Wow.  What a story!  So differently from the morbid funerals of USA.  I
would have loved to have seen this procession and this refutation of the
western world view.


On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 3:42 PM, ben <> wrote:

> When in elementary school we had a foreign exchange student move in
> with us from Indonesia. Her name was Deborah and she would end up
> staying with us for many years. At first I was confused about why she
> was here and where she had come from, but slowly I became more and
> more aquatinted with her and the culture from which she came. One of
> my favorite foods that she would make was black bean pudding, a treat
> that was sweet and reminiscent of tapioca with the great texture of
> black beans and the smooth creaminess of sweet milk. As I got to know
> Deborah more and more, I slowly learned more about where she had come
> from, and piece by piece, story by story I began to put together an
> image of the place she called home. In the world where she came from,
> hills sprung up like knives from the ground covered in shimmering
> trees and forests so thick that from a distance they looked as if they
> were covered in moss. In the place she called home, there was a snake
> that hid in the tall grasses and would attack and eat any one it
> could, it would grow to be huge and was called the two-step, because
> that was how long you had to live after being bitten. In the place she
> called home, the villagers would wear masks on the back of their heads
> when harvesting rice, this made the tigers think that they were being
> watched and prevented them from attacking. She told stories of head
> hunters, and tribes that lived deep in the jungle never seen by
> foreign eyes. One time she told me the story of how they buried people
> in her village and the miracle that took place... When a family member
> died the precession was called and the priest of the village was
> arranged for the ceremony. The family washed and prepared the body
> while friend of the deceased were notified by runner throughout the
> villages (by now they probably have Iphones and WiFi). The people were
> buried in the hill on a steep rock face that graves would be carved
> out of when necessary. This was the way it had been done for as long
> as anyone could remember.  The whole village would gather at the base
> of the burial mountain and the procession would begin. Nice things
> would be said, tears shed, prayers made and dancing, of course
> dancing. The priest would lead song and the woman and elders would
> begin the dancing. At first the dancing would begin slow and then
> build, and build. The men and children would gather then the family
> the teenagers, the village madmen would join, all dancing in an
> ecstatic gesture to show their love for someone now watching in a
> different place. The music would build as drummers came from near by
> villages after hearing the commotion. As the dancing increased and the
> music sped up the people began to form two lines. Two long rows of
> dancing villagers singing in tongues and furiously flailing their arms
> and bodies, as if to prove to the gods that they not the ones for whom
> the ritual was being held, as if to say, yes god I AM ALIVE! The
> villager formed two lines both tracing a long dancing path to the base
> of the hill where the body was to be buried amongst stone and
> ancestor. The priest would then take the body of the deceased and
> stand at the end opposite the burial mountain and as the singing and
> dancing came to a climax the miracle would occur. As the villagers,
> dancing eyes closed throats open and hearts beating danced faster and
> faster, the body would rise, slowly at first and eventually stand on
> its feet. Then step by step, drum beat by drum beat, the body would
> walk, past its family, past its village, past its elders and drummers,
> toward its final resting place. The body would walk through the
> procession and up the mountain into its grave carved for its
> placement. Then down in the village the singing would stop, the body
> gone, and the ceremony over, the loved one buried.
> This story meant a lot to me as a kid, and still to this day fills me
> with wonder and magic.  This is the story of a miracle tied together
> by the fabric of a village and family so interconnected that they
> could raise the dead.  So interconnected that the power of their
> belief defies what the western world has labeled as impossible.
> Sometimes a miracle is just a miracle.
> >

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