It is always interesting to learn different viewpoints from other
cultures, about anything.  Gaining knowledge through dreams is
fascinating, but a bit difficult for me to absorb.  I'm not saying I
don't believe it.  It is probably a learned process. You're right that
people perhaps don't speak of it because it isn't easily understood.


On Sep 21, 11:20 am, Andy <> wrote:
> This chapter on the nature of Islamic and Arab health care I found to
> be quite informative. I up to this point in my life have had not a
> great deal of interest in the Islamic world view.  This is not a
> result of views generated from the events of September 11th.  I have
> just never really taken the time to get to know this way of life.
>         I have during my life heard about the “evil eye” and what it has been
> known to create in the lives of those who have been in the sights of
> it.  The evil eye seems to be a “look” that is caste on someone who
> someone “envies” for example the possession of  large amounts of money
> or some form of accumulate wealth. The evil eye maybe is a means to
> remind people that there is an element  of the “self” that doesn't
> know when enough is enough.  I found this to be fascinating because
> this example of human interaction seems to suggest that people can
> influence the reality “condition” of a given situation. Or somehow
> gain access to the reality of the future.  I believe that this is the
> power that the churches of antiquity sought to conceal in order to
> gain the will of the minds of portions of humanity.  If people began
> to realize that some how they were at times in their lives conduits
> for energetic expression and were able to some how make a connection
> between expressions of god and the expression of the body then maybe
> be all the human being  need to be presented with is the opportunity
> to comprehend something that points towards what God or even the
> creation of “satan”.
>         The validity of adhering to a vision of reality that acknowledges
> something beyond the   physical nature of the life on earth allows
> people to expand their awareness of potential that is inherent in the
> expression of the “self”. The evil eye represents an expression of the
> maybe what can be called the “heart”. If a person does not have a
> compassionate heart then they express themselves in a manner that is
> considered “evil”, possibly.  Within the world that is created by
> Allah there is much more than the light that come from that which move
> that which moves. I do not claim to know more than I know but my
> understanding of God or higher powers, places me in a position to have
> some form of commual discussion between the influences of my life and
> me.  Why deny that which is understood by the person individually.
> Every one is given the opportunity to merge with the infinite, why
> deny it for others.  I just see the “evil eye” as means to create
> doubt in the humans intuitive tendency to “trust” in the will of the
> universe.
>          The advocating of a parallel reality that interacts in the version
> that we as people know to be. The reality of the Jinn and its
> influence on the reality that can be called “life”again make a great
> deal of sense from the perspective that the human is capable of
> working with energy.  So if the energy is accessible or ready for the
> human the only thing left to do is initiate the meeting of the two at
> the point where the human being becomes conscious.  This type of stuff
> is ethereal and easily lost, with this in mind knowledge of life
> passed down through the generation of a society or a small group of
> families becomes stories as means to keep the appeal of the knowledge
> within the story interesting to  the generations that will become.
> This is where in this train of thought where everyone is given a
> responsibility that is accurate expression of themselves and a means
> of providing support to the world at large.
>         The idea of spirit possession and the cult of the Zar point to a view
> of health care maintenance that is much more all encompassing then I
> see here in the United States.  The allopathic medical model seems to
> have isolated the human body from outside influences.  The picture
> that comes to mind is a body on a stretcher with minimal light
> surrounding it. Claiming to gain knowledges and insight from ancestors
> through the medium of dreams as the “zar” does a few things: it in
> some respects gives credences to the validity of historical accounts
> of  spirits or presences affecting the health or wellbeing of and is a
> direct passage to the observation of the behaviors of a people in the
> ages that have come to pass already.
>         Do not people claim that truth's are revealed in a way that is clear
> through dreams all the time.  The number of occurrences made public
> would be greater if the people could count on their  personal
> experiences not being disputed because the messages are not easily
> understood by the  community.   I found this chapter in the texts to
> be insightful because of its revealing of  societies and religions
> that recognizes influences that are not entirely good or not entirely
> evil
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