Yoruba is similar to European herbalism in its oldest roots.  It is
founded on the theory that the body becomes inhabited by worms or bugs
that develop into dangerously large colonies and then cause disease or
disharmony.  Yoruba states that the female mensuration is the result
of these bugs overflowing and as a result the female bleeds to release
the necessary toxins.  Plants and songs are often used for treatment
along with offering to gods and ancestors.  Although the ancestors are
not worshiped in the same way that many traditional Chinese religions
worship ancestors, they are respected.  It is believed that our
relatives are individuals with which we have strong spiritual ties and
that although death separates us in form the ties still remain and the
ancestors in the other world have increased spiritual strength.  Foods
that are rich in flavor are seen to contribute to imbalances and can
be counteracted with bitters and specific herbs.  This notion that
dietary imbalances cause physical imbalances is aligned with herbalism
and the use of bitters is seen in many traditional practices.  Many
traditional therapies include the use of song in healing, yoruba is no
different.  Although the use of song separates Yoruba from western
medicine and herbalism is is aligned with the beliefs of many
The Yoruba practitioner, much like a western doctor spend a lifetime
learning the healing practices and the various plants and herbs.
Unlike western medicine but somewhat reminiscent of herbalism plants
must be harvested at certain times and be given certain prayers and
songs during harvesting to assure and fortify their magical and
healing abilities.  Herbalism, while officially talking little of
plants magical abilities, speaks to the need to harvest intelligently
and to be aware of the plants energy and surrounding energy of the
location from which it is harvested and the energy of the
practitioner.  In herbalism, although specific songs are not taught
for specific plants, the need for gratitude and the recognition of
such gratitude is stressed.  Although this is a weak interpretation of
giving offering, it is non-the less a similarity.
Similar to acupuncture Yoruba believes that the individual who is
suffering is often in pain due to an imbalance with their own
relationship spiritually to the earth or another person.  Although
there is no formal talk of an individuals Qi there is talk of
imbalances caused by past actions or the actions of others.  Malicious
or acts committed without caring can have clear negative effects on
ourselves and others.  The notion that actions can cause future
spiritual imbalances is similar to the Buddhist belief of Karma,
simply stated that all life is a series of cause and effect.  Yoruba
beliefs that these imbalances can be doctored by a shaman or priest
who is capable of communing with the spirit world and readjusting
imbalances, through song and sacred plants.  I was amazed in my
readings to find how specific the similarities of Yoruba were to the
shamanistic practices of Brazil.  In Brazil, plants and herbs are
used, harvested sacredly, at specific times and sung sacred songs,
depending on the plant being harvested.  The shaman sings songs to
ignite the power of the plant spirit and initiate the healing process,
while also evoking the power and strength of the gods for the
healing.  Also similar  is the notion that disease is the result of an
imbalance which can be adjusted by a shaman.  These similarities leave
me feeling both bewildered and at home.  Although I am amazed at the
continuity I am also comforted by the human family that feels all that
much closer by such commonalities.  I am however left feeling curios
about the origins of South American shamanism and wondering if there
has been any cross cultural integration or inspiration throughout the
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