On Thu, 2 Sep 2021, Weston Schmidt via curl-library wrote:

I realize I'm proposing something counter to your goal of keeping the soname unchanged, but - this would be a great opportunity to remove APIs like the maprintf() group if you're still interested.

Yes, I realize that. But...

1. A lot of people (users, distros, vendors, customers) will get all worked up if we do. I just don't think the cleanups we can do is worth the negativity and shock waves that will follow.

2. libcurl's abi and unparalleled compatibility is one of things I am most proud of in the entire curl story and the design of the library. It would be a shame to break the streak without a strong(er) reason.

To a lesser extent also:

3. Discussing breaking the ABI for "cleanups" will open up for so much discussion and debate of all sorts of things to fix, remove, add or give a new layer of paint. Time and efforts we can spend more wisely I think.


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