the smell of death...”
Immortal Heroes of Jenin
The Israelis are Guilty of Mass Murder in Jenin
Eyewitness Jenin: Evidence of a Massacre
“Sanity was buried alive...” at Jenin
Israeli War Crimes at Jenin
Human Rights Watch report excerpts


American/British State Terrorism and Genocide of the Iraqi People
The 3 BIG LIES About Iraq
American/British Terrorism and Genocide of the Iraqi Peoples
America: the Ultimate Terrorist
The Highway of Death
Iraq’s Poisoned Water: The Deliberate Genocide of the Iraqi People by the
U.S. and British governments
American Sanctions Against the Iraqi Peoples  (Bibliography)
The Weapons of American Terrorism: Depleted Uranium
The Weapons of American Terrorism: Cluster Bombs

Navigation-bar pages
Home page
Chronology of Terror 1  2  3
Bibliographies (main)
Valuable Websites  — information, news, history and commentary on American
state terrorism and related subjects
ACTION  — Taking Action Against American State Terrorism
NEWS  — Honest News Sources
Solutions: American Revolution 2  and a Humane Future of International
Socialist Democracy
Candles in the darkness
*   Great Quotes  — timeless spiritual quotes

*   Spiritual Light vs. political darkness

About This Site  — Dedicated to the millions of people around the world who
have been violently murdered by the U.S. military/government.
Letters  — featured letter
*   The Good p.1 2 3 4

*   The Bad p.1 2 3

*   and the Uuug-ly!

SEARCH page  — search this site, search the Web
Revealing Quotes 1:  American State Terrorism
*   St. Augustine on America, NATO

Revealing Quotes 2:  Corporate Capitalist Plutocracy
Revealing Quotes 3:  Mass-media Deception
Site Map
*   Site Index

American Revolution 2  and a Humane Future of International Socialist
Civil Disobedience and Tax Resistance
Taking Action Against American State Terrorism
Candles in the darkness
Great Quotes
Spiritual Light vs. political darkness


Books on American State Terrorism
(and closely related subjects)
by Author
by Subject
by Title


Main Bibliography
American Sanctions Against the Iraqi Peoples
Cuban Liberation:  Fidel Castro, Che Guevara & Jose Marti
Depleted Uranium:  Metal of Dishonor
Enslavement and Oppression of the African-American Peoples
Genocide and Oppression of the American Indian Peoples; Leonard Peltier
Mumia Abu-Jamal:  Political Prisoner in America
Racist Zionism:  Israeli Apartheid
The Vatican, the Nazis and Pope Pius XII
Today’s Fascist America
White Slavery in America


U.S. Government Terrorism of the American Peoples
War At Home:  Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About
Terrorism Begins At Home:  Police Brutality in America
Police-State Brutality and the Battle of Seattle
The United States Government Perpetrated the September 11 Attacks
The CIA, Insider Trading and the WTC Terror Attack
Fake Terror:  the Road to Dictatorship
Operation 911:  NO SUICIDE PILOTS
Note to the Reader in America
Bloody Hell:  The Price Soldiers Pay


Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

“If you want free speech you can go down to a street corner and shout.”
— Jim Olson
owner of Humboldt Internet
September 26, 2001
On September 14, 2001, three days after the WTC attack, the owner of the
humboldt1.com ISP summarily deleted the original American Terrorism website.
When informed that he was suppressing online free speech, he offered the
helpful advice above.
Launched: May, 2000  —  Torpedoed: September 14, 2001   R.I.P.

To spare my vocal chords I offer these remaining mirror sites:

http://www.AmericanStateTerrorism.com/  (Germany)
Toppled from Topcities.com: February 15, 2002
Axed by Angelfire.com: December 13, 2001
Torpedoed by Tripod.com: October 18, 2001

“Lycos [Tripod and Angelfire]... reserves the right to terminate any user’s
access to the Lycos Network...for any reason or for no reason at all, in
Lycos’ sole discretion, without prior notice, or any notice.”
...or without any discretion, or, after September 11, 2001, for a hypocrite,
patriot-idiot, police-state censorship reason.

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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