On Nov 7,  3:57pm, petri.laa...@asd.fi (Petri Laakso) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: raspberry pi panic 7.0_BETA after install fs resize

| Would "reboot -n" be better in wiki page rather than just reboot?
| https://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/evbarm/raspberry_pi/

Yes, absolutely. Another thing to be careful with the WAPBL. The
best thing to do is drop WAPBL before resizing, reboot and put it
back afterwards.  Perhaps even the resize_ffs program should be
modified to detect the root case, refuse to do it if WAPBL is
present (for any filesystem) and warn to reboot -n like fsck does
when it modifies root...

Why don't you try to code it? It should not be too hard :-)


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