-Caveat Lector-

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

 Dick Farley is a veteran journalist and free-lance policy analyst, winner
of the Mark Twain Award from Associated Press for Investigative Reporting

------begin forwarded post:

Subject: Original... Farley, re Einhorn (9/25/02) per Sarfatti's request, as
Date: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 10:45 AM

* Those copied:
As Jack Sarfatti sent my Einhorn narrative of today (10/1/02) around with
own comments embedded but without setting them off in any way, here is the
one that I generated, as I wrote it.
Washington, DC USA
* All replies confidential but on the record unless previously agreed

- - - - +
Subj:   Einhorn, Dick Farley as referred by Jack Sarfatti... 10/1/02
Date:   10/1/02 1:18:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   CloudRider
To: RTS Data, User886114
CC: CloudRider

Rich Strohm:
Don't know you and don't have your original to Sarfatti, et al., but if any
of my stuff is interesting to you, it is sourced and you can pursue it on
your own. I've had a number of email exchanges with Ira in the years since
1997. You're barking up the wrong tree if you're trying to portray Ira as a
warm, fuzzy teddy bear of a New Age eco-guru, if what I've heard about him
accurate. One person I did not mention in my email is a woman named "Norie
Huddle." She may be known to Ira; Norie told me she knew Ira and Holly and,
if Norie would testify, she'd be credible. She's a published author and a
major "player" in things "Progressive." I believe she lives now near Harpers
Ferry in West Virginia. Norie has been plugged in to Ira's milieu for many
years, so find her!
Tell Ira: "Showtime!"  ;-)
Washington, DC USA
- - - - +
In a message dated 10/1/02 12:05:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, CloudRider

>  Farley if you know something get in touch with this guy. I forgot to put
>  in this loop.

Einhorn case.

Jack (and cc'd to Wes Thomas because he's in this loop, others, including
Ira's AOL account, assuming it's his wife, Annika, or someone else who
monitoring emails):

First, guys, please when you send me something "personal attention" put my
name in the subject line or otherwise designate it from the "stream" you're
generating. It was purely because I saw the "Einhorn" in the subject line
that I opened this one in a string of, oh, maybe 500 emails piled up during
my few days away. ANYTHING on the Einhorn situation is of intense interest
here. "Fun's over," and with Ira on trial in a hostile media environment and
totally corrupt legal context there are steps which I believe are possible
assist Ira in establishing a credible context for his beliefs in a
to discredit him. IF the judge will allow it, which requires credible
testimony that Ira's attorney OUGHT to be actively recruiting from YOU and
others in the previous Einhorn sphere of influence, a case for reasonable
doubt can be made.

There is ample journalistic stuff "out there" which could tie things
together. And there are "real people" on the record about the things Ira was
involved in, at that time so "deep" and "weird" that they'd not have been
believed but which, if they could be pushed through the media "screen" of
disinformation agents and young nitwit folk not even out of puberty when all
this went down (but who now are "gatekeepers" at the wire services and other
news outlets!), might gain "legs" and substantiate Ira's view. I am not
"invested" in the trial's outcome, other than justice be served. Defining
what is "justice" is, the devil in the details, now isn't it. Time to get
real, folks.

Examples of "random things."

Mary Schoonmaker, a Philly "new ager" and seeker who appears in Stephen
Levy's book toward the end, after Ira's arrest, "running Ira's back" to help
de-stress him, is a witness who might provide a window into the hoity-toity
New Age "elite" salons Ira frequented at the time. Mary, in the early 1990s,
was still a friend of then-Senator Claiborne Pell, sufficiently close that
Pell dispatched his "psychic phenomena" aide, Cdr. C. B. "Scott" Jones, Jr.,
(former Special Assistant to Pell, but after 1990 the President of Pell's
"Human Potential Foundation, Inc." operating out of Vienna, VA), to Japan.
Jones went to Japan for the celebration (several days) of a guru-healer in
whom Schoonmaker was interested and for whom Schoonmaker was fronting in the
US. Schoonmaker's associate in this venture was one Thomas Armstrong, I
recall from Jones. Armstrong (if that's his name) was an MD who didn't
practice but who was "into" all the alternative and "New Age" stuff.
Armstrong's father, Jones said, had been a "communications" guy who had,
among other things, helped build the TV station and satellite broadcast
system that Rev. Pat Robertson put into Lebanon to propagandize that region.
Checking out the Armstrong "clan" might be productive.

