> Really, there are so many clients out there that it's not something that 
> really factors into it.. and there are as many different ways of 
> interacting with a repository as there are clients.  Everyone has their 
> favourites - the key to making it all work is at the server side.

Probably most *nix developers feel at home with the command line client. On 
the Windows side, I've listened to many complains about the lack of a good 
GUI towards CVS. I know that ther are many, but as long as the better one 
are commercial product, as I already wrote Barret, companies will spend 
their money in the GUIs if the open source ones like Tortoise or WinCVS 
don't fit their needs, and won't buy the commercial version of CVSNT because 
it's free and they already paid the GUI to make it work. Most managers who 
sign the bill don't understand very well why we should by a VCS and then buy 
a GUI separately.

IMHO if CVSNT Pro offered a very good GUI which can take advantage of the 
advanced features - developed internally or licensed - the perceived value 
would increase a lot - company would have to buy one tool to get everything, 
like most commercial VCS offer. What's inside the box now, customized 
version of open-source projects, looks not enough, IMHO.

Luigi D. Sandon 

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