On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 05:22:59PM -0400, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
> > The intention is to have an independent and self-contained toolchain, to
> > avoid any explicit or implicit restrictions/assumptions of the existing
> > building routines.
> I don't understand.  You will work very, very hard to construct a cross

Oh I hope it will not have to be heroic :)

> build framework as robust as build.sh, and why?  Because you think there

Nor do I mean to imitate build.sh.

> might be some "restrictions/assumptions" nobody might have noticed or
> be willing to fix?

Exactly. More often than not I happen to notice arbitrary restrictions
and assumptions which people tend to perceive as natural.

> If you tell build.sh to build the tools, that's all it does: build an
> independent and self-contained toolchain.  Everything you need ends up
> in the tooldir.  No need to build any other parts of NetBSD.

I believe it is more appropriate to begin from scratch than to (try to)
use build.sh for what I need.

> Why duplicate effort?

This is not a duplication but a separate effort with different goals.


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