-Caveat Lector-

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To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   "lday0000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Fri, 08 Nov 2002 18:52:30 -0000
Subject:                [CIA-DRUGS] U.S. 2002 vote rigged?

Regarding the 2002 U.S. elections:

Maybe the country turned 'right'. It is also possible that the voting
machines were rigged.
Do you know who owns the companies that provided the machines, the
software and the technicians? You realize that with no paper trail no
recounts are possible.
For some reason no exit polling was done. Did you know the software
program was a
proprietary 'business secret'?

It seems to me there was zero oversight. Countries like Canada or
Japan don't allow computer voting machines because it is too easy to
rig. One sophisticated hacker could rearrange your vote however he
wanted--what's on the screen doesn't necessarily correlate with
what's counted.

An accountant told me this joke. Three accountants go in for a job
First question is: "What's 2 + 2?" Answer: "4". "Thank you, next";
"What's 2 + 2?" "4" "Thank you, next." "What's 2 + 2?"
Answer: "What do you want it to be?" "You're hired."

For a technical study of U.S. electoral machines
this site [Bev Harris'] is interesting:


EG: ...Unfettered by any disclosure regulations about ownership or
political affiliations, private individuals own the companies that
control almost all the voting machines in America. Do the people who
own them have conflicts of interest? We don't know. Do they employ
anyone with a criminal record? We don't know.

Because current vote-counting systems are not sufficiently protected
from manipulation, and are getting less and less auditable, it is now
very important to know who has access to the machines. There is no
place for secrecy in our voting-counting system. Secret voting, yes.
Secret vote-COUNTING, no; in fact, it's unconstitutional.

For some inexplicable reason, the U.S. is rushing to eliminate the
only physical record of the mark made by each voter, going to
straight touch-screens with no paper trail. Canada doesn't allow
this. Neither does Japan. Why are we so casually throwing away the
only real audit trail that protects our vote?

With touch-tone screens, we simply have no paper trail for millions
of votes, with private, secret, and (according to computer security
experts), insecure programming for vote-counting machines that
invites tampering. It takes only ONE true believer with access to
manipulate the counting code.

Therefore, disclosure of ownership, flagging conflicts of interest,
has become critical..."
Mike Ruppert:
There was one other great message from this election. On Wednesday
morning I watched a crawl on the bottom of the CNN news screen. It
said, "Proprietary software may make inspection of electronic voting
systems impossible." It was the final and absolute coronation of
corporate rights over democracy; of money over truth; and of man's
self-destructive fears over the best parts of the human heart.

I note with irony the fact that much of the new software to resolve
voting issues is either created by Microsoft and/or the companies
that own and sell the voting machines, including one with investments
from the Rothschild family. These are the same firms connected to the
election debacle of 2000. Some even have Bush family connections. And
here we see the final purpose of the 2000 Florida voting scandals: In
order to prevent the same kind of hanging-chad confusion, we now have
electronic machines so the problem won't occur again, and the results
have been forever totally removed from public scrutiny.

And wasn't it convenient that Voters News Service decided at the last
minute that there would be no exit polling this year. Exit polling
was a reliable standard against which the numbers from the voting
machines could be compared...

--(from FTW/www.copvcia.com)
The Rothschild connection:
AJ=Alex Jones; GP=Greg Palast

GP: Well, you know, the guy that ordered the privatization in Britain
is a guy named Lord Wakeham, what a character. And he was on the
audit committee of the Board of Directors of Enron. And yet, here's
the guy, the guy who sold Enron the water system, sold Enron the
electric system of Britain. And who was supposedly in charge of
monitoring their books on their Board of Directors.

AJ: But then again, he's the head of N.M. Rothschild.