Schoonmaker ought to be called to testify, although Levy's narrative and
interview with her might not be completely helpful to Ira's case, depending
on what she says.

The point: Schoonmaker and her connection to the senior level "New Agers"
like Pell, and their acolytes among the intelligence community's
"fringe-weird" cover ops, is where the focus ought to be. Establishing that
there was and IS such a "place," and that competing intelligence agencies
(foreign and domestic) at the time were deeply involved in such matters,
providing a context where Ira undisputedly worked, ought to be easy. What's
fascinating is how much all of that is still being ignored.

Question: Who is paying for Ira's defense? William Cannon, his attorney,
seems to be playing the role of "fair trial" but certainly not aggressively.
In cases like this, it falls to the accused "friends" and defense team to
PROTECT the "family jewels." I would be most suspicious of my "friends" if I
were Ira; they have the most to lose if the Truth (big T) were to come out.
That's why they hid him. That's why we wanted him on the stand. What he says
could be easily validated sufficiently to provide him with the "reasonable
doubt" that the hateful Maddox family and the Philly DA want so desperately
not to allow. Lynching Einhorn does not serve justice and it will not be
helpful in bringing into sunlight and justice those who operated in the Dark

Whoever killed Holly and whatever Ira believes or recalls about that whole
episode, it is important for Einhorn and his defenders to open up the coffin
and expose to the sunlight those "vampires" who lurked along the fringes of
the "New Age" and politics of the turbulent Sixties and Seventies.

Item: Cdr. C. B. "Scott" Jones was fond of letting people infer he was
But it was CIA who showed up on the opposite side of Jones's and Pell's
supposed push to the White House for "UFO Disclosure" at the behest of
Laurance Rockefeller. Jones had more to do with Navy Intelligence and DIA.
So, as recently as 1992-1995, the "Weird World" that Ira took part in still
existed and was"active" and still theatrical.

The place to look, then and now, for what Ira was messing with is probably
not only CIA, although their operatives were certainly all over his scene,
but also at DIA and at USAF, particularly when it comes to the Tesla aspects
of Ira's work. Also, in the book by Dr. Jim Schnabel, "Remote Viewers: The
true story of America's Psychic Spying," or some such, published in about
1994 or 1995, there is ample narrative and quotes from Major Ed Dames (of
Psi-Tech, chaired at one point by retired General Stubblebine and others
still very present in "The Weird") about how DIA, under one Dale Graff
(formerly USAF intell at Wright-Patt., until he ran afoul of brass and was
transferred to DIA at Bolling AFB, according to Schnabel and Graff's friend
Jones, who "advised" Graff on what to do after his retirement in the
mid-1990s from DIA, so said Jones), was allegedly involved in the very kind
of "psychic spying" that Ira is claiming, to much media derision, was going
on. Major Dames, who was one of the Remote Viewers in the NSA-cum-CIA
"coordinate remote viewing" program and was featured in Schnabel's four-hour
British documentary about all this which ran on an American cable network in
the mid-1990s, is quoted by Schnabel saying that Graff and DIA, in the later
stages of the "RV" and "applied anomalous phenomena" program, even resorted
to "the Witches," as Dames said the military psychics at one point came to
call the New Agers allegedly recruited by Graff, et al. Schnabel tells of an
alleged romantic link between one woman "fortune teller" working for Graff,
and a senior Senate Appropriations Committee staffer, Richard D'Amato.
D'Amato worked for Senator Robert Byrd and one of D'Amato's duties was
oversight of some of the "black projects." See Schnabel's book for context
that verifies Einhorn's "milieu."

This is easily verifiable by getting Graff, Jones, maybe Hal Puthoff and
certainly Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green, on the witness stand. And unless the
President invokes Executive Privilege or national security to protect such
witnesses, Einhorn's attorney (if we were so disposed) ought to have little
difficulty helping the jury understand that "the fix was in" during the Cold
War, and that Ira is not simply "off the wall" in his claims of involvement
and conspiracy. My bet is Ira is fearful for his life if he tells all.

