The world is full of stories relating actual or
imagined experiences that have been recorded on paper or have been
passed down through oral transmission.  The forsight and the presence
of those who had been given the treasures held within the stories, has
been one of the attributes that I see that has not been spoke about at
length. The insight of the story keepers is something that is cloaked
in mystery,  how could they have known that the information that had
offered to the right people at the right time was universal and not
exclusive to the individual? Yet thr story shared had all the
necessary components that enables the seekers to give themselves
permission to change the way in which they engage life. We as human
beings have been running around on this earth experienceing life long
enough to see the similarities that we have in common: we are all
experiencing life with individualized perspectives.
                 Story tellers of old and elders that were naturally
closer to death had a great deal to share about a world that existed
before the lives of the younger generation had begun. What these
individuals observed was the stories that they were told had been
passed down to them with the specific intent of reinforcing the belief
that change occurs at the right time in the correct manner. The story
tellers were keen observers and exquisite listeners.  They listened to
the way people did things and were intent on trying to feel what
people were telling them. It seems plausible that the story tellers
were required to release their own agenda so that the circumstances of
the community could be observed with a greater deal of clarity. The
issues a community were experiencing could be addressed with a
substantial deal of certainity as to the steps that needed to be taken
to bring about balance with in the group.
                At this time another character  is to be addressed so
that the equation of how does the community bring about healing of the
individual and how does the community benefit from the evolution that
the individuals progresses through.  This missing link is the entity
named "community". The community has a character that can easily be
seen when a person comes into a house hold that is not their own. Last
month a relative got married, at the reception the families were
existing at the phyical location but only at specific situations
revealing of the character of the families were taking place, on the
dance floor was the clearest place because self expression were
               The telling of our own personal story to ourselves
through reflecting on our life experience(s) enables people to do two
things at one time in essence being two places at one time. The story
of our lives has all the material that is needed to enable the person
to see the neagative in a positive light.  While traveling down memory
lane with the fear of memories that do not seem to have a constructive
nature could have adverse affects on persons who can not accumulate
the will the look at these expereinces with the intent of finding the
positive in them. Like the shadow that follows us around, just because
we can turn our backs on them does not mean that they will disappear.
The alternative is to move into the shadow with the intent of finding
the diamond in the ruff so that it's meaning can be brought into the
light of correct understanding so that rebirth can come after the
death of a perception that is not relevent in the present life. What
this does is bring one to the theory: do past lives and the
perceptions that were held at that time affect the present "life" a
person is living? Are the things that we are working through,
"perceptions" that some how come back to us even as we are born into a
life that does not require us to perceive life in a certain manner.
The necassity of riding horses is not prevelent in what is understood
to be modern society, yet some are born with the inherent ability to
ride, and the horses seem to sence that the person in question is safe
to be around.
             What is relevent is that all the stories that people have
created by living and all the stories that have yet to be lived are
what have enabled the stories of old to be given robe to wear or a new
life to be interpretted through.

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