GP: And also, Wakeham, he's connected to most of the major
international banks. Plus, he's actually a voting member of the House
of Lords. So you know, he didn't miss a trick. So these are the guys
who are making these wonderful decisions. Do I trust their decisions?
Are they looking out for the interests of the average person? I have
a few doubts about that...
hmmm, Rothschilds, there a name to make any conspiracy theorist
flip his tin-foil hat. Googling into Lord Wakeham we get:


re: Rothschild connection, Enron and Lord [John] Wakeham
At the time, as chief [Margaret Thatcher era] whip, he was fixing the
backbenchers. Later, as energy minister, he fixed the utilities. Two
years after leaving that job, he became a non-executive director of
Enron, which, when energy secretary, he had granted the right to
build a gas-fired power station in Teesside. In 1995, shortly after
sorting out a job at the PCC, he got fixed up with a directorship at
the merchant bank, NM Rothschild, which, it emerged, he had
personally appointed, as energy secretary, to advise on the
privatisation of British Coal. It had also advised the electricity
That's pretty mainstream compared to this blunt Christian site:

from: http://www.unitypublishing.com/Government/IMF.htm


The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild and 30
to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world. For over 150 years they
have planed to take the world over through money. The former chief
economist of the World Bank, Joe Stiglitz, was fired recently. He
pointed out to top executives that every country the IMF/World Bank
got involved in ended up with a crashed economy, a destroyed
government, and sometimes in flames with riots. Jim Wolfensen, the
president of the World Bank would not comment on his dismissal.

Before Joe Stiglitz was fired he took a large stack of secret
documents out of the World Bank. These secret documents from the
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund reveal that the IMF
required nations:

1. to sign secret agreements of 111 items

2. in which they agreed to sell off their key assets - water,
electric, gas, etc.

3. in which they agreed to take economic steps which are really
devastating to the nations involved

4. in which they pay off the politicians billions of dollars to Swiss
bank accounts to do this transfer of a countries fixed assets

If they do not agree to these steps they are cut-off from all
international borrowing. Today if can't borrow money in the
international marketplace, no one can survive, whether you are people
or corporations or countries. If that does not work they overthrow
the government and plant lies about the former government and/or even
rewrite history...

[and, same site, specifically re Lord Wakeham]:

Enron's Auditor - Lord Wakeham

The men who designed the system in California for deregulation then
went to work for Enron right after. Lord Wakeham, who was on the
audit committee of Enron, is the head of NM Rothschild. There isn't
anything that he doesn't have his fingers in. He's on something like
fifty Boards. And he was supposed to be head of the audit committee
watching how Enron kept the books. In fact, they were paying him
consulting fees on the side. He was in Margaret Thatcher's government
and he's the one who authorized Enron to come into Britain and take
over power plants in Britain. Enron owned a water system in the
middle of England. This is what Lord Wakeham approved and then they
gave him a job on the board. On top of being on the board, they gave
him a huge consulting contract. Lord Wakeham is supposed to be in
charge of the audit committee to see how they were handling their
accounts, but he is also the head of the board to regulate the media.
Lord Wakeham is trying to pass laws in England where you can't own
your own water. He can't be touched because he regulates the media...

Well, Lord Vader--oops, I mean Lord Wakeham, may not be the person
you want counting your vote..so how about Senator Nagel?

from: http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0211/S00043.htm

...Then there is the remarkable (and largely untold) story of the
ownership of the company that makes new electronic voting machines
that were used crucially in Texas, Florida and Georgia in yesterday's

The McCarthy Group has been a primary owner of Election Systems &
Software, including its predecessor, American Information Systems for
more than a decade. Michael R. McCarthy is the current campaign
Treasurer for Republican senator Chuck Hagel. Prior to his election,
Republican Senator Hagel was president of McCarthy & Company. In
fact, he was first elected while his own company was making the vote-
counting machines.
(See: Republicans, Corporate Players Make the Voting Machines
In a section of that article, entitled â??Secret Ballot â?? Secret
Tally - Electronic Voting on Trialâ??, the author(s) goes on to
state, â??The counting of 70% of our votes goes on inside a literal
and figurative black box by a technical process that you have no
legal right to inspect. The results from that black box are then
counted by local election officials who send their results to the
state, where they are later certified as accurate and honest.
However, these election officials have no legitimate means of
certifying that the results are indeed â??accurateâ?? and â??
honestâ??. In fact, in numerous interviews, we found that no
individual at the state, county, city or township level has had any
meaningful insight (or even a clear understanding) into the vote
counting process at the crucial level of the election computers in
each jurisdiction.â?? (1)

â??When the polls close, the voting tallies feed out from the back of
the machine on a strip of paper that looks like a cash register
receipt. These slips are then sent to the county, the State and the
media for further counting. In many heavily-populated areas, the
Votomatic Punch cards or optical scan ballots are taken to a central
counting site where they are fed into from 1 to 12 larger computers
called tabulators at the rate of up to 1000 per minute.â?? (2)

The computers which tabulate the votes cannot be examined by anyone
with a direct interest in a fair election. Neither voters, nor poll
workers, city clerks, county election supervisors, state elections
directors or even federal election officials are permitted to view or
examine the â??source codeâ??, the computer programming instructions
(software) that direct the computers in the tabulation of the votes
in all of the races.

