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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Diane Perrin" <>
To: "CulturalandTraditionalHealthandHealing" 
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: Diane’s Post Assignment Week 4:

While I admired and loved my grandmother, our personalities were quite
different, but we did share some of the same talents, like art and
crafts (and scrabble!).    In reading about ‘Healing and Self-Healing
on Anadyr River’ in that culture there was comment on receiving
knowledge from the dead elders, usually their own old people, and it
seemed that it skipped a generation or two.  That might be the
situation with my grandmother, with my life’s happenings echoing hers,
perhaps she was helping me behind the scenes.

On Jul 8, 3:49 am, Lewis Mehl-Madrona <> wrote:
> She sounds really awesome and quite an inspiration. What do you make
> of the similarities between your life and hers?
> LEwis
> On Jul 6, 5:45 pm, Diane Perrin <> wrote:
> > P. Describe some stories of transformation from your own cultures of
> > origin.
> > One of my transformation stories from my culture is about my
> > grandmother, Elina, known to me as Memere. She was a tiny, energetic,
> > French Canadian woman and my hero as a young girl. My grandfather
> > died and left her a widow at age 54 with a 16 year-old daughter still
> > at home. Memere never worked outside the home, having given birth to
> > 9 children, one of whom, Rene, died at 18 months during the Spanish
> > influenza epidemic, and another, Lorraine (after whom I was named)
> > died about 8 from spina bifida. Elina was quite outspoken, very loyal
> > to family and quite talented in music and crafts.
> > Memere made the most of life and, as I said previously, she was my
> > hero. She went to work as a waitress in a private dining room at a
> > quarry after my Pepere died to make ends meet, walking a couple miles
> > down the hill, and back up at the end of her shift. My special treat
> > during the summers was to stay with her while she sewed my wardrobe
> > for school. We would play cards and scrabble, and at night read in
> > bed. As the oldest of 9, having her all to myself was very special.
> > She had several suitors, but never remarried saying, “the old goats
> > just wanted someone to raise their children.” She managed quite well
> > for herself and worked until about 75 when she had a stroke. She
> > lived until 89, as they say, ‘sharp as a tack’ until the end.
> > I was widowed at 52 with a 16 year-old son still at home. My husband
> > and I had a business with 22 employees and, while I had always worked
> > in the business in the accounting and marketing end of it, he was the
> > main force. I decided to continue to run it for various reasons, even
> > though I knew it would be a difficult transition. I have always
> > tended to ‘go with the flow’ and do what was expected of me. This
> > would require some major changes and personal struggles. I can’t tell
> > you how many times I thought about my grandmother’s courage to
> > overcome her obstacles during this period in my life, yet keep her
> > ability to enjoy life, to be creative and be surrounded with loving
> > family and friends. After some major challenges, I was able to
> > successfully run the business for 7 years, and sold it when it was
> > time. Over the years I have come to realize that we have what we need
> > inside of us, even if we don’t realize it. My grandmother’s story of
> > overcoming her challenges with grace and wit influenced my own story
> > and inspired my own transformation.

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