-Caveat Lector-

November 7, 2002

On Thursday, November 7, Chicago was hosting the Trans-Atlantic Business
Dialogue at the Sheraton Hotel and protesters were expected to be there
en masse, as they had in other cities such as Seattle, bringing
destruction to businesses in their path.  As their flyer indicated, the
meeting was being held to "bring together large European and North
American corporations with high level government officials to develop
the public policy of corporate globalization.”  The flyer gave their
websites as www.azone.org/notabd, www.chicago.indymedia.org.  I'm
including this information to try and be fair to them rather than
because I associate in any way with their agenda.

There were hints in the papers that the Chicago police were preparing.
I work in the large Chicago business area known as the Loop because of
the square formed by elevated trains over four of the streets.  For
several days prior there was no parking allowed on the streets in this
area, and this was the only clue I saw to any preparations.

The protest march was scheduled to begin at 5 p.m., at Washington and
Canal.  The primarily young protesters, who I will refer to as the
Backpack Brigade (BB), had agreed to a fixed two mile route from Boeing
headquarters to a plaza between the Chicago Tribune (newspaper) Tower
and a hotel where the meeting was taking place.  (By the way the
newspaper later reported that meeting members had been bussed out of the
hotel under police escort before 7 p.m.)  Now how could I pass up
watching a protest march when it was taking place right after work on a
street a block away?

I had noticed that all loose newsboxes and wastebaskets had been removed
from the street during the day.  I definitely wasn't prepared for what I
saw when I came to east-west Washington Street.  Daylight was gone at 5
p.m.  Buses from Cook County prison and other large vehicles were lining
the curbs of the north-south streets, surrounded by padded police.
Clumps of police in black full-riot gear stood on each corner and in
between.  On the streets, traffic was still allowed and people still
were walking on the sidewalks.  It was surreal.  Many police on cycles
and bikes cruised around.  I looked up to see police in full riot gear
looking down from the elevated platforms.  (I read police were even in
boats on the river.)  Those who had come to see the protest stood at the
curb, cameras in hand, waiting for the BB which were gathering about
five blocks west of where I was wandering.

It was obvious that the police were very tense.  Helmets came on and off
repeatedly.  Their chests and backs were padded in black; nightsticks
and other control objects dangled from their waists; padded legs fed
into black shiny boots.  Powder blue helmets with clear face shields
covered men and women giving each of them a wide shouldered, thick
chest, large leg appearance.  These were not the happy, blunt Irish cops
that one usually associates with Chicago.  These were anonymous
soldiers; a demonstration of government power and control.

A nice young police photographer was taking pictures of the street and
grubby alternative media kids were taking videos of the police for their
publications I'm sure.  Private detective and other unidentified types
moved determinedly from police group to police group.

By chance I stood about two feet from Steve Grzanich of NewsRadio 780
(WBBM-AM), who was talking with the station people.  He had his cell
phone, his head phone and a backpack that said CBS.  For those who have
heard him reporting on the radio, he's young, attractive and very
charming, and would be a good TV anchor.  He was crouching down talking
into his headphone when a big 6 foot plus policeman came to check him
out.  I loudly told the policeman that he was CBS, and he walked away.
The report which I heard in person I heard later on my car radio that

Perhaps half an hour later, the street traffic was stopped and word came
that the BB was on the move.  The busses and other vehicles were moved
into place to block off the north-south streets.  Helmets went on.  The
police moved into a single side to side line facing the street on both
sides, face shields down, feet planted two feet apart in a very
threatening stance.  They were out to show they meant business.

(Additional information from the Chicago Journal, 11/14/02, a near-West
Loop neighborhood paper …
“At Boeing headquarters half an hour before the march, battle-ready cops
outnumbered protesters five to one. Helicopters hovered overhead and
police and police were situated on rooftops with cameras and other
communications apparatus.  In the crowd, which was small but growing at
the time, plainclothes officers were anything but subtle in wielding
camcorders and digital cameras.

“Beat reporters talked about police plans to photograph everyone at the
protest before the night was over and then, using newly acquired
equipment, upload those images to headquarters for analysis and entry
into a database.  This collection of photos would then be checked
against pictures of known troublemakers and shared, in the future, with
law enforcement in other cities hosting similar events.  The concern on
the part of authorities was that out-of-state rogues might be attending,
particularly people still wanted for acts committed elsewhere at such
events.  [Police confirmed this sort of video surveillance did take

I moved to the curb to see the signs.  The BB mass of about 1000 bodies
had come, drums boom, boom, booming, filling the street curb to curb,
shouting, but not in unison.  The weather was warm and they seemed to be
a crowd of happy, idealists with simplistic homemade signs to match,
some a throwback to the kinds of exaggerated caricatures seen in leftist
publications.  There were so many "Wal-Mart is a bad neighbor" signs
that it almost looked like an anti-Wal-Mart protest.