The â??source codesâ?? are deemed proprietary, i.e. a â??trade
secretâ??, and hence the only people who are allowed to view or
examine them are the companies that make the computers and their

[Isn't privatisation wonderful?]

But this is not the half of it. Not only are we not able to examine
the computer program which â??tabulatesâ?? our votes. We canâ??t even
find out if there are felons or ex-felons working for (or owning or
managing) the companies which produce the voting machines, election
equipment and software. The major companies which make most of the
equipment (and software) involved in the election process are private
companies which are not required by law to disclose ownership
information. In fact, research indicates that not only are there
questions of criminal activity (vote fraud, obstruction of justice)
on the part of present or past members of these firms, the ties of
these companies to extreme right wing political operatives are
becoming more and more apparent. (3)
& this:
from Talion.com (Bev Harris):

Hagel [now Senator, R.] came to Omaha from Washington D.C., where he
worked with the first George Bush Administration. In news articles by
the Omaha World-Herald, Hagel said he was coming to Omaha to become
president and partner in the McCarthy Group and Chairman of American
Information Systems.

In his congressional bio he is said to have come to Omaha "to prepare
for running for office." The first thing he did was run American
Information Systems, a vote-counting company. Hagel was the first
Republican in 24 years to win a Nebraska senatorial campaign.

[The tin-foil hats are really flipping now!]

Meanwhile, back in the mainstream:

Antony Barnett and Jamie Doward
Sunday January 13, 2002
The Observer

Lord Wakeham, former Tory Energy Minister and now chairman of the
Press Complaints Commission, is to appear before a United States
Senate committee to explain his role in the £55 billion Enron
collapse - the largest in US corporate history.
The Observer has learnt that the Senate's governmental affairs
committee has subpoenaed Wakeham and another 50 individuals to

Senators want to question Wakeham about his role as an Enron board
director for the past eight years. In particular, they want to grill
him over the part he played as a key member of two of the energy
giant's board committees that were supposed to protect shareholders'
interests and prevent any financial malpractice.

The Senate committee's decision will be a huge embarrassment for the
former Minister and leader of the House of Commons who was known as
Margaret Thatcher's 'Mr Fix-It'. While he was Energy Secretary in
1990 he helped privatise the UK's electricity industry and gave
consent for Enron to build Britain's largest private power plant on
Teesside. In 1999 Tony Blair entrusted Wakeham with the job of
investigating reform of the House of Lords.

Since 1994, Wakeham has been a non-executive board director of Enron
earning more than £80,000 a year from the company. He also owned
almost 21,000 shares in the corporation worth £130,000 at their peak.
Most crucially, Wakeham was a member of Enron's audit and compliance
committee that was supposed to scrutinise its financial dealings. In
particular, this committee was supposed to conduct annual reviews of
the complex transactions between Enron and two partnerships set up by
the company's chief financial officer, Andrew Fastow.

It is these two partnerships which are now the focus of inquiries by
the US authorities, including a criminal investigation. The criminal
probe focuses on allegations that these partnerships helped some
Enron directors - not Wakeham - orchestrate a complex fraud by hiding
billions of dollars of debt from Wall Street investors.

The Enron crisis threatens to escalate into a major scandal for Bush
following the disclosure of close contacts between members of his
team and officials from the firm, which also donated large sums of
money to key political leaders.

Wakeham, who has refused to answer any questions from The Observer
about his role at Enron, also faces questions over his job as
chairman of another Enron board committee designed to protect
shareholders' interests and guard against corporate wrongdoing.

Wakeham earned £7,000 a year for chairing the nominating committee
that was responsible for choosing independent non-executive
directors. Since Enron's collapse the independence of these directors
has been questioned after it emerged that a number of them had been
given lucrative consultancy contracts on top of their director's pay.

