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WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

The Iraqi oppositionists and US plans for “regime change” in Baghdad

Part 1

By Peter Symonds
30 September 2002

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Below is the first of a two-part article on the Iraqi opposition. The second part will 
published on October 1.

The Bush administration argues that a US invasion of Iraq and the ouster of Saddam
Hussein will constitute an act of liberation, ushering in a new period of peace and
democracy for the long- suffering Iraqi people. US officials are currently engaged in 
a flurry
of activity among Iraqi exile circles aimed at fashioning a replacement regime.

But there will be nothing democratic about the installation of a US-backed regime in
Baghdad. A new leader will be foisted on the Iraqi people in the same way that 
plucked long-time CIA asset Hamid Karzai out of obscurity in Pakistan and turned him 
the Afghan president. And, like the regime in Kabul, the new administration in Baghdad 
be filled with carefully vetted personnel. Perhaps an Iraqi version of the 
loya jirga (grand tribal assembly held in Kabul) will even be convened to give the
proceedings a veneer of legitimacy.

The process is well in train. Key hard-line figures in the Bush administration, 
Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, his deputy Paul Wolfowitz and US Defence Policy
Board chairman Richard Perle, have long championed the arming of Iraqi opposition 
to topple Hussein. Soon after Bush took office, the flow of money to various Iraqi
oppositionists began to substantially increase.

The clear favourite has been the Iraqi National Congress (INC), which has been the main
focus of US intrigues inside Iraq for more than a decade. It currently operates from 
in London but its chairman Ahmad Chalabi, a shady financier who has been convicted on
major fraud charges in Jordan, is well known in Washington and counts people like Perle
among his long-time American friends.

Over the last few months, the CIA, State Department and other agencies have been
bullying, bribing and cajoling various other Iraqi opposition groups to back the Bush
administration’s war plans. Their aim is to establish a unified front that can, 
superficially at
least, provide a coherent and plausible alternative to Hussein. The US also wants
intelligence, militia and bases inside Iraq to help plan and facilitate a US invasion.

In April, the CIA met with two Kurdish groups—the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and
the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)—to seek permission to establish bases in two 
cities in
northern Iraq. According to a report in the British-based Guardian, the two groups were
wary because the CIA had double-crossed them before. Northern Iraq, which the two
Kurdish militias have effectively controlled since 1991, has been a hotbed of US 
intrigue for
over a decade.

In June, the State Department held the first official talks in Washington with the 
based Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI). SCIRI, which is just 
of a number of organisations based among Iraq’s Shiite majority, has connections to 
where its leader Muhammad Baqir Hakim resides. Initially cautious about openly 
a US invasion of Iraq, SCIRI now appears to have joined Washington’s anti-Hussein 

The most significant meeting took place on August 10 at the White House. It brought
together the six groups at the core of US plans for a post-Hussein regime for 
discussions with top Bush administration officials, including Powell, Rumsfeld and 
President Dick Cheney. The gathering, which was jointly organised by the Defence and
State Departments as well as the CIA and National Security Council, pledged to work
together for a “free Iraq”.

The groups included Chalabi’s INC, the two Kurdish groups and SCIRI, as well as two 
exile formations—the Iraqi National Accord (INA) and the Constitutional Monarchy
Movement (CMM). The INA is a shadowy group of defectors from Hussein’s Baathist Party,
the Iraqi military and security apparatus with close contacts to the CIA, British MI6 
Saudi Intelligence. It has offices in London and the Middle East. The CMM aspires to 
put the
heir apparent, Sharif Ali Bin Al-Hussein, back on the throne as king of Iraq.

Since the White House meeting, preparations have accelerated. A week later, the Sunday
Times reported that the US was intending to provide additional funding to Iraqi 
groups to conduct covert operations inside Iraq for the purpose of gathering 
and encouraging high-level defections. The State Department’s “Future of Iraq Project,”
which was described by the Guardian in July as a small “underfunded and understaffed”
office, has mushroomed into six working groups, which have begun holding meetings in 
US and Britain. Last week the US media reported that the Bush administration was
preparing to seek congressional approval to provide military training for up to 10,000
members of Iraqi opposition groups.

After the Gulf War

One look at the assortment of military defectors, dubious businessmen, aspiring
monarchists, political opportunists and thugs that constitute the Iraqi opposition is 
to make clear the venal nature of the regime that the US proposes to install in 

All of them have collaborated and connived with Washington, to one degree or another,
since the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War. Some have been directly on Washington’s payroll
and involved in the various failed US schemes and plots to oust Hussein. Others, like 
Shiite- and Kurdish-based groups, have exploited the opportunities opened after the 
war to
establish a degree of autonomy and to manoeuvre with the US and various regional

Neither Washington nor its Iraqi clients want a popular rebellion or any genuine 
of democracy, either of which would be profoundly destabilising in Iraq and throughout 
region. In February 1991, in the midst of the Gulf War, George Bush senior called for a
revolt against Hussein, but rapidly backtracked when the Shiites in the south and the 
in the north rose up. The US military stood by while Hussein’s elite Republican Guards
slaughtered the insurgents, sending streams of refugees flooding towards the borders.