Being me, I had to see if there were any New Age type signs, and sure
enough there was a huge cloth banner, which appeared in a large color
photo the next day in the Sun-Times, saying "Pagans against Patriarchy.”
The BB group passed my spot rather quickly.  What chilled me more than
the BB was a bold looking, black outfitted contingent of 40 policemen in
riot gear, marching in unison about 20 feet behind the BB.  They were
probably there to make sure none of the BB broke away from the back of
their group, but for those of us who are used to seeing the rag-tag end
of all other parades, it was a shock.

A few people who I talked with along the curb were genuinely puzzled by
it all and had no idea what was going on.  I decided to follow the BB to
see what I could and stayed on the sidewalk, but pretty soon the free
sidewalk space ran out and it was covered with lines of riot police as
we approached the government buildings.  It was either find a way to get
into a north-south street, all of which were blocked off to pedestrians,
or join the BB as they walked along.  One of the yellers in the BB
parade had a jacket that said SEIU (Service Employees International
Union), and I pay union dues to that group, so I guessed it would be
safe enough to walk along.  I got involved in talking with a suburban
type middle-aged guy who said he was there because he didn't like how
the elections came out.

I noticed I was being brushed by and herded more toward the inside of
the street by police who were walking past me.  As we passed the
government buildings, the lines of police facing the marchers became
thicker, two and three deep, backed by vehicles, barricades and more
lines of police behind that.  As I looked around, two very heightened
feelings came over me: one of the shock of perhaps finding myself on a
movie set for an Orwellian movie and two, of knowing what a civilian
might have felt at a Nazi night time rally, overwhelmed by the impassive
face of a massive regimented force all around.  My guess is that even
the police involved could not have known what the total picture looked
like although they were part of it.  The All-American good natured
policeman, who I talked with the next day as he and others were guarding
Daly Plaza from a few sign carriers just laughed and said all they had
been doing was establishing a "presence.”  Riot police density came down
after the government buildings were passed.

Maybe about four blocks away from the end of the march of the Backpack
Brigade, on Michigan Ave., I went back to the sidewalk and watched the
BB from a distance.  After they went past, a nice ordinarily dressed
policeman told some women they could now go back to shopping.

Except for the guy who always hands out anti-semitic material at these
things, the only handout was the BB's official single sheet flyer.  Here
is part of a paragraph from the flyer:

"The TABD meeting will be co-chaired by the Chicago-based Boeing
Corporation and the UK-based BAE systems, two of the biggest weapons
manufacturers and profiteers of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the
recent war in Afghanistan and the 11 year bombing of Iraq..."

New Age had reared its head again.  The only thing missing was Jews as
capitalists, though I'm sure that will come soon.

Several thoughts:

First, if the over 1,200 riot-geared policemen, trained at the cost of
over $2,000,000 (no authoritative information is available about numbers
and costs) had been used in a Republican run city, we would have been
hearing how Bush and the Republicans were out to destroy freedom.
Because it came about in Democrat run Chicago, there was no real
coverage.  Democrats are supposed to be liberal and incapable of this
kind of show of force, though anyone in Chicago knows that dissent from
the party line is at one's own risk.

Two, I hope the police and government do not develop a taste for this
kind of dissent control.  Use of this kind of power can become
addictive.  I hope all of the money invested in training, equipment,
etc.  goes to waste as seeing this kind of "presence" in an American
city is frightening.

Third, the protesters are very foolish idealists.  Nothing they are
doing will affect the planned change of culture.  Their kind of protest
activity, however, breaks down old forms of governing, allowing new
forms of government to surface and become standard operating procedure,
perhaps a form of "friendly" fascism that will be even worse than what
they see now.

Fourth, I also question why, if the government and the watchdog groups
have such a handle on subversive groups, they didn't know in advance
that the hard-core activity was probably in Italy this week and nothing
was really planned for Chicago.  That piece doesn't fit in the puzzle at
all, unless this was simply an opportunity for the new level of
governmental force to surface.

November 7, 2002

Coming from a Chicago Democrat family, I knew nothing about government
and politics until later on in life.  In Chicago for many many years,
one voted Democrat and that was the beginning and end of all political
knowledge.  Before my first vote, I remember being shown how to operate
a voting machine by the local alderman who was proud to show me how it
was done.  You pulled the Democratic lever and that was that.  I put him
into shock by asking how to vote for a Republican.

So it is no surprise that it was later in my life that I first came
across the name David Rockefeller.  It was when Carter was running
against Reagan.  I looked up both in Who's Who in Politics and some
other Who's Who books.  I think both had three lines each, being
governor and maybe something else.  I looked up David Rockefeller
because I was just learning about the Trilateral Commission, to which
Carter belonged.  There had to be a seven inch, small print column of
memberships, honors, credits, accomplishments under his name.  Over the
years I noticed that the Rockefeller name was always coming up in
articles, etc., and when I noticed how often the name appeared in the
politics and funding of the New Age movement, I became even more

When I learned David Rockefeller was to be at International House on the
University of Chicago campus, only sixty-one blocks away from the big
protest march, promoting his book, Memoirs, and that it was open to the
public and free of charge, I knew I had to go.  The University of
Chicago is known as a Rockefeller school.  With his decades long,
globalist business agenda, how could protesters ignore this grandson of
John D. Rockefeller?  (Adding a little complexity is that the protesters
promote the social New Age agenda as much as the Rockefellers do.)  At
International House there was no protest outside.

