On 10/31/14 21:01, Petri Laakso wrote:

I'd got panic when doing 7.0_BETA file system resize for raspberry pi after
install. I compiled system using build.sh:

         build.sh command:    ./build.sh -j4 -m evbarm -u -U release
         build.sh started:    Fri Oct 31 20:33:32 EET 2014
         NetBSD version:      7.0_BETA
         MACHINE:             evbarm
         MACHINE_ARCH:        earm
         Build platform:      NetBSD 6.1.4 amd64
         HOST_SH:             /bin/sh
         MAKECONF file:       /etc/mk.conf
         TOOLDIR path:        /work/nb/tooldir
         DESTDIR path:        /work/nb/destdir
         RELEASEDIR path:     /work/nb/release
         Updated makewrapper: /work/nb/tooldir/bin/nbmake-evbarm
         Successful make release
         build.sh ended:      Fri Oct 31 21:55:27 EET 2014

I wrote resulting rpi.img to SD card and realized that I need to resize file
system to extract pkgsrc. On multiuser I did disklabel part of the resize
and then restarted system to single user after that to do rest.

I followed mostly instructions from


except I did disklabeling against instructions when I was still in multiuser
mode... I don't know had this anything to do with panic.

Anyways in single user after "sync" and "reboot" the system paniced. I was too "busy" and didn't take full stack trace, sorry about that. But maybe this has
some data for someone who might have had similar issue.

"Screenshot": http://www.asd.fi/~petri/tmp/rpi_panic.jpg

PS. System seems to work just fine despite of panic. (currently extracting
Petri Laakso

OK, we figured out what the problem was here and it's just been
fixed in -current and the netbsd-7 branch.


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