-Caveat Lector-
Banks, Oil, and Drug Trafficking: An Overview of Mike Ruppert's "The Truth and Lies of 9-11"
by Victor Thorn

NOTE: To order Mr. Ruppert’s video, log onto his website at: www.fromthewilderness.com

Mike Ruppert, a former investigator for the Los Angeles Police Department, begins his “The Truth and Lies of 9-11” videotape by offering a $1,000 cash reward to anyone that can disprove the information contained within his presentation. To date, the money still stands, and no one has been able to dispute even one iota of the wealth of evidence that Mr. Ruppert provides. This is the case because Ruppert unequivocally states that he structured his arguments to avoid speculation, theorization, or hypothesis. In other words, he used the exact same procedure – facts and evidence to build a case - that benefited him as an investigator for the LAPD.

And what has Ruppert uncovered during his research? Well, quite simply that our government no longer serves the interests of everyday American citizens, and that it is now our responsibility to reach out to the REST of America – to those people who still aren’t aware of the truth – and fill them in on what’s going on. Thus, in this overview, I will show how Mike Ruppert has gathered an astounding amount of evidence pointing to the fact that the 9-11 attacks were part of a larger scheme involving oil, drug trafficking, and the collapse of the American economy. He accomplishes this feat by using the government and the mass media’s own statements and evidence against them – exposing the entire charade like the Wizard of Oz behind his curtain.


In 1998, the head of the Unocal Corporation announced to a House International Committee that it was calling off plans to build a 1,500 mile pipeline across Afghanistan to Turkey, where United States tankers would then transport the oil to China and Japan, where there exists a huge oil shortage. They would not proceed, he testified, until a “stable international government was established.”

Well, four years later, guess what’s happening in Afghanistan. Construction on the oil pipeline has begun once again because the “problem” has been taken care of. All we needed was to bomb the hell out of that country, get rid of the Taliban, and put Hamid Karzai into office as the new head of Afghanistan. (Karzai was, by the way, a former consultant for one of America’s major oil companies. Guess which one. Yup – Unocal!) Another funny coincidence is that Henry Kissinger was recently took on an advisory role to the Chinese firm that will be importing the oil, plus he also works for a Pakistani firm transporting the oil to the Orient. Funny how he’s always in the picture, huh.


For a broader perspective on this situation, we need to turn our attention to Zbigniew the Mad Dog, who wrote a book in 1997 entitled, “The Grand Chessboard.” In this work he said that if America wanted to maintain its status as king of the hill, it had to move into the Eurasian area and “manage” its people and natural resources or else anarchy would ensue. And why is this region so important? Well, Zbig states that 75% of the world’s physical wealth (including gold and oil) exist in this area, and if America didn’t move in, somebody else would. So, what did we do? First off, the CIA created the Islamic Fundamentalist Taliban to keep the USSR from moving south into Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, etc. Then, Goldman Sachs, the U.S. Treasury, the World Bank, and the Federal Reserve looted $300 billion out of Russia. By the 1990’s, with a “block” in place around Soviet Russia and depleted of its financial strength, the average lifespan of a Soviet male is now 48 years old!

So, Russia won’t interfere with the oil fields in Eurasia, but then another problem popped-up. The pesky Islamic Fundamentalists started wanting their piece of the pie, so we had to take action against them. The best part is, Zbig knew all of this in 1997, and troops have been getting ready for this battle ever since.

This scenario now leads us to the “big picture,” which is as follows: from 1993-2015, oil consumption will double, most of it occurring in the rapidly developing Far East. To keep up with this demand, oil companies will be tapping into reserves in the Eurasian region which dwarf those in the Middle East. So, what we’re looking at is one last push to dominate this area. For whoever controls Eurasia and the Middle East will essentially rule the energy market, and subsequently the world. (If this weren’t the case, why do we so adamantly refuse to develop alternative fuel sources?) The final step in the puzzle, then, is to have the United States, the world’s final superpower, bow down to the New World Order as the Europeans did with their European Union.

But to pull-off this Grand Deception, we need one final war to put all the pieces (people and countries) in their proper place. So, to get Americans fired-up in a big way, an external threat was created (via the 9-11 attacks), and welluh, the Controllers soon had their support as Osama bin Laden-hatred peaked to a fevered pitch.


To complicate an already precarious situation, Ruppert contends that prior to 9-11, America was on the verge of a financial collapse and that the Controllers NEEDED this perceived catastrophe to keep their house of cards from tumbling. If one examines the stock market collapse(s), the number of bankruptcies that are occurring (at record highs), and how much of our manufacturing base is being lost overseas (thanks to the GATT and NAFTA treaties), it’s hard not to concur with this statement.