Washington had no intention of making any concessions to Kurdish demands for
independence, or calls by the Shiites, who constitute 60 percent of the population, 
for a
greater say in the country’s political affairs. US ally Turkey, as well as Iran and 
Syria, were
all acutely sensitive to any move that would have strengthened their substantial 
minorities. In the case of the Shiites, the US, along with Saudi Arabia, was opposed 
to any
step that would bolster the position of predominantly Shiite Iran within the region.

The US, with the backing of Britain, exploited the plight of the Kurds and the Shiites 
unilaterally impose “safe havens” or “no-fly” zones in the north of the country in 
April 1991
and in the south in August 1992. The military exclusion zones effectively partitioned 
country into three and provided Washington with the pretext needed to keep its 
patrolling over Iraq and attacking military targets.

Having stopped short of a full-scale assault on Baghdad in 1991, the Bush 
focused its attention on ousting Hussein through an internal coup or military putsch.
Washington was instrumental in establishing the Iraqi National Congress(INC) at a
gathering in Vienna in June 1992. The INC was both an umbrella organisation for anti-
Hussein groups and a front for clandestine activities inside Iraq.

The INC and its CIA advisers set up a base of operations in Irbul inside the northern 
zone —the area of Iraq north of latitude 36 degrees, which included some, but not all, 
the major Kurdish cities. The two Kurdish groups—the KDP and the PUK—had taken
advantage of the military exclusion zone to establish a de-facto Kurdish autonomous 
Elections were even held in 1992 for a Kurdish Regional Government, which resulted in 
uneasy power-sharing arrangement between KDP leader Massoud Barzani and his PUK
counterpart Jalal Talabani.

Notwithstanding the bitter experiences of Kurdish and Shiite insurgencies the previous 
both Kurdish groups—the KDP and PUK—joined the INC. The Stalinist Iraqi Communist
Party, the Islamic fundamentalist Al Daawa party and the forerunner to SCIRI, the 
Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, signed up at a meeting held in northern 
Iraq in
October 1992.

The US is estimated to have spent $100 million financing the activities of Iraqi 
groups in the early 1990s—much of it purportedly spent on propaganda and public
relations. But the CIA’s efforts to foment a revolt in Baghdad failed dismally. Coup 
were reported in 1992 and 1993, but each ended in arrests, executions and a further
strengthening of Hussein’s security apparatus.

Moreover, the shaky alliance of opposition groups that comprised the INC began to 
fall apart. The two Kurdish groups came into conflict over the division of profits 
from the
lucrative smuggling operations that had sprung up to circumvent the UN-imposed 
on Iraq. Scores of trucks carrying goods from Turkey to Iraq passed through the 
“no-fly” zone every day and returned laden with cheap oil and petroleum products. But 
route passed through KDP territory, and Barzani refused to share the huge customs fees
with his PUK rivals.

Fighting between the groups broke out in 1993 and continued to escalate. Each
manoeuvred and schemed against the other, trying to garner the support of the regional
powers—Iran, Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The conflict destabilised the INC 
resulted in the departure of other groups, including the Shiite organisations and the 
Communist Party.

At the same time, the CIA began to concentrate more of its activities on INA, which had
been established in 1990 with the backing of the British MI6 and Saudi intelligence. 
INA, with its focus on establishing clandestine military networks in Baghdad, was more 
line with the CIA’s needs than the rather amorphous and increasingly unstable front
organisation, the INC.

The most extensive CIA operation appears to have been in March 1995 and included the
INC and the INA based in Irbul and other operatives inside areas of Iraq controlled by
Hussein. Insofar as details are available, the plan involved both a military offensive 
in the
north and a coup attempt in Baghdad. The CIA conspired with elements of the INA and
other contacts to organise the putsch in the capital.

At the same time, Chalabi enlisted the support of the Kurdish militia to retake the 
cities of Kirkuk and Mosul, which lay outside the northern “no-fly” zone, after 
implying that
the US would provide the attackers with air cover. The KDP and PUK were particularly 
to seize control of Kirkuk, because it lies at the centre of Iraq’s rich northern oil 
and gas
fields. Thousands of ill- trained and poorly equipped militia members were dispatched 
fight the Iraqi army.

The whole affair—both the coup attempt in Baghdad and the military offensive in the
north—failed miserably, leading to bitter and continuing recriminations on all sides. 
With the
support of US and British intelligence, the INA reorganised its operations in 1996 and
received permission to use Jordan as a base. Its network was infiltrated by Iraqi
intelligence, however, with devastating results. In June 1996, well over 100 military 
linked to the INA were rounded up, at least 30 of whom were summarily executed.

In northern Iraq, matters went from bad to worse for the CIA and its Iraqi proxies. The
bloody fighting between the KDP and the PUK reached its climax in August 1996. Barzani,
claiming that his rival was being supported by the Iranian military, invited the Iraqi 
into the Kurdish areas to retake Irbul from the PUK. The Iraqi security forces not 
only seized
the city, but also took the opportunity to crush the Iraqi oppositionists.

The result was a complete disaster for the CIA, the INC and the INA. According to one
estimate, 200 oppositionists were executed by the Iraqi army and as many as 2,000
arrested. Another 650, mainly INC members along with their CIA handlers, managed to
escape and were resettled in the US. As an umbrella group, the INC all but 
And in the space of a year, the INA had lost both its network in Baghdad and its base 
operations in northern Iraq.

To be continued

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