-Caveat Lector- http://members.shaw.ca/rbham/print%20thinks/currentprint.htm


"We go into the Reichstag in order to acquire the weapons of democracy from its arsenal. We become Reichstag deputies in order to paralyze the Weimar mentality with its own assistance. If democracy is stupid enough to give us free travel privileges and per diem allowances for this service, that is its affair. We do not worry our heads about this."
-Joseph Goebbels

America, you were duly warned. Many of us out here on the "fringe left" predicted the results of the mid term elections. Despite the pundit's and political strategist's (both Democrat and Republican) best guesses, the GOP swept into power on Tuesday night like a juggernaut, basically winning all of the close races. More intriguingly, a look at the map shows that wherever George W Bush went on his last second campaign stops, the Republicans triumphed. The leader of the once free world can now claim the results of this mid term election as a mandate for his extremist right wing agenda. With control of Congress, the Presidency, the Media and aided by his Black Ops secret police there is no stopping that agenda. The best the Democrats can do now is stall Bush's draconian domestic designs on the American populace, but that's about it.

Why was it such a landslide, you may ask. A few things stick out. Firstly, the GOP friendly mainstream Media bent over backwards in the days leading up to the elections by covering Dubya's campaign tour like he was a conquering Caesar. The Media also did their best to keep Democratic issues such as social security, prescription drug coverage and the sorry state of the economy on the back burner in favor of issues that helped the Republicans. Namely Terror, War and Fear. They suppressed reports on the surging antiwar fever in the U.S. and instead continued to hype the phantom fears of international terrorism and rogue evildoers. The GOP leadership might as well have been dictating the news coverage. Oh, wait a minute...

Secondly, negative campaigning. The nation may have never before seen more vicious mid term campaigning. Republican strategists played every nasty trick in the book - from ridiculing Democrats with bobble heads to accusing Democratic war heroes of anti-Americanism. And it worked all too well. Despite their best efforts, Democrats just aren't as mean, nasty, vindictive, relentless, ruthless or soulless when it comes to fighting dirty. That much has now been proven.

Thirdly, and this is the most explosive point, the results lack any credibility. Too much has now been exposed about massive voter fraud to take them seriously. As I said before, it's more than passing strange that wherever the selected Corporate President went Republican victory was sure to follow. It also is extremely coincidental that progressive ballot initiatives like marijuana legalization (Nevada) and universal health care (Oregon) were defeated. Resoundingly. The fact that the VNS Exit Polls weren't used at all is very suspicious. I never liked that the media previously used these exit polls to prematurely call victories for candidates. However, they are a good idea as a check on vote fraud. For instance, if the exit polls had shown in Florida that Democratic challenger Bill McBride was neck and neck with Jeb, it would have raised eyebrows when the results came in showing Jeb an easy winner. Apparently, the problems with the exit polls were "technical glitches". How convenient.

As Greg Palast has reported and as Michael Rivero has documented, ballot rigging was being planned for months. The fix was in. I mean, come on. Rush Limbaugh was an "analyst" for NBC. Do you think that Dick Cheney would let his own personal lap dog suffer humiliation by a strong Democratic showing on election night? That crashing sound you hear is the last of NBC's dignity taking a nose dive into the corporate trough. Hey, you want a monopoly? You'd better kneel down and perform services. Nothing comes for free in this world. That is, unless your George W Bush or one of his crooked CEO friends. The powers that be leaked the news to their stable of media whores beforehand, of that I have little doubt. Blond attack dog Laura Ingraham, the woman with a voice that sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard, even "guaranteed" a Republican landslide.

This is probably why Dubya felt so confident that his whirlwind campaigning wouldn't hurt him. Traditionally, sitting Presidents don't dare intrude on close races. It can backfire. As Woodrow Wilson, in 1918, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in 1938, discovered. In both those cases, the close races were lost when the voters decided to punish those Presidents for sticking their noses in to Congressional politics. It might also be why the White House sent a congratulatory message to Jeb Bush for his gubernatorial victory in Florida, before the official results were even in. A wink and a nod to those of us in the know. Who you gonna call? Votebusters!

It was also quite fortunate that Jeb won by such a comfortable margin over McBride. Never mind that opinion polls pointed to a much closer contest. As the Bush Crime Family's lackeys in the media will constantly be telling you, this complete exonerates Jeb from accusations of helping to manipulate the vote during the 2000 presidential election. Likewise, Katherine Harris, called by Time Magazine "the most hated woman in America" for her role in rigging the polls in 2000, also easily won a seat in the House of Representatives. Who says crime doesn't pay?

Lastly, the movers and shakers of the Democratic Party itself must shoulder a major portion of the blame. Their failure to stand up to Bush when they had the chance and put forth a clear alternative to his neo-conservative vision spelled their doom. The traditional base was ignored, as was their youth movement. Over and over, the DNC attempted to marginalize their own base by distancing themselves from calls to get tough with the Bush Administration. They gave in to Bush and Cheney's demands for a limited investigation into 9-11. They failed to hold Attorney General John Ashcroft's Justice Department to account for the unprecedented attack on civil liberties and spectacular inability to track down the anthrax killers or effectively persecute the corporate evil doers who helped loot unsuspecting investor's savings. They accommodated the Bush Administration's war mongering when more than half of them voted to approve Bush's hard line stance on Iraq. This, despite the fact that most Democratic supporters were fervently against it. This, despite the fact there is no credible evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks on 9-11. Indeed, there's far more credible evidence linking Bush, Cheney and then-Acting Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard B. Myers to the events of that day. The senior Democratic strategists seemed unaware that they desperately needed to embrace the so-called "radical left", instead of smearing them with tactics that would make even Propaganda Minister Karl Rove proud.

As far as I'm concerned the USA has now been officially usurped by a fascist administration bent on global domination and the installation of a domestic police state. Their ability to stack the judiciary with neo-con supporters is perhaps the scariest scenario to be envisaged. Imagine. The far right now has at their disposal the tools to remake the social fabric of America in their vision. A vision that mixes corporate rapine and theological supremacy with a global militaristic agenda. You might be better off not thinking about Bush's plans for his "faith based initiative." Hey, Dubya, can you pronounce "inquisition"? I'm damned sure Ashcroft does!

You can take the following statement to the bank. Any serious, independent, open and accountable investigation into 9-11, corporate crime, the sniper shootings, the anthrax murders or anything else that might cast aspersions on the honesty or decency of this corrupt administration is dead in the water. On that, I can guarantee.

The Free Market Jesus is exultant. He sits astride a nuclear warhead, Holy Bible in one hand and a suitcase full of investor's stolen cash in another. Hooting and hollering all the way towards Armageddon.

There. Don't you feel safe now?

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