As hard as it is to believe for many people, one of the CIA’s primary roles is to support the United States economy by bringing illegal drugs into this country. How can this be, you ask? Well, one of the CIA’s main responsibilities is to provide much needed cash flow for banks and stock trading houses. If you find this relationship hard to swallow, why did six of the first seven CIA directors come directly from Wall Street, with many others having strong ties to the banking community? What does being an Intelligence director have to do with high-finance? The answer can be found with George Bush, Sr. His father, Prescott, was a financial director for the Brown Brothers Harriman subsidiary (Union Banking Company) that directly financed Hitler before and during WWII by laundering money for the Nazi War Machine.

But let’s get back to the importance of drug trafficking and money. In a January, 2001 report, it was disclosed that $1.5 trillion/year is laundered through the world’s banking system, and that approximately $500-600 (about 1/3) comes from the drug trade. The CIA’s role, then, is to make sure as much drug money comes into our economy as possible.

Ruppert even goes so far as to say that drugs are the biggest growth industry in America, and that the growth of many multinational companies and international banks was financed through the sale of illegal drugs. And who’s the leader in laundering this narcotics money? American banks. To support this stake, Ruppert references a survey of top business and banking leaders. 99 out of 100 of these corporate leaders said that it would be better to keep $500/year of laundered money going through the system than it would be to stop the flow of illegal drugs into our country. For, if we stopped laundering this money, mutual funds would plummet, the stock market would crash, and any possibility of paying off our national debt would be futile (as it already is). We are, regrettably, addicted to drug profiteering in this country.

To further blow your minds, guess what companies are exempt BY LAW from money laundering:

1) Banks
2) The CIA
3) Publicly listed companies that trade on the New York Stock Exchange!

Ruppert backs this up with reports filed by the Government in relation to a United States corporate drug money laundering conference! And if you watch this video, you’ll be astounded by which companies were represented at this conference. He also gives examples of how internationally recognized banks buy notorious drug-laundering institutions for the simple reason of getting better access to the free-flow of cash, plus names three specific CIA sponsored drug-running operations: Amadeus, Pegasus, and Watchtower. If this isn’t enough, Ruppert provides a memo dated February 11, 1982 where Attorney General William Casey tells CIA Director William French Smith how his organization can get away with dealing drugs without having to report it in any official format. He also has DOCUMENTED proof of $1 billion worth of cocaine being found on a CIA jet in Mexico City, and how DEA Agent Castillo saw CIA planes unloading drugs from 1985-86. Upon reporting his findings DIRECTLY to George Bush, Sr., he was told, “Leave it alone, it’s a White House operation!” Can you see what’s going on? In no uncertain terms, our very own government is running drugs into our country to poison its own citizens. The CIA and the U.S. Government are drug dealers, plain and simple!

Why do you think we’re so obsessed with Afghanistan, a remote, desolate country that is, by all appearances, not very remarkable? But you have to see things the way our government does. Before 1980, Afghanistan produced 0% of the world’s opium. But then the CIA moved in, and by 1986 they were producing 40% of the world’s heroin supply. By 1999, they were churning out 3,200 TONS of heroin a year – nearly 80% of the total market supply.

But then something unexpected happened. The Taliban rose to power, and by 2000 they had destroyed nearly all of the opium fields. Production dropped from 3,000+ tons to only 185 tons, a 94% reduction! This enormous drop in revenue subsequently hurt not only the CIA’s Black Budget projects, but also the free-flow of laundered money in and out of the Controller’s banks. If you ask me, it seems like these powerful folks didn’t like this turn of events (and the easy money being taken out of their pockets). So, to retaliate, we went to war with them, and now guess what’s happening. The Afghanistan Northern Alliance, backed by the CIA, chased the Taliban out and re-planted all the opium crops again. Even more horrifying is that while the opium crops were destroyed, the Afghanistan farmers were planting actual FOOD crops such as wheat so that their people could eat. But then the CIA went in, dug-up the wheat, and re-seeded the opium fields. Y’know, when you think about these actions, it’s pretty downright sickening. So now the Afghanistan rebels run the poppy fields, and everything is back to normal (albeit a very dirty, corrupt normalcy).

So, with this very interesting foundation laid; Mr. Ruppert delves into the truth and lies behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks. And even though I won’t list specifics, I will say that Ruppert names names such as: the bin Laden-Bush family connection, the Carlyle Group, Israel’s Mossad, Colin Powell, General Mahmud and the ISI (Pakistani Secret Service), insider stock trading, the Air Force’s deliberate failure to scramble jets, the FBI’s Echelon wiretapping program, “Operation Northwoods,” and much more.

For the fullest and most complete 9-11 timeline and behind-the-scenes truth of what really happened, I strongly urge you to order this videotape. It’s either that, or keep getting snowed by the mass media’s controlled lies. The TRUTH is out there; all you have to do is take a look at it!

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