On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 11:59:12PM +0200, logothesia wrote:
> route(8) for a while, and all my attempts to coax it into inserting a
> route to an interface in a different subnet than the gateway's so far
> have failed. 

route add -iface 

should work.

> > I expect that you will need to dig deeper into WireGuard. It's quite
> > possible that this is a bug in WireGuard. Or you might just have something
> > misconfigured. I don't know anything about WireGuard and only a little bit
> > about PPPoE.
> Oh, I probably should have shared my config to begin with, my bad- here
> goes:

I can reproduce your issue on my wg(4) setup, it is not specific to your
setup (and I was suprised by the behaviour too).


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