
I got your point but should be nice at least to advise when you change 
the way the product works. I just asked because I´m testing the new 
version together with the CVS Suite Trial exactly to see if it is 
interesting for me to buy the comercial version and thought it could be 
a side effect of that. But if it is a new March Hare policy you should 
at least warned about that.

Sorry to have bothered you, I will remove the message by myself until I 
decide do buy or not the commercial version.


Tony Hoyle escreveu:
> Clóvis Garcia Marcondes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After installed the new 2.5.04 CVSNT Server (Free) the text below is 
>> been inserted into my commit messages:
>> Committed on the Free edition of March Hare Software CVSNT Server.
>> Upgrade to CVS Suite for more features and support:
>> Is there anyway to disable that or I will have to go back to the 2.5.03?
> You could just buy a copy.
> The development, testing and support of cvsnt (and evs) takes up a lot 
> of time and money.  The software is then given away free, no strings 
> attached.
> For this all you have to do is cope with an unobtrusive message on 
> commit.  There are even multiple ways to disable that if you dig around 
> the source a bit.
> Arthur once calculated that if 1% of the people who download cvsnt each 
> year bought 1 copy, we'd be able to hire 3 programmers.  That would mean 
> a much better product, better support, and it would still be free for 
> the 99%.
> It pains me to have to do something even so minor.. I'd love everything 
> to be free but unfortunately I haven't yet managed to perfect a way to 
> live without food or a roof over my head.
> Tony
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