Hello Arthur,

I think that you are right. I cannot think off any reasons why i should
have multiple repositories at one server.

The only thing i can think about is when you need to tranfer the complete
repository to a customer for which you did the project.
You then can tranfer the complete repository together with all the

Thank you for you answer and best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Arthur Barrett [mailto:arthur.barr...@march-hare.com]
Sent: vrijdag 2 april 2010 3:41
To: w.vd.mor...@hccnet.nl; cvsnt@cvsnt.org
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] New feature (sorting on columns in


> We are using for each project a seperate repository.
> Every project starts with a 3-digit-number. It
> would be nice to have the possibility to sort the columns:
> name, Root and Description in the "Repository Configuration"-tab.

Except in vary rare circumstances - most people should have just one
repository.  We have deliberately not added features that make managing
multiple repositories easy because we want to discourage people setting
up multiple repositories when it is not needed.

ACLs allow you to restrict permissions on individual modules/directories
within a repository.

If you can explain WHY you need so many repositories we would be happy
to look at your suggestion again.


Arthur Barrett

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