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Jail Incident Is Not Fatal to Chairman of Jewish Defense League

November 6, 2002

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 5 - The details of the plight of Irving
David Rubin, the chairman of the Jewish Defense League, are
as murky, violent and extreme as the details of his life.
In fact, it is unclear if Mr. Rubin, who is listed in
critical condition at an area hospital, is actually brain
dead as some reports have stated.

"He is very much alive," said William Woolsey, a spokesman
for the United States marshal. "He's not dead. He's on life

This much is clear: Mr. Rubin, 57, who had been in jail
awaiting trial on charges of conspiring to bomb a Los
Angeles-area mosque and the office of a California
representative, was taken to the Los Angeles County-U.S.C.
Medical Center on Monday morning with a slit throat and
blunt head trauma after he fell from the third-tier walkway
at the Metropolitan Detention Center.

The authorities said that as the inmates were lining up for
breakfast call at 5:30 a.m., Mr. Rubin slit his throat with
a jail-issued safety razor, ran a few feet and then dived
head-first over a railing. He fell 18 feet and landed on
his head. Considering Mr. Rubin's past statements - he once
offered $1,000 for the ears of neo-Nazis and has referred
to Muslims as filth and swine - some supporters wonder
whether it was a suicide attempt or a jailhouse hit.

"There is no indication that these were anything other than
a series of self-inflicted injuries," said Matthew
McLaughlin, a spokesman for the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. Agents have thoroughly reviewed telephone
calls placed to and from the jail and interviewed
eyewitnesses, Mr. McLaughlin said.

According to federal authorities, the closest person to Mr.
Rubin was 15 feet away when, without word, he cut his
throat and leapt.

But people who knew Mr. Rubin well said that, although he
was increasingly depressed, it is unimaginable that he, a
devout Jew, would kill himself, counter to Talmudic law.

"It's just counterintuitive and inconsistent with the man I
know," said Bryan Altman, his lawyer. "It is inconsistent
with our discussions and his beliefs. We were looking
forward to fighting these allegations and winning."

The life of Irving Rubin was filled with fists and fury. It
began in his childhood streets of Montreal when another
child called him a dirty Jew, according to his
autobiography. Instead of accepting the insult, his mother
told him to fight.

The family moved to the San Fernando Valley in 1960, and
his radicalism came to flower a decade later when he heard
a speech by Meir David Kahane, the radical rabbi and
founder of the J.D.L.

Rabbi Kahane's credo, "Never again," struck a chord with
Mr. Rubin. Within months he was the organization's West
Coast coordinator. He took over as chairman in 1985. Rabbi
Kahane was later shot to death in New York.

By his own count, Mr. Rubin was arrested more than 40 times
but never convicted of a felony. He is credited with
coining the phrases "For every Jew a .22" and "Keep Jews
alive with a .45."

In 1972, he was charged with attempted murder after being
accused of firing shots into the home of a neo-Nazi he had
fought with before a television appearance. He went to
Israel in 1973 and fought in the Yom Kippur war. In 1978,
his name became notorious when he held up five $100 bills
at a Nazi rally in Skokie, Ill., promising them to anyone
who killed a Nazi Party member.

"And if they bring us the ears, we'll make it $1,000," he
said, according to court papers. He was charged with
solicitation of murder, but eventually was acquitted.

?? The 1985 bombing death in Santa Ana of Alex Odeh, the
West Coast director of the American Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee, remains unsolved. Mr. Rubin
was named as a suspect in that case but was never indicted,
though he publicly applauded the killing.

In 1989, a rift between the East Coast and West Coast
factions of Kahane's organization bubbled over when Mr.
Rubin and Mordechai Levy, leader of the Jewish Defense
Organization, nearly came to blows at a Los Angeles news
conference. Mr. Levy went to jail later that year for
shooting at, but missing, Mr. Rubin, who was trying to have
Mr. Levy subpoenaed in a slander suit.

Mr. Rubin's organization, symbolized by the Star of David
and a fist, is considered by many to be a hate group with a
small fanatical following.

"We follow Jewish extremists the way we follow other
extremists," said Myrna Sheinbaum of the Anti-Defamation
League. "They do not represent the mainstream Jewish
community. They're an extremist fringe element."

Mr. Rubin was scheduled to go to trial in January with Earl
Krugel, a J.D.L. associate, accused of plotting to bomb the
King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, the Muslim Public Affairs
Council in Los Angeles and the office of Representative
Darrell Issa, Republican of California, who is of Lebanese

Muslim leaders today were philosophical about the fall of
Irving Rubin. Amin Refaat, assistant director of the King
Fahd Mosque said, "God tried, convicted and sentenced him."


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