-Caveat Lector-

11/26/02 9:48:05 PM, Nurev Ind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>-Caveat Lector-
>----- Original Message -----
>Because the genetic studies were made across a wide spectrum of ethnicities.
>They discovered that even though Jews lived in Europe for over 2000 years,
>very little intermarriage went on between them and their neighbors. Since John is
>a European ethnically, the statement is valid.

Except when you contradict yourself ... very little intermarriage allows for the 
possibility of
someone wayyyyyy back being related (and we won't even make the marriage records
exclusive).  You said "any" person which is like "every" or "all" or an exclusive set. 
 All I'm
askingfor is definitive proof.

>No such thing as channeled. And yes, they did do a very broad spectrum of

This is the old O'Reilly Fallacy:  statistics are facts.

>It wasn't a " vogue " dude. It was a necessity. You see Jews have this
>strange thing about wanting to survive.

And, gee, no one esle has this "strange" (your word) thing.  I always thought it was 
common to want to survive.  Most people stick to their ground when they want something
bad enough ... without getting into dead end situations.  It was indeed a "vogue" in 
that it
was only some of the people affected who espoused this "solution".  Yeah, it was
"Theodor", no "e".

>Who cares?  Since you are not Jewish, your opinion about " our thing " is totally

Ah.  More channelling.  And not a little chauvinism.  La Cosa Nostra?

>This is totally wrong. Zionism was primarily socialist, and there was also a
>right wing faction.
>But it had nothing to do with the religious motivation.

There are about five (5) different version of Zionism, and not all of them agree as to 
purpose, or methods.  Religion is the pretext, the grease that makes the wheels go, the
mixer to soften the taste.

>This is why Israel will remain a Jewish State. So that millions of Jews
>won't have to depend on people like you again.

More chauvinism.  People of all races, religions, colours, creeds, national origins, 
and the like have depended on me for quite a long time.  I tend to not differentiate 
any of them and attend to their needs according to what their requirements are.  After 
all, I
am an American.  That's *why* may ancestors came here years and hundreds of years
ago: to rid themsleves of that failed European parochial attitude that suggests that 
one is
better or different or more valuable than the rest.  No one gets their value but every 
what they're worth.
>Both populations fluctuated but the Brits restricted Jewish immigration to
>Palestine and did

Gosh!  A little sunshine peaking over the horizon.  If you've been following the 
ball, you'd have recognised the words "The Middle East is A Britlandic problem, NOT an
American one."  The problem has become that too many people around the world are too
dependent on the largesse of the U.S. rather than settling their problems in a 
digified if not
civilised manner.  There are entirely too many people in the U.S. who would benefit 
the $$$Billions that are paid in taxes but go off to shore up other peoples corrupt 
precipitating events like 11th September, 2001 or Beirut or Mogadishu or the Cole or 
... or
... or ... to suggest that there are those who are trying to carve out a niche in the 
desert so
they won't have to rely on people like me again is utterly ludicrous.  They are on the 
American taxpayers' dole.  This should be the English dole, not ours.

>I'm sure you think this is witty, but I have no idea what you mean.

You too.

>Man, are you dyzlkksik? Read the damn sentence again...
>>>>It's not the STORY in the book that gives Jews the claim. It's the
>HISTORY that gives Jews the claim.

No wit here; the STORY is the HISTORY.  The myth, the legend, the tales all are the 
THING!  No aixelsyd here.

>It's the reality of having built a culture and civilization IN THAT PLACE which makes 
>idea of return real enough for people to walk from Russia to the Middle East to re-
>establish that tie.

And I suppose it has nothing to do with Bolshevism (socialistic totalitarianism), 
stated intent to import as many people to bolster his popualtion base, the elimination 
of the
stop-overs in Eastern Europe because too many "emigres" were deciding to go elsewhere,
and the fact that many people are actually leaving because their ties are too tight?

>Are you ready to give back the American Southwest to Mexico?

Starting with Texas.

>How about the illegal annexation of Hawaii? They want their land back.

Yep.  They have Union Jack on their flag.

> I don't want to hear all this hypocritical bullshit about a situation 7,000 miles 
>away which
is really none of your damn business anyway.

When my friends and family are caused to pay taxes and to go over to th Big Sand Box 
fight little wars to prevent to overrunning of a piece of land, it is MY business.  
When I was
in line to get on the airplane (after many taxes were taken out of my paycheck) and my 
was updated, it IS MY business.  it's nice to have young fellers who can sit back in 
imperial computer lounge making protestations and be self-superior while others are 
put in harm's way.  So, you see, young feller, it besome o' them barcalounger (those 
lounge around and bark a lot) peoples who fail the credibility test.

>Keep it in mind as you continue living on land which belonged to someone
>else which was stolen by people like you.

Sorry.  You be channelling again except that channel is like HBO when you don't 
You can generally tell what might be on but it's too hard too tell.  My people were 
before -- that is prior to, in advance of, predating -- most of the people who came 
Europe.  This is what I like about people who call other people "racists": they got 
none of
all the answers.

Oh.  Stolen lands?  Don't you get why I might be upset about others stealing lands?  
It's just
something instinctual at this point, Many Tined Tongue.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth
--- Ernest Hemingway

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