Good summary.


On Jun 21, 4:21 pm, Diane Perrin <> wrote:
> D.      What do elders expect mental health practitioners to know?
> In Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona’s research with 19 traditional healing
> elders, twelve core principles were developed through a narrative
> inquiry format.  These core principles were such that the elders felt
> necessary for mental health professions to understand in order to
> successfully provide services for indigenous peoples.  According to
> the research, the elders “proposed that implementing these principles
> could influence the way that psychiatry, psychology, and social work
> are taught and practiced by impacting mental health training programs
> to include more culturally appropriate concepts and practices for
> indigenous people.”
> Following are summaries of the twelve key concepts developed from the
> research:
> 1.      Genuine listening is very important for the healing process.  This
> includes talking, dreams, and story.  They discussed the importance of
> knowing as much as possible of a person’s story and that the illness
> itself was part of the story.  Listening equals respect.  It was
> suggested that teaching the art of listening could be more important
> that diagnosing.
> 2.      Teach a Relational Model of the Self.  The elders did not believe
> in an ‘authentic’ self, but a self that was a story built around the
> relationships with other people: “first, through the mother, second,
> through the peers, and third, through the broader media representing
> the stories of culture.”
> 3.      Teach how to help people and groups find their own solutions to
> problems rather than relying on externally imposed solutions.  They
> believed helpers are to assist people in finding their own way and
> that emphasizing the individual and isolating him from the community
> leads to social disruption, thus making it difficult for the community
> to develop local solutions.
> 4.      Teach that people are self healing.   Nature is self-healing and we
> are a part of nature. It is necessary to start a conversation with
> nature, and it isn’t necessary to know the solution.
> 5.      Teach students to be selfless of intent. The elders believed it was
> essential to hold the highest good of the person being healed above
> all other considerations of personal reward.  Healing should start
> with the community rather than as an after thought.
> 6.      Teach students to be passionate about their work.  The elders want
> genuine interest and passion from practitioners.
> 7.      Assist students to maintain some independence from politics. Dr.
> Mehl-Madrona’s experience explained how “conventional medicine could
> make indigenous healing ineffective by taking away the relationships,
> the community and treating various therapies as interchangeable units,
> just like drugs.”
> 8.      Teach student the importance of faith, hope and the power of the
> activated mind. “Your mind must be empty in order to hear the
> spirits,” according to one elder.
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