I have copied my posts here but not all of them are now found on the
search.  I'm wondering if some of them drop off due to the date. I
searched on the 15th and had 18  posts now I only have 13.  I'll
continue searching for them.

Sort by relevance     Sorted by date

The Myth of Story: A Contemporary Transformational Tale (final
paper)      Group: CulturalandTraditionalHealthandHealing
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing Abstract:
Traditional storytelling provided the community with sense of place
and common
ancestry which was somewhat lost and has now been rediscovered. In the
spirit of
storytelling, this story describes some of the changes that have
occurred. ...
11:44am by Belinda - 1 message - 1 author

Japanese forms of psychotherapy      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing The two
main forms of Japanese psychotherapy, Morita and Naikan, are not
unlike a vision
quest or possibly a lengthier fast. They use the idea of isolation to
allow the
patient enough time for self evaluation and self-illumination. ...
Aug 15 by Belinda - 2 messages - 2 authors

Food choices for America      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing I believe
that as consumers we can continue the trend by only accepting foods
that are local
and organic. It is not easy though and a slow process. We are so
accustomed to
having strawberries and other fruit available all year. ...
Aug 15 by Belinda - 6 messages - 6 authors

Women as Healers: Chapter 11      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing I think
it did. The author even suggests that "perhaps the emotional demands
of mental
health care are more compatible with women's ideas and self-
Additionally, I found the idea of the "wounded healer" very
interesting. ...
Aug 12 by Belinda - 13 messages - 11 authors

The Power of Ceremony      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing Thanks
Mona, Its great advice. I try not to let them discourage me too much.
B On Aug
11, 2:26 am, monaraehill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi Belinda: You
said: "We
have managed a few even though my children think I am a little "weird"
at times. ...
Aug 12 by Belinda - 19 messages - 13 authors

What is a Miracle?      Group: CulturalandTraditionalHealthandHealing
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing Laurel,
It truly is amazing. There have even been scientific studies on the
effects of
prayer, even intercessory prayer. I can recommend two books that
discuss the
studies; You may want to check them out. Mosby's Complementary &
Alternative ...
Aug 12 by Belinda - 9 messages - 7 authors

Acculturation and psychosocial consequences      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing In
reading the chapter about Coast Salish, I have once again come across
the theme
that acculturation is a cause of psychosocial consequences. They
consider that
the younger generations are suffering from sociocultural deprivation
in very ...
Aug 10 by Belinda - 5 messages - 5 authors

Definition of Healing      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing Elise, I
really like that first quote. I think that the trick, as a healer, is
to not get
into the blame game but to express the predicament as a vehicle to
move from one
stage of life to another. On Aug 10, 2:39 pm, elise.matth. ...
Aug 10 by Belinda - 29 messages - 10 authors
Definition of Healing      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing Randy,
thanks for sharing. I have met a few people that have connected with
their spirit
guides. I can't say that I have as yet. Although, I definately have
which is probably coming from someone since I certainly can't explain
the ...
Aug 10 by Belinda - 29 messages - 10 authors
Definition of Healing      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing Andrei,
you seem to be quite an expert on the spirit world. But, my question
is still
the same. What draw does the earthly plain have to the spirit world?
It feels
somewhat egotistical to assume that humanity is the center of their
healing or ...
Aug 10 by Belinda - 29 messages - 10 authors

Sort by relevance     Sorted by date

Acculturation and psychosocial consequences      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing In
reading the chapter about Coast Salish, I have once again come across
the theme
that acculturation is a cause of psychosocial consequences. They
consider that
the younger generations are suffering from sociocultural deprivation
in very ...
Aug 10 by Belinda - 5 messages - 5 authors

Definition of Healing      Group:
culturalandtraditionalhealthandhealing Elise, I
really like that first quote. I think that the trick, as a healer, is
to not get
into the blame game but to express the predicament as a vehicle to
move from one
stage of life to another. On Aug 10, 2:39 pm, elise.matth. ...
Aug 10 by Belinda - 29 messages - 10 authors
Definition of Healing      Group:
Belinda Gunnell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have been thinking over the components to healing which might work
in to your
definition. The one component in particular that interests me is that
it seems
to be necessary for either the patient or the healer or maybe both
to ...
Aug 2 by Belinda Gunnell - 29 messages - 10 authors

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