Damon Silvers, of the main US trade union organisation AFL-CIO which
represents thousands of Enron employees, said: 'At best it appears
Lord Wakeham was incompetent. He and the other independent directors
bear a particular responsibility for the spectacular collapse of

When Enron filed for bankruptcy on 2 December, thousands of employees
lost their jobs and billions of dollars when the company prevented
them from selling shares. Executives, meanwhile, drew out more than
$1bn in stock when the company was near its peak.

In Washington, the scandal expanded yesterday. The Treasury was
forced to reveal that Undersecretary of State, Peter Fisher, was
repeatedly called by Enron's President, Greg Whalley, who, according
to the government, pleaded for help in securing bank loans.

The chairman of the executive committee of one of two banks backing
Enron, Citicorp, is Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary to
Clinton. It emerged yesterday that he, too, made representations to
the current Treasury on the company's behalf, asking the
administration to intervene.


more from www.talion.com

Election Systems & Software (ES&S):
* 1. Company founded by: Brothers Todd and Bob Urosevich. The
brothers now run competing election companies (Todd is with ES&S, Bob
is with Global Election Systems, now part of Diebold.) Together,
these two companies count about two-thirds of the votes in
America. ...

* 2. Vested interests: ES&S was given its grubstake (while operating
under the name American Information Systems) in 1984 when the
billionaire Ahmanson family injected enough cash to get ahold of a 68
percent ownership. (2) This wealthy family has been instrumental in
making the Republican Party take a hard right turn, pouring money
into conservative Christian candidates and right-wing agendas.(3)

They were instrumental in getting at least 24 conservatives into the
California legislature; launching prop. 209, California's successful
anti-affirmative action law; financing Prop. 22, California's effort
to ban gay marriages; financing efforts to remove evolution from
school curriculi; and financing the Chalcedon Institute, which
reportedly believes in the death penalty for homosexuality and
other "sins." The Ahmansons are heirs to the Home Savings of America
fortune, which was the largest savings and loan association in the
world during the rollicking 1980s (while the S&L scandals were taking
place.) Howard Ahmanson is a major benefactor of the Christian
reconstructionist movement, whose followers wish to turn certain
tenets of the Bible into national law.

[S&L money? Far right-wing wacko billionaires?
If it wasn't so tragic, it would be comic.]

* 3. Skating too close to criminal prosecutions and
kickbacks...02/05/2002, The Baton Rouge Advocate reports that
Arkansas Secretary of State Bill McCuen pleaded guilty to felony
charges that he took bribes, evaded taxes and accepted kickbacks.
Part of the charges related to election systems. Tom Eschberger, who
became a Vice President for ES&S, took an immunity deal and testified
against McCuen.

And in Florida, Jeb Bush's first choice as running mate in 1998 was
Sandra Mortham. According to the Tallahasee Democrat (10/6/2002)
Mortham, was a paid lobbyist for ES&S and received a commission for
every county that bought its touch-screen machines. Mortham says
there was nothing improper about the deals, but Broward County
Commissioner Ben Graber disagreed, alleging conflict of interest.

And let's look at Alex Sheshunoff, from the BRC merger: He was sued
by the SEC for manipulating the stock price of BRC using a technique
called "marking the close." The web address of the SEC filing against
Sheshunoff is http://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/3437419.txt

The Nebraska Problem
* 4. The Nebraska Problem: Look at the documents, see the loop: ES&S,
according to the Nebraska Elections Division, is the ONLY vote-
counting company certified to sell machines in Nebraska. ES&S counts
80 percent of the votes; the remaining 20 percent are hand counts.

ES&S is owned by the McCarthy Group; Michael McCarthy runs the
McCarthy Group; Michael McCarthy is the Campaign Treasurer for
Republican Senator Chuck Hagel; The FEC designates Michael McCarthy
as a Primary Campaign Committee for Candidate Chuck Hagel; and Chuck
Hagel's financials list the McCarthy Group as an Asset, with his
investment valued at $1-$5 million.
Other ES&S owners: In 1997-98 American Information Systems acquired
Business Records Corp., a Texas-based election company originally
called Cronus Industries. Twenty percent of the stock of the merged
company was given to BRC owners. Among the owners of BRC/Cronus:

Caroline Hunt, of the Hunt Oil family, through her investment group
(Rosewood Financial Partners)

Alex Sheshunoff, a financial data publisher

The late P.E. Esping, formerly of Omaha, founded First Data Merchant

Charter Oak Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild Realty Inc., which
is an affiliate of Rothschild, Inc.
[Yeah, Rothschild Inc. Anti-democratic, anti-American, let these
megalomaniacs own your voting record. They wouldn't *cheat* would
they? After all, Lord Wakeham is a Lord; Lords don't cheat do they?
Aristocracy is wonderful. 1776 was just a movie.
Unfortunately 2002 is also a movie: The Night of the Living Dead.]
The rest are just press clippings from a variety of sources.
E.S.S. is threatening to sue to get the talion site taken down.
Maybe spreading this info around
before it's too late is a safety precaution?

