I mentioned this problem on Fri Apr  9 17:02:42 BST 2021

> Subject: Video in video (in firefox or zoom)  causing crashing
> I wonder whether anyone has ideas about this. I use the ctwm window manager 
> with
> 12 virtual desktops on Fedora 32. The computer has recently frozen twice while
> videos were being displayed. In each case, when it happened I could do nothing
> with mouse and/or keyboard, and could not connect or ping from another machine
> on our home network. The only thing to do was reboot using the power off/on
> button.

I had this reply for which thanks:

> From: c...@datagubbe.se
> I've not experienced any similar bugs or crashes related specifically to 
> have, however, had trouble with Intel's i915 driver which led to similar
> behavior: screen freezing, complete lock-ups, etc. This was resolved for me
> after a few kernel upgrades (I'm currently on 5.4.0-70.) Don't know if you're
> using the i915 driver but in any case I'd check the syslog, to see if any 
> clues
> pop up there.

I wasn't sure what to look for, but did not find anything. However the problem
seems to have been fixed as follows:

Some time after reporting my problem I noticed that communication between my
current PC (new last summer), and an old machine used for backups, connected via
powerline in another room had got very slow: as shown by pings and remote login.
So I tried switching the powerline device off and on again, and that restored
normal communication. After that I tried replaying the online video that had
caused one of the crashes and it worked without any problem.

The other crash had occurred in the middle of a zoom meeting when the speaker
was showing a video, so I could not replicate that to test the fix.

I'll now just have to wait to see if the crash recurs. I'll also try to remember
to switch the powerline device off and on whenever the old PC is turned on!

Apologies for noise!


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