-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-480637,00.html

World News

November 15, 2002

Israel outraged by 'anti-Semitic' TV drama
By Stephen Farrell and Issandr El Amrani

MIDNIGHT in Ramadan, and televisions in homes
and restaurants across Egypt flicker to life with the most controversial television
programme in years.

Knight Without a Horse have been running for just over a week, but it has already drawn
protests from Israel and the United States for incorporating elements of the Protocols 
of the
Elders of Zion, a notorious anti-Semitic tract exposed as a Tsarist forgery by The 
more than 80 years ago.

Jewish groups called for the 41-part series to be scrapped even before the alleged
offending material was aired, calling it a disgrace in one of the few Arab states to 
signed a peace treaty with Israel.

But Egyptian liberals fear that the strident protests — 46 US Congressmen wrote to
President Mubarak urging him to scrap the programme — were handled clumsily, allowing
the Government no way of saving face and creating a backlash from the programme-
makers and Egyptian public.

Nabil Osman, the Government’s official spokesman, said that judging a programme before 
was aired was a form of “intellectual and emotional terrorism”.

There is a long history of controversy between Egypt and America over anti-Semitism.

When President Mubarak made his annual trip to Washington last year Jewish groups
launched a campaign taking out full-page advertisements in American newspapers
reproducing anti-Semitic cartoons that had appeared in the Egyptian press.

American diplomats say that little has been done to restrain anti-Semitism in the state
press, particularly as the Israeli army attacks on Palestinians, which Egypt says are 
source of anti-Israeli feeling among Egyptians, have intensified and become more 

Knight Without a Horse tells the story of the region from 1855 to 1917 through the
reminiscences of one man who fought what are portrayed as Turkish, British and Zionist

Screened on the Dream satellite channel it is also transmitted on state televison and
reaches a far wider audience than Egypt’s 69 million population.

Its star, Mohammad Sobhi, accuses the Israeli lobby of manufacturing a controversy by
misrepresenting the extent to which a 41-episode series deals with the Protocols, 
which he
accepts are forged.

“The work doesn’t talk basically about the Protocols, but it’s the story of the 
struggle of a
nation against occupation and enemies,” he said.

“Does anybody have the right to confiscate my thinking? Does anybody have the right to
dictate what Egypt broadcasts without having watched the series?” The Protocols 
purport to
be a series of documents written by a secret cabal of Jewish leaders outlining a plan 
worldwide domination in the late 19th century.

In fact they are widely accepted to be an elaborate forgery by Russia’s Tsarist secret 
who plagiarized an 1864 book by the French lawyer Maurice Joly, Dialogues in Hell 
Machiavelli and Montesquieu, which attacked the despotism of Napoleon III, but made no
mention of the Jews.

The Protocols gained widespread credence before being exposed as a forgery in The
Times, after they were published in London in 1920 under the title The Jewish Peril.

Between August 16 and 18, 1921, the paper’s Constantinople correspondent, Philip 
wrote a series of devastatingly influential articles entitled The Truth about the 
Protocols: A
Literary Forgery, comparing extracts from both books to show the plagiarism.

Certainly in Cairo’s Al Mastaba cafe, where students were smoking nargila pipes and
playing cards after watching the midnight screening, Tamer, a 27-year- old journalist, 
his five friends were bemused by the fuss. Only one had ever heard of the Protocols 
the fuss.

“We have watched all the early episodes and so far it has all been about the struggle
against the Turks and British, there has been nothing about the Zionists at all,” he 
Emotions ran high, however, when the conversation turned to Israel, with near unanimity
that the two countries’ peace deal was now “dead”, a relic from the era before two
intifadas and daily scenes of Palestinian deaths screened on Al-Jazeera television.

The publisher Hisham Kassem, in his offices at the Cairo Times, sighs with frustration 
at the
decision to allow such potentially divisive material to be transmitted. Although moved 
to boredom by the uncontroversial opening episodes, he remarked: “It’s probably going 
turn anti-Semitic and ugly, if he is after a mix of the original novel and the 
Protocols — we
all know what they are.

“But when it comes to Egyptian state television insisting on broadcasting this at a 
time when
they are supposed to be actively involved in a positive way working for a settlement
between the two countries, that is when you put a question mark.”The American reaction 
confront Egypt’s beleaguered regime publicly was, he feels, “very dumb”. He said: “The
Government could not back out of this one at a time when national feelings are very 
Israeli. Blocking it or taking it off air was not an option.”

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