As I walked in, I wondered:  What they would choose as a setting fit for
such a very rich and powerful man?

The presentation was held in a small auditorium.  The stage was set with
two pink upholstered arm chairs, two small end tables, and two floor
lamps.  In the audience there were about 250 people: business school
students, middle-aged men and women, suitably dressed, and a few Hyde
Park people who attend lectures around the campus.  Overall, it was a
dignified, intelligent audience.  No photos or taping was allowed.  The
chosen format was a conversation between Don Michael Randel, the
President of the University of Chicago, and David Rockefeller.  They
came on stage.  Mr. Rockefeller is now 87 years old.  He wore a deep
gray suit with wide short, fat lapels.  One foot must be shorter than
the other, because one shoe had at least a one-inch platform.  His tie
was a subdued purplish red.  The handkerchief showed out of the pocket
in a single white pyramid.  He spoke with Larchmont Lockjaw, the style
of speaking where the lips barely move.

The above is about as interesting as it got.  The conversation was
charming, subdued and but definitely not informative.  We learned that
his father founded five International Houses, that he liked living at
International House in Chicago and came to the University of Chicago
because he admired Professor Knight.  We learned that he believes
economics must not only be concerned with the profit motive but also
with social issues.

Humor, such as it was, was based on very exaggerated, polite comments,
where one never criticizes or shows any sign of disapproval.  When
referring to David Rockefeller's interest and funding of things in New
York City, the dialogue went something to the effect that we in the
Midwest are very happy that New York is doing well and can only wish
them well, but we do have to be concerned with another city here in the
Midwest.  The same sort of statements were made about Rockefeller's
interest in Harvard.

In the question and answer session, Rockefeller was asked how he deals
with "scoundrels.”  Again, there was no criticism but only the
understanding that if things are to progress between countries, one must
work with and understand who is running things whether one likes what
the scoundrel is or is not doing.  When asked how he felt when the World
Trade Center towers, called Nelson and David for the Rockefeller
involvement, came down, he said he was surprised that people could be so
filled with hate that they would do such a thing.

We heard much personal information about his mother and father, and what
happened when there was tension between him and his children.  We
learned of the religious background of the Rockefellers and were told
that the family has left participation in formal religion behind, but
yet are now spiritual and moral.  Best advice given to him: With
opportunity goes responsibility.  Best advice to MBA graduates: Get in
and make changes.  Most proud of: His children and his work in improving
the internal relations in the bank.

There was no sign of his power in his comments.  He presented as a warm,
mellow, grandfatherly North Shore type.  Every bit of spontaneity was
repressed.  Every comment seemed calculated.  We were given absolutely
no reason or way to know who he really was.  His presence was intangible
as the smell of fresh apple pie and as hard to dislike.

Then it was over.  It was time for book signings and the reception
buffet to which everyone was invited.  A beautiful spread of cake, pie,
chocolate covered strawberries, fresh fruit, breadsticks, crackers and
cheeses, all very tastefully displayed.  The beverages were sodas and
bottled water.  Everything was graciously served.

I bought a book and awaited my turn to make personal contact.  Even this
was done courteously.  Everyone who bought a book was given a number.
Mine was 81.  If you wanted the book signed, you only had to be in line
when your number was close to coming up.

My book was taken from me and put down in front of him, turned to the
proper page for signing.  The way he looked at me I laughingly knew then
I would not make it into his electronic Rolodex of the 100,000 people he
has met, an item he mentioned in his talk.   He gently pushed my book
past him on the table.

On the spot I framed a question.  I knew I had to to look at him and ask
a question which would make human to human contact with the real David
Rockefeller, the pragmatic, bottom-line business planning globalist,
whose record said that there was nothing beyond money as the bottom
line.  "As a businessman, how much do you think this signed copy of your
book would be worth on eBay?”  With an absolutely straight face, he
responded, "I wouldn't venture a guess.”

Maybe there are things even a Rockefeller doesn't know.


When around the powerful, you can get invited to a great dessert buffet,
but you have to repress appropriately to stay at the table.

Those with money can delude themselves about the value of their social
concerns as much as noisy protesters.  The difference is that the former
can implement their concerns, and that's more dangerous.

The more powerful a group or individual is, the closer to the chest they
hold any information, important or not.  Some of us tell anyone who will
listen about our concerns.  The least powerful appear on Jerry Springer
and tell all.  There is a danger in that the more we try to absorb from
the popular culture, the more foolish we can become because all of the
stupid stuff is right out in the open and we have to search very hard
for nuggets of knowledge.

As opposed to the Rockefellers, the protesters have no sense of
tradition.  If they did, there would have been at least a couple of sign
carriers in front of International House to pay their respects and tell
the old guy that he was still a worthy opponent.

The question remains….who is the name to replace David Rockefeller who,
according to a search on the net is out selling his mellowed-out

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