On Thu 01 Feb 2007 at 17:35:01 -0500, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > I'm in a bit of a cleaning frenzy, and now that I've cleaned up I18N,
> > I'm on to the next, X11R6 (or USE_SESSION in Imakefile.local).
> > My question is, is there any reason NOT to defined USE_SESSION / X11R6?
> > If that's the case, I'll clean that out.

I say, clean it out. Expecially X11R6, I think we all have that release
by now :-). The session stuff probably won't hurt but I'm uncertain if
it is actually used. I mean, is it only for use with xsm (which I
personally avoid but I think it is still a default config in at least
XFree86) or is it needed in the Freedesktop spec as well? (I envisage
working towards implementing all of that as far as it makes sense)

> > After that, I wanna to a release run, in the middle of February at the
> > latest.  Olaf, do you have something more that you're going to push
> > soon?  Does anyone else have something they think should go in?
> Well, I still have my OnTopPriority stuff, but I don't think anyone has the
> time/energy to work on it soon,

It might improve the situation on the AutoRaise windows popping in front
of their menus... which doesn't seem it can easily be fixed in the
current situation. I suppose it would help if the list of TwmWindows
were kept top-to-bottom (or perhaps bottom-to-top) all the time since it
would help with such depth priorities. The potential OpenDesktop and
existing Gnome support want to have a list of the windows in stacking
order also, so there is already a place where this is determined.
Gnome/Freedesktop also have the concept of layers, which keep some
classes of windows on top of other classes. It would also be nice for
switching workspaces, when mapping and unmapping windows could be done
in stacking order to minimize Expose events. But all that seems to be
something for later I think.

Another thing for later that I'm thinking about (but I have not dared
looking at it seriously) is the fact that the coordinate systems when
windows have 3D borders and when they have plain ones, are rather
different in where they place the origin (the x=0, y=y point) of a
window. That irks me. It seems overly complicating. But fixing that no
doubt requires attention to a lot of detail. Definitely for later.

So, summarizing, I have no current stuff to push or short-term plans for

>         Stefan
___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert      -- You author it, and I'll reader it.
\X/ rhialto/at/xs4all.nl        -- Cetero censeo "authored" delendum esse.

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