-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.canoe.ca/Columnists/margolis_oct27.html

October 27, 2002

U.S. should be targeting North Korea

By ERIC MARGOLIS -- Contributing Foreign Editor

Never trust the "axis of evil." When U.S. President George W. Bush threatened to invade
Iraq if it didn't re-admit UN arms inspectors, that tricky Saddam Hussein immediately
agreed, leaving the Bush administration gnashing its teeth in frustration.

If the UN didn't give him a green light to again bomb Iraq back to the Stone Age, Bush
thundered - with stunning illogic - he would ignore the UN Security Council and take 

This was the very same Bush who had a few days earlier vowed to invade Iraq because it
was ignoring the Security Council.

As that tragic farce was unfolding, a new bombshell went off when another tricky member
of Bush's axis of evil, North Korea, revealed it had nuclear weapons.

Now, the CIA has known since 1993 that North Korea had at least two nuclear weapons and
5,000 tons of poison gas and germs, plus the missiles and artillery to deliver them 
Seoul, the 37,000 U.S. troops in South Korea, all of Japan, and U.S. bases in Okinawa 

Readers of this column have also known since 1993 that North Korea had weapons of mass

Since then, I've written half a dozen columns - the latest on Aug. 11 - pointing out 
the utter
illogic of whipping up hysteria over impotent Iraq while denying the very real threat 
South Koreans, Americans and Japanese from a well-armed and highly dangerous North

Back in 1993-4, faced with the choice of removing North Korea's weapons of mass
destruction through war, or pretending they didn't exist, Bill Clinton chose to buy 
Korea's silence with $4 billion U.S. in oil, food and nuclear reactors. The Bush
administration followed this see-no-evil policy until the recent hugely embarrassing 
revelation from North Korea.

And what was Bush's response? He lamely called for "tough negotiations" with North 
This from the same president who absolutely refuses any negotiations with Iraq over the
very same issue. So the administration is rushing plans to invade Iraq, which has zero
offensive capability, while calling for talks with North Korea, which has 100 
range No-dong missiles pointed at South Korea, Japan, and U.S. Pacific bases, 100,000
crack troops whose mission is to launch suicide assaults on all American military 
bases in
the region, and is about to deploy an ICBM that can deliver a nuclear warhead to the
continental United States.

Glaring contradiction

Confronted by this glaring contradiction, a flustered Bush claimed war against Iraq was
necessary because Saddam was a "uniquely evil" dictator who had gassed his own people.
North Korea's "Dear Leader," Kim Jong-il, with his alarming bouffant hairdo, pot 
belly, and
weird, khaki jumpsuits, looks and acts like an alien from outer space. His Stalinist 
with whom Bush wants to negotiate, has just allowed two million of its citizens to 
starve to
death in order to amply feed and supply the Communist party and the military, and 
secret nuclear and missile programs. Hundreds of thousands of North Koreans are in 
camps. North Korea has kidnapped Japanese citizens, bombed civilian airliners and
committed many other acts of aggression and terrorism.

As for Saddam gassing his own people - meaning Kurdish rebels during the Iran-Iraq war 
Bush's outrage is brazen hypocrisy. The U.S. and Britain supplied Iraq with its 
chemical and
biological weapons, financed Saddam's aggression against Iran and made no protests when
Saddam used such weapons.

Rather than calling for war against Iraq for events that occurred in the 1980s, 
Bush would do well to do something about the use by his closest ally, Israel, of U.S.-
supplied tanks, helicopter gunships, ground attack aircraft and heavy anti-tank 
against Palestinian civilians, a clear violation of American laws which forbid the use 
of U.S.
weapons against civilians.

No oil in North Korea

Why does Bush continue to fulminate against Iraq while pussyfooting around North Korea?
Because North Korea has no oil and is not the target of powerful U.S. domestic lobbies.

As former New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis writes, where would Bush, who has
"the most dismal record of any president in memory," be without his Iraqi crusade? 
soaring deficits, financial scandals, and a world that sees his bellicose 
administration, led by
a cabal of Pentagon Dr. Strangeloves, rather than Iraq, as a real international menace.

The Pentagon estimates it can crush Iraq's feeble armed forces in a week and totally
occupy the nation in 30 days with only modest casualties.

Bush's jolly little war in Iraq promises to be short and, he hopes, sweet.

North Korea is a different matter. The North has a tough, million-man army that has
considerable defensive power in spite of obsolete equipment. North Korea has repeatedly
threatened to "burn" Seoul and its seven million inhabitants, as well as the U.S. 2nd
Infantry Division on the DMZ, with chemical and perhaps biological weapons. In 1993, 
Pentagon estimated that a full-scale war with North Korea would cost U.S. forces 

Better to create a straw bogeyman in Baghdad, reckons George Bush, and then
triumphantly knock it down, than to tangle with those scary North Koreans.

Eric can be reached by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Letters to the editor should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit his home page.
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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