-Caveat Lector-


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The Stargate Conspiracy
by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince

Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact,
military intelligence and the mysteries of Ancient Egypt

Please click on one of the following options:

General Information
Brief Overview
Online Updates
Introduction & Main Points
Press Release

Announcements & Lectures by the Authors
Giza Millennium Celebrations Under Threat (19.12.99)
The Sirius Lie - by Filip Coppins (18.12.99)
The Rise of the Rough Beast (11.11.99)
Millennial Myth-Making (1.8.99)
Important Statement by the Authors (25.7.99)
Post-Launch Update (23.7.99)
The 'City of the Gods' Discovered at Giza (11.7.99)
A New Approach to the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt (7.6.99)
Ancient Egypt, Monuments of Mars & ET Contact (6.6.99)

Related Features
Other Titles by the Same Authors
The Stargate Assembly - Online Forum for Public Debate
Revelationism - Answer to Post-Postmodernity

The Stargate Conspiracy - Overview

Following the release of The Templar Revelation by Lynn Picknett and Clive
Prince, the Templar Lodge is pleased to announce the national launch of their
sequel, The Stargate Conspiracy, published by Little Brown. This page
contains exclusive transcripts of related talks delivered at the Templar
Lodge Hotel.

You are warmly invited to contribute towards an online public database of
information in connection with The Stargate Conspiracy. Entitled the Stargate
Assembly, this arena explores issues arising from the book, list associated
web sites and monitors press sources.

Members of the public are also invited to attend an interactive series of
conferences at the Templar Lodge Hotel either in person or by videolink via
the Internet.
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The Stargate Assembly - Online Updates...

Although further details will be posted to this page as they become
available, we recommend that you join our Stargate Assembly mailing list by
entering your details below:
Email Address:

I am interested in conferences at:
Edinburgh    London Los Angeles
    MunichNew York

Other (state city, county, country):
Please confirm to send:  or
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The Stargate Conspiracy - Introduction
by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince

Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact,
military intelligence and the mysteries of Ancient Egypt

The Stargate Conspiracy exposes the most insidious, disturbing - and
successful - mass manipulation of our times. Designed to bring us, hearts,
minds and souls under the total control of the conspirators, this sinister
programme has ruthlessly exploited our Millennial craving for signs and
wonders - even hijacking the predicted return of the ancient gods.

The Conspiracy...

Its central focus is the belief that the gods of the ancient world were
extraterrestrials who created and civilised the human race, that they're back
- and that, communicating through special chosen ones, they are actively
directing the way we think.

However, The Stargate Conspiracy reveals that this romantic and exciting
scenario was in fact the brainchild of the West's most powerful intellectual
agencies. Designed to become a new religion for the 21st century, its real
purpose is political - to make us easier to control.

Centred on the search for lost secrets of the pyramid builders, this
extraordinary true story reveals the links between US scientific intelligence
agencies, Mars and ancient Egypt. For almost 50 years, like Frankenstein's
monster, this conspiracy has been put together from cultish - but
astonishingly powerful - belief systems, culminating in the emergence of a
new fundamentalism that is gathering strength by feeding on Millennium fever.

Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince reveal the secret agenda that unites
apparently independent authors and researchers - including top names with
millions of readers worldwide - and which is targeted to all of us. The
Stargate Conspiracy reveals that even the genuine mysteries of the gods
themselves have been hijacked by powerful cabals - which include top
industrialists, politicians, scientists and intelligence agencies such as MI5
and the CIA - in order to fulfill their secret agenda. At the heart of this
conspiracy is the belief that the ancient Egyptian gods were - and are -
extra terrestrial beings, that certain key people are in contact with them,
and that they are about to return through the 'stargate' between our world
and theirs.

Are we prepared for the imminent return of the gods? And will we be expected
unquestioningly to accept the conspirators as our spokesmen? Or is this an
exercise in mass manipulation designed to make us support the conspirators?
As they calculatedly whip up Millennium fever, triumphantly persuading us
that they alone know how to talk to the gods, this book serves as a serious
warning to mankind.

The Main Points:

Over the last few years, the public has come to accept specific ideas about
the 'message' of ancient Egypt, largely due to the works of certain
high-profile authors. But we demonstrate that many of the principles of this
'New Egyptology' are not only based on false-premises, but have also been
used by others as part of a secret long-term agenda.

We reveal the shadowy presence of US government agencies behind the current
interest in the Giza plateau.

An essential part of this plot is the alleged link between ancient Egypt and
a lost civilisation on Mars, based on the discovery of supposedly artificial
features on that planet. We show that this view is seriously flawed, and that
the intelligence agencies are actively encouraging the promotion of a
meaningful Egypt-Mars connection.