Item: Back in the mid-1980s or so, a bizarre book showed up briefly in
stores. It was titled "The Boomer Bible," and it was a think, black-bound
paperback running up to a thousand pages or so. Right in the middle was a
chapter called "The Book of Ira." It was apparently a kind of "tease" by Ira
and his friends, as Ira was still missing then.
Who published it? Who paid for it? Whose was the "network" then in touch

Item: Documentation of CIA "mind control" programs dating from even before
CIA was created and continuing through the 1980s is ample in Gordon Thomas's
book. Titled: "Journey Into Madness: The True Story of CIA Mind Control" or
some such, it documents a Canadian court case (CIA eventually settled)
involving psychiatric abuse of two women who brought the suit. But the
"discovery" attendant to the case is where Thomas apparently drew much of
source material, which he followed to get the other information. Now Thomas
can be said to write "from the Left" but that doesn't discredit his
documented data in the least. Putting even Stephen Levy's "The Unicorn's
Secret" into a context where Thomas writes, along with John Marx's "Search
for the Manchurian Candidate," and Dr. Andrija Puharich's "URI," and the
previously mentioned book by Schnabel, "Remote Viewers," there's plenty of

Item: Dr. Hal Puthoff published a monography outlining his work at SRI in
1970s on "psychic spying" techniques in the Journal of Scientific
of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) a few years back. In it,
Puthoff included a photo of three men standing in front of a small plane.
Besides Dr. Puthoff, pictured were the psychic Pat Price and Dr. Christopher
"Kit" Green, former senior CIA scientist who served as the Agency's contract
manager for the work Puthoff, Targ, et al., did at SRI, with management at
that end by the late Dr. Willis Harman. Now, Harman's book, "Global Mind
Change," as it was published in 1977 in the UK, is instructive about the
world view in which Ira Einhorn was dabbling. In Stephen Levy's book, a
passing reference is made to Einhorn's visit to San Francisco and Palo Alto,
where Levy says Einhorn met with Dr. Jack Sarfatti and with Dr. Jacques
Vallee, both of whom were actively at work on what eventually became the
Internet. Einhorn was, characteristically, very excited about the "global
neural net" the Internet would be, as Ira considered himself a "planetary
enzyme," allegedly working on behalf of what he at the time may have
were "off-planet intelligences" of the sort described by Puharich and his
protege, Israeli psychic Uri Geller, with whom Ira had contacts, as Levy
again documents. What is ironic about Puthoff's monography is that it
the CIA's manager, Kit Green, whether inadvertantly or not. The same
photograph that Puthoff used in his SSE paper ran in Jim Schnabel's book,
"Remote Viewers." But Schnabel had identified Kit Green by his cover
identity, "Richard Kennett," as well as identifying Puthoff and Pat Price.
What will Einhorn say about his contacts with Green-aka-Kennett? (Spelling
"Kennett" uncertain; my copy not right here.)

The Puharich and "Council of Nine" link to rich New Agers is the part of
Ira's story that NOBODY is interested in having come out. But it is the most
interesting part, for which there is ample documentation in print (although
obscure by the media today), and which threads a trail across thirty or more
years into the salons of the "elite." And the Puharich thread ties many
high-profile people with New Age links into this, from Shirley MacLaine to
current Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and "active others."

Most current "players" in the fringe fields of psychic "remote viewing" and
"ET/UFO" cadres are retired intelligence and military operatives, some
working for rich patrons having a most disturbing (perhaps "disturbed," but
I'm not qualified to diagnose ;-) world view about Earth and its future. It
was here Einhorn found himself and made a lot of noise which the elites, who
at the time controlled some intelligence agencies, did not appreciate. They
are not "The Government!" They work "beyond the fringe."

According to Schnabel, these people and their world view troubled
of the day like Leon Jaroff, science editor at Time magazine, who wrote to
discredit them and the work at SRI, Schnabel reports. Schnabel footnotes in
his book that some of the folks like Jaroff saw similarities in the "New
underpinnings of what the SRI folks were dabbling in with the underlying
Age" pseudoscience that held so much fascination with the Nazis like Himmler
and major Teutonic backers of Hitler.

Many of these operators, including those in the DIA and Army intelligence,
are still "players" along the fringes of "The Weird" and are certainly not
"government." Many seem to be working on the payrolls of powerful former
"Cold War" elitists, who have their own odd visions of the New Age and their
respective roles "running the world."
Again, ample evidence that this milieu exists and still exerts considerable
influence, enough to allow a jury to reach a considered opinion that there
more to Einhorn than what the Maddux family and the Philly DA (and LOTS of
"others") will portray.

