It's really about the new NetBSD 9.2 release but ctwm is mentioned near
the end.

Weitere Verbesserungen

Die mitgelieferte Konfiguration für den Standard-Window-Manager ctwm
wurde verbessert. Es floss Feedback der Benutzer ein, um die Bedienung
zu verbessern. Zudem behebt das neue Release Probleme mit dem


Further improvements

The included configuration for the standard window manager ctwm has been
improved. There was feedback from users to improve the usage.  The new
release fixes problems with the window focus.

___ Q: "What's an anagram of Banach-Tarski?"  -- Olaf "Rhialto" Seibert
\X/ A: "Banach-Tarski Banach-Tarski."         -- rhialto at falu dot nl

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