The Baton Rouge Advocate

In Arkansas, Secretary of State Bill McCuen pleaded guilty to felony
charges that he took bribes, evaded taxes and accepted kickbacks.
Part of the case involved Business Records Corp. [now merged into
Election Systems & Software], a Dallas company that sold Arkansas
computerized systems for recording corporate and voter registration

Arkansas officials said the scheme involved...then-BRC employee Tom
Eschberger...Eschberger got immunity from prosecution for his
cooperation. Today, he's a top executive of ES&S [Eschberger became a
Vice President of ES&S — see next sidebar].

In Louisiana, former Elections Commissioner Jerry Fowler is serving a
five-year term in federal prison for taking hundreds of thousands of
dollars in kickbacks in another voting- machine scandal.

Los Angeles Times

Merchants ply state and local government administrators with
entertainment and campaign funds. In turn, understaffed election
officials rely on sales representatives to explain the ever-more
technical workings of the systems they oversee.

Without binding regulations and with little oversight, these
relationships breed disregard for protecting ballots, obtaining the
best equipment and safeguarding public funds. At worst, close ties
erode integrity.

Culp knows it. He left a Maryland prison in September and lives in a
Charlotte, N.C., halfway house, where he is ending a 30-month
sentence for accepting 122 bribes and kickbacks worth more than
$134,000 from January 1990 to March 1998.

Voting machines he bought from the salesman who paid him off had
enough problems that he wrote four letters of complaint even as he
was taking the bribes.

Honolulu Star Bulletin
[Full Story]

Senate President Norman Mizuguchi was expected to announce details
today of a Senate investigation into last year's election and the
malfunction of ballot-counting machines in seven precincts.

"This is what the United States is all about, and the people's right
to vote and having this particular process free from any kind of
irregularities is very important," Mizuguchi said.

Sen. Colleen Hanabusa (D, Waianae), who is expected to be a leader of
the investigation, said she wants answers about how decisions were
made about the election process.

"How did they manage to turn off the safeguards?" she asked...Late
yesterday afternoon, Hanabusa met with officials from Election
Systems & Software, which supplied the election machines and

Other states have had problems with equipment from the company
Election Systems & Software:

In Dallas, which uses the same precinct ballot-counting machine as
Hawaii, 41,015 votes were initially missed.

Several counties in Maryland that had used the company's machines for
previous elections had problems with ballots that were improperly


The Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star, Norfolk, VA

Almost a third of Norfolk's precincts could not tally voting results
Tuesday because of malfunctioning vote-counting machines, leaving
officials scrambling to do a recount that will affect every contested
race in the city.

"This is a bad situation," said Ann Washington, Norfolk's voter
registrar...The affected machines showed totals of zero even though
votes had been cast. Officials suspected that faulty computer chips
were the cause and were unsure if the problem would be resolved
before today.

"Somehow, they lost their ability to count the votes," Edward O'Neal,
vice chairman of the Norfolk Electoral Board said of the computer
chips' programming.


Wichita Eagle (KS)

Election reversed in Clay County

The discovery of a computer glitch reversed one outcome from this
month's primary elections in Kansas, and an unsuccessful candidate in
another race has based his request for a special election on alleged
technical difficulties.

In Clay County, computer results from a County Commission primary
showed challenger Roy Jennings defeating incumbent Jerry Mayo by 22
votes The hand recount, completed Tuesday, revealed Mayo as the
winner -- and by a landslide, 540 votes to 175.

In one ward, which Mayo carried 242-78, the computer had mistakenly
reversed the totals. And in the absentee voting, which originally
showed a 47-44 edge for Jennings, a hand count found Mayo winning 72-


Pittsburgh Post Gazette

City Councilwoman Valerie McDonald yesterday called for an
investigation of voting machine irregularities at polling places in
Lincoln-Lemington, Homewood and the East Hills last week, saying
machines in the city's 12th and 13th wards and other predominantly
black neighborhoods were malfunctioning for much of Election Day.