We show that key people in the promotion of the 'message' of Egypt and Mars
are involved in a cultish cabal who believes they are in direct contact with
extraterrestrial intelligences from Sirius who claim to be the gods of
ancient Egypt. This group, which has existed for almost fifty years, has
included many famous names, multimillionaires and cutting-edge scientists. It
has also, disturbingly, had a profound influence on the decision-making of
certain world leaders...

The Stargate Conspiracy reveals that this group was in fact cynically and
deliberately manipulated from the first by the CIA - and that this programme
is ongoing.

We trace the inspiration for the conspiracy back to the ideology of certain
extreme right-wing occult movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.

We conclude that the conspirators are deliberately harnessing the most
profound and cherished beliefs of today's society - from fundamentalist
Christianity and the 'message' of ancient civilisations to the alien
abduction scenario - to create a new, more widely acceptable religion for the
post-Millennial West. We reveal that, underlying the apparently acceptable
tenets of this religion is an insidious right-wing ideology., the true danger
lurking inside the Trojan Horse of its New Age image.

However, even though the manipulators have abused and hijacked the ancient
Egyptian mysteries for their own ends, that does not mean that there are no
such mysteries.

We reveal the ground-breaking research that provides a plausible answer to
the most enduring questions about the ancient Egyptians' achievements and
beliefs - and, explosively, uncover the true nature of the gods themselves...

320pp, ISBN 0 316 64861 2
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Stargate Conspiracy Triggers Massive Censorship Row

The launch of a new book (July 17th) entitled The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn
Picknett and Clive Prince, and published by Little Brown, has triggered a
massive censorship row across the Internet. The book exposes governmental
plans to hijack Millennium mysteries, through political interference or by
manipulating belief structures.

Evidence has come to light that AOL, the UK's largest subscription based
Internet service, is through its actions assisting CIA designs on introducing
a new belief system and form of racist fundamentalism for the New Age.

Despite connecting 8 million users across the UK and Europe, and carrying
over 55 million "Instant Messages" every day, AOL has engineered a sudden and
unexpected clampdown on Egypt News, an independent electronic newsletter
supplied free of charge to 600 voluntary subscribers. Having operated
successfully and completely unhindered since September 1997, Egypt News now
defends itself amidst accusations of 'spamming' - a term used to describe the
delivery of unsolicited mail across the Internet.

Whilst AOL claims to have responded as a result of a single complainant,
Egypt News vehemently defend themselves, saying that subscribers are able to
cancel their subscription without charge and at any time, adding that AOL
closed down the service by changing its password without any form of
consultation or investigation. In a statement, Chris Ogilvie-Herald, editor
of Egypt News, asks "Does this not raise serious questions concerning the
freedom and transmission of information?"

He adds: "Despite our explanations that we were not sending unsolicited mail,
AOL expressed no interest in reviewing the situation, reading the content of
prior postings, acknowledge that the service was of a non-commercial nature,
nor recognise the fact that it could not be termed unsolicited mail."

A key clue into the reasoning behind AOL's intransigence appears to lie in
the content of the offending Egypt News article. In less than 30 lines, this
message describes the content of The Stargate Conspiracy, a book by Lynn
Picknett and Clive Prince which exposes a long term plan to take advantage of
the turn of the Millennium by mixing established religious beliefs with ideas
relating to ancient Egypt, extraterrestrial contact, alien abductions and
channelling. Speaking on the unusual experiences of Egypt News, Clive Prince
says "It is interesting that our posting provoked it".

The Stargate Conspiracy reveals that behind the plot are intelligence
agencies of more than one country, but led by the CIA as part of the
Pentagons psychological warfare and parapsychology experiments. Involving the
use of false prophets, ideas promoted by famous authors, hallucinogenic
drugs, hypnosis and electromagnetic influence, the conspiracy has already
influenced the decision making of world leaders and has led one social
scientist to state that the project was "an elaborate psychological
experiment sponsored by the defense community".

However, unexplained experiences have not been restricted to email messaging.
As part of the offending email, subscribers to Egypt News were referred to
the official website for the book - a public forum for issues arising, debate
and questions to the authors known online as the Stargate Assembly. However
this website has experienced extremely erratic access patterns and an
extraordinary level of interest from Virginia, USA, headquarters of the CIA.
Within days of full details being posted, access rates for information on the
The Stargate Conspiracy inexplicably dropped by at least 80%, whilst at the
same time monitoring from Virginia peaked at 69% of total traffic.


Despite claiming to provide customers and businesses with "an unprecedented
array of new choices", AOL's action against Egypt News appears to have acted
against the terms of the Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA), a group
devoted to the protection of free speech on the Internet, and of which AOL is
a founder member.

Speaking on May 12, 1999, David Phillips of AOL Europe, confirmed that the
ICRA initiative was being taken to provide "concerned citizens the tools to
protect their children and communities while ensuring the essential openness
and freedom of the Internet." Chairman of the ICRA board, Jens Waltermann,
added "It is not for us or for governments to decide what is inappropriate."

