On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Remko Lodder wrote:

     Well do notice that I am not against the link itself, I am against
     the way it was being done. doceng@ is not the proper entity for
     these kind of things, they coordinate the development of documentation
     and they assign/accept new commitbits. They cannot be seen as the
     portmgr@ or core@ teams. The proper way is and should be by contacting
     the webmasters mailinglist on www@ and ask for the change there. This
     way the webmasters team can either commit it and/or do additional

     As the "harm" already had been done, we should not remove the link
     now (esp. with your reasoning), but I request that this will be
     done the proper way the next time, and we should (www/doc team) really
     consider some kind of guideline for new links (To avoid the overload
     of information we once had with the old site).

     Does that sound reasonable to you Robert?

I think we're in agreement.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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