McDonald said both machines at a Lincoln-Lemington polling place were
out of service for the first three hours, driving away 50 voters.
Several machines were in and out of service at 13th Ward polling
places in Homewood and East Hills, smoking and spitting out jammed
and crumpled paper and leaving poll workers to wait hours for repair
by Allegheny County elections division workers.

Workers in the polling places "strongly felt that the machines were
intentionally programmed incorrectly ... and were sabotaged,"
McDonald said in a letter to Elections Director Mark Wolosik.
In the first election I witnessed in South Carolina (it was 1970, I
believe), a voting machine broke down in one of the largest black
precincts in Charleston. It was in the middle of the morning rush.
There were no replacement machines available, and while a repairman
worked on the problem for a couple of hours, several hundred African-
Americans eventually left the precinct without getting the chance to

I became righteously indignant, as I often was in those days, but my
Charleston friends were philosophical. It happens every election,
they told me. And so it did. Never the same precinct. Never the same
time of day. Never the same problem with the machine.

But for many elections afterward, somewhere in Charleston on election
day, a voting machine in a black precinct would break down for an
hour or two. Once is an accident. Twice is incredibly bad luck. Three
times or more is a plan. [more]


The Kansas City Star

Late Monday afternoon, Thornburgh's office told Neuenswander that
canvassers had discovered a 3,000-vote discrepancy in the Douglas
County vote tallies. The 3,000 votes brought Neuenswander's total
within 24 votes of Bacon, who received 13,556 votes.

The close vote might beg a re-count, but the deadline for such a
request was noon Aug. 10. At the time Neuenswander had no idea he was
missing 3,000 votes.

He said the discovery was bittersweet. ``I don't really know how to
react to it,'' he said Tuesday.


THE RECORD, Northern New Jersey

About 75 percent of the voting machines in the city of Passaic failed
to work when the polls opened on Election Day, forcing an
undetermined number of voters to use paper ballots during the morning

An independent consultant who later examined the machines concluded
the problem was due to sabotage, which has led a Democratic
freeholder to refer the matter to the FBI.


The Tampa Tribune

Bob Stamper, a 10-year state attorney investigator, usually works on
white-collar crime cases. But his investigation at the supervisor of
elections office involves no crime.

Rather, the probe is focusing on a ballot count that landed
Republican Bruce L. Parker at the top of the heap election night, but
later unseated him in favor of Democrat Marlene Duffy Young after a
court-ordered hand recount.

Todd Urosevich, a vice president of American Information Systems [now
ES&S], which made Polk's troubled ballot-counting equipment, already
has been interviewed by Stamper, and told Stamper his machines were
not responsible for the miscount.


Houston Chronicle

"We have a problem where voters are being turned away from polls even
though they have the proper identification," said Joe Householder,
spokesman for the Brown campaign. "A potential reason may be that
computers were down, but that is not an excuse. The law is pretty
clear on this."

A computer problem cut off access to the county's voter registration
database for about one hour after polls opened Saturday afternoon,
said Tony Sirvello, administrator of elections for the Harris County
Clerk's Office.


Network World Fusion

Vivendi: Electronic vote may have been hacked

An electronic vote at Vivendi Universal SA's shareholder meeting last
Wednesday may have been hacked, throwing suspicion on shareholder
votes at other companies using electronic voting technology, the
company announced Sunday...A preliminary inspection of the equipment
revealed no signs of tampering, Vivendi said. However, it said that a
small team with a transmitter-receiver and detailed knowledge of the
protocols used by the wireless voting system could have fraudulently
manipulated the vote.


The San Francisco Chronicle

Jones' investigation raised the specter of massive inaccuracies in
the November 2000 vote count -- enough to put in question the
election of some members of the Board of Supervisors...For instance,
in precinct 3213 on Russian Hill, the city reported counting 328
ballots and 327 signatures were in the roster. But when state
investigators opened the box for that precinct that city officials
pulled from storage, they found only 170 ballots.

In one precinct, the major discrepancies found by Jones seem to have
existed on election night as well. In polling place 2214 in the
Western Addition, the city counted 416 ballots, but there were only
362 signatures in the roster, and the secretary of state found only
357 paper ballots.