Further announcements made on June 10th and 17th, 1999, declared AOL to be
operating an alliance with both BSkyB and Verio Inc. Targetting both Sky
subscribers and web users via traditional forms of direct mail and television
advertising as well as by means of banner advertisements designed to
guarantee "millions of impressions" across the Internet, AOL's activities
appears to operate against their own anti-spamming principles as applied to
Egypt News.

If you thought that this issue does not affect you, the chances are that it
does now. Within such an operational framework, AOL have recently announced
intentions to provide free Internet services to all schools in the UK,
including adult education centres, most recently announcing an agreement with
the Scottish Borders Council Education Department.

And in a recent attempt to connect all of Europe's parliamentarians to the
web, Andreas Schmidt, President and Chief Executive Officer for AOL Europe
said: "All politicians, regardless of country or party, should have the same
opportunity to access, explore and use online services in the same way as
their constituents".

If AOL is indeed guilty of censorship, should the organisation take action
against itself for operating in favour of the CIA, against agreed ICRA
principles, or for its own commercial 'spamming' otherwise known as
advertising? What is the precise nature of AOL's involvement in politics and
the education of our children? Is AOL exerting self-defined 'parental
controls' on the adult global community? Whatever the case, AOL continues to
claim ease of use, convenience and unique content, whilst at the same time it
clamps down on a free newsletter promoting Egypt to an entirely voluntary


Despite such experiences, both Egypt News and the Stargate Assembly continue
to support The Stargate Conspiracy. Although AOL UK returned the email
facility of Egypt News on appeal, the newsletter feels compelled to email
their 600 subscribers in batches of only 10. Chris Ogilvie-Herald has been
looking at the possibility of reestablishing his facility on an alternative
service, reasoning that "AOL told us that if we continue operating Egypt News
in the same manner, we would again be censored and eventually the account
would be terminated". Similarly, the Stargate Assembly continues to host
information, lectures and debate in connection with the The Stargate

Further details on the unusual circumstances surrounding this book, including
a forwarding address for Egypt News, a copy of their offending email, and
details of the Stargate Assembly are available on the Internet at

Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince will be celebrating the official launch of
their book by signing copies of The Stargate Conspiracy at the Templar Lodge
Hotel, Gullane, near Edinburgh on Saturday 17th July.
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Giza Millennium Celebrations Under Threat

According to reports in the Egyptian press, the Millennium ceremony in which
a golden capstone was to be placed on top of the Great Pyramid, has been
cancelled. This is because some sections of the Egyptian government are now
worried about the Masonic symbolism involved.

The meaning of this event for American Freemasons is discussed in Chapter 7
of The Stargate Conspiracy. Briefly, to American Freemasons the symbolic
completion of the Pyramid heralds a new age in which the USA and Freemasonry
become dominant in world affairs. There are also connections with the
‘prophecies’ of Edgar Cayce.

The Egyptian official behind the ceremony, the well-known Dr Zahi Hawass,
seems to be in the firing line for agreeing to this event.

A full report can be found on the Egyptnews subscription mailing list, at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (to subscribe, send an email with ‘subscribe’ in the
subject box). Egyptnews has also posted comments by Robert Bauval on this

Robert Bauval discusses this ceremony at length in his latest book, Secret
Chamber: The Quest for the Hall of Records, and many readers will be aware
that he makes no secret of his personal belief that this ceremony would
trigger a New Age. He links it with the opening of the Hall of Records, the
fulfilment of Cayce’s prophecies and the Second Coming of Jesus.

Bauval is now very concerned about the cancellation, and is taunting the
Egyptian government by claiming that, if the event fails to materialise, they
will be the laughing stock of the world. He says that the eyes of the world
will be fixed on that ceremony, and that millions of tourists have booked to
be there. However, it is only in New Age circles – and among Bauval’s own
fans - that the capstone ceremony is awaited with such fervour. Bauval has,
after all, been the major – in fact, the only - promoter of this event as a
mystical occasion. The other events at Giza that night – most importantly
Jean-Michel Jarre’s concert and laser show – are still going ahead. It should
be a great show with or without Edgar Cayce. The desperation with which
Bauval has reacted to the news of the cancellation seems to be due to his
personal emotional investment in the importance of this event.

But what does it mean to the non-Masonic world? Surely Jesus is not waiting
for a capstone to be replaced on the Pyramid? And as for Edgar Cayce, it
never fails to amaze us that he is ever taken seriously as a prophet at all.
We have researched his prophecies thoroughly, and have yet to discover ONE
that he got right. Perhaps the fact that he was a very active Freemason
accounts for his popularity in certain quarters today.

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