Remember this: Justice doesn't only apply to those personalities we admire
like. If Einhorn is railroaded, or if the media "lynchings" under way by CNN
and MSNBC do not provoke a challenge, then whoever "They" are protecting
only grow stronger and we, as freedom-loving people, will be further
estranged from our civil liberties. It is irrelevant how I as a journalist
think about Einhorn or my own "feelings" about what or who he may be. There
are a lot of "you" out there, on this list, who know a LOT but who, for
whatever reasons, are allowing Einhorn to "hang alone." But for more than
fifteen years "some of us" have been watching, not to "free Ira," or to
validate him or his philosophy, but to FREE OURSELVES from the clutches of
crazed oligarchs in search for their own "Stargate" and revelation by which
they seek to shape Earth in the future. There's lots more, but let's see who
may be interested. Who'll go first?

Washington, DC USA

* Dick Farley is a veteran journalist and free-lance policy analyst, winner
of the Mark Twain Award from Associated Press for Investigative Reporting
(1990), who served in various policy and program development capacities for
nonprofit organizations, like The Cousteau Society and Sen. Pell's
aforementioned Human Potential Foundation, where he staffed Laurance
Rockefeller's "UFO Disclosure Initiative" to the Clinton White House, among
other projects. Any responses to this are ON THE RECORD, unless previously
agreed otherwise. Feel free to share this around if it will be of help.
- - - - +

"Journalists should be fair, honest and courageous...."  -- or so says the
Society of Professional Journalists (to which I do not belong, as I can't
tolerate hypocrisy ;-)

But a more accurate description of what is happening with Einhorn's case
might be Matt Drudge's position: "Anyone can report anything."

Yet perhaps most relevant is this, from Judge Learned Hand: "The hand that
rules the press, the radio, the screen and the far-spread magazine, rules

Now, let's be careful "Out There," shall we?


P.S. -- The "major DC media" are staying far away from Einhorn's case, with
the Washington Times using Reuters reports and the Washington Post getting
their feed from "special reports" from one Debbie Goldberg. Both papers do
know "what's up!"
- - - - +
Farley to Jack Sarfatti: Jack, your speculations might be relevant, but too
One would have to look at Ira's links to the MOVE group, or its precursors.
But it is more likely that his meanderings in Yugoslavia about Nicola Tesla
"hit a nerve." It is going to be very difficult for Einhorn's defense
themselves to grasp this. It is also likely that Ira's ego and attitude will
"convict" him for the jury. He is not a very good "teacher" and his
evokes negativity by those he openly disdains. I doubt whether he can stand
up to cross-examination and his assertions, if they're not supported by
previous testimony, will come across as self-serving dissembling.
Subj:    RE: Einhorn Trial Witnesses
Date:   9/25/02 6:24:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jack Sarfatti)

Farley if you know something get in touch with this guy. I forgot to put you
in this loop.

Who might have framed him?

1.       Mayor Frank Rizzo and his police department seen in film was it the
"Thin Blue Line". Ira really foolishly provoked him. Maybe Holly OD'd from
her diabetes and appeared at City Morgue and then .?
2.       Kohmeni Iran Islamofascists because Ira hanging out with Shah's
3.       American Nazi Party because Ira was a prominent loud mouthed Jew
"raping" a white Aryan blond woman from Texas?
4.       Serbian Secret Police because of maybe what he was doing in regard
to Tesla Archive in Beograd?

Those 4 immediately come to mind. But it's all wild speculation that would
not sway a jury without evidence.

Some of the above people may know something relevant?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Sarfatti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 3:12 PM
To: RTSData
Cc: Wes Thomas; Saul Paul Sirag
Subject: RE: Einhorn Trial Witnesses

My testimony would not sway a jury. I spent too little actual time with him
and I am not a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist but a goofy
theoretical physicist who people compare to John Nash of a "Beautiful Mind".
If my book comes out in time - it's in press now - Ira may find something in
it to make his claims more credible.

You should ask Michael Murphy in Mill Valley CA - I don't know if Saul-Paul
Sirag might not know some people who knew Ira well?

-----Original Message-----
From: RTSData
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Thank you for responding! Your testimony would be important for his
character prior  to 1977, and how he treated Holly. Unfortuneately
depostions are not allowed at trial. True testimony from the witness is
necessary. If you know of anyone that can testify as to his character prior
to 1977, please have them contact us.

As for framing Ira, if we don't locate anyone who is willing to come forward
for him it will happen again. Please keep me informed.

Thank you,  Rich Strohm

- - - - +

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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