The Bradenton Herald

Union County...has had trouble-free elections dating back at least to
the early 1920s as the only county in Florida that continued to hand
count its ballots. But that changed this year...The old way, stacking
and restacking the color-coded ballots into winners and counting
them, could be completed by a dozen or two poll workers in time to
send the paperwork to Tallahassee and still be home for the late news
on Election Day.

But counting the county's 2,642 ballots using the new optical-scan
machinery this year took two days, after a programming error rendered
the automatic count useless. So it was back to the tried-and-true
hand count for Union County, which is about 130 miles east of

The equipment vendor, Election Systems and Software Inc., accepted
responsibility for the problems, which were caused when a printing
error gave both Republican and Democratic ballots the same code. The
machines read them both as Republican.


PR Newswire, 01/30/2002 Election Systems & Software Captures Largest
Election Contract in U.S. History by R. Jeffrey Berg, Director
Corporate Marketing of Election Systems & Software, Inc.
(ES&S)..."The 918,000 registered voters of Miami-Dade County are
certainly the winners today," stated Aldo Tesi, ES&S president and
CEO. "In selecting the ES&S iVotronic Touch Screen system, they are
acquiring the most technologically advanced voting solution now
available in the world." — and — PR Newswire, 12/12/2001 Election
Systems & Software Wins Broward County Florida by R. Jeffrey Berg,
Director Corporate Marketing of ES&S..."We are very excited to have
been selected by Broward County as their vendor of choice," stated
Aldo Tesi, ES&S president and CEO. "The world of elections is
undergoing dramatic change, and ES&S is leading the modernization of
election systems not only in Florida but worldwide."


San Antonio Express-News, 08/28/2002
..."When commissioners chose ES&S from among five proposals last
April, they asked if the system could be in place in time for early
voting in the upcoming Nov. 5 general election and were told
yes...The system also includes 440 printers, for printing out mail-in
paper ballots, as well as computer-based voter registration and
ballot tabulation systems" — and — Omaha World-Herald
04/30/2002 "Election Systems wins Texas county contract" by Daniel P.
Finney..."Election Systems and Software of Omaha has signed a $7.7
million contract with Bexar County, Texas, to provide election
equipment. Bexar County, which includes the San Antonio metro area,
has more than 825,000 registered voters. ES&S will provide 2,100
touch-screen electronic voting machines that will replace the
county's paper ballots. The company also will provide Bexar with
electronic voter-registration..."

NOVEMBER 5 2000 - On Friday, Nov 3, two hours after an early morning
news release distribution to national news editors with links to
photocopied Freedom of Information documents about discrepancies in
Bush military record, hackers disrupted and shut down Talion.com, the
site that provided access to the documents.

The shutdown was traced to Qwest, supplier of T-1 lines that supports
the host for Talion.com (Bookzone.com). Talion.com and approximately
125 other Internet sites on the Bookzone host were disabled. After
the deadline for breaking news stories for Election Day passed,
access was restored.

Bookzone employees told Talion co-owner Bev Harris that an outage of
this duration had never occurred before during four years of
operation, and that they had never before been called ahead of time
by their service provider (Qwest) to tell them their site would be
going down. Qwest called Bookzone Friday morning to tell them service
would be interrupted. No explanation was given by Qwest as to how the
outage occurred. Hit counts provided by two separate programs
indicate that the shutdown was not due to a surge in web traffic...


from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?

Rothschild 'reasonable' despite downturn
By Helen Dunne  (Filed: 30/08/2002)

NM Rothschild, one of the few remaining independent merchant banks,
saw profits fall 44pc from £21.4m to £14.7m in the year ending March,
according to figures posted on its website. On a pre-tax basis,
profits fell from £38m to £21.4m.

The performance was described as "reasonable" by chairman Sir Evelyn
de Rothschild, who added that NM Rothschild's investment bankers
had "held their own" in a competitive market.

He also singled out Lord Wakeham, who retired as a non-executive
director on reaching 70, to thank him for his contribution as
chairman of the audit committee.

Lord Wakeham was recently criticised by a United States Senate
investigation into the collapse of Enron, where he was also a non-
executive director and a member of the audit committee...

------- End of forwarded message -------
Steve Wingate